SNAP study is just gross



  • devo182
    devo182 Posts: 38 Member
    Well this discussion was productive haha :) Back to things I have control over like a healthy meal and exercise. Get back to work y'all! hahaha
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    How dare poor people eat cake? Filthy moneygrubbing peasants should subsist on vienna sausages and bananas. Cake is for people of means.
  • Keto_Keith
    You are unable to buy vitamins with SNAP, but a 24 pack of Mt. Dew and some Oreos -- no problem...
  • nanabhealthy
    nanabhealthy Posts: 2 Member
    Believe me, they know what is allowed & what isn't. I was behind a lady in the store who paid for pop, snacks, and chips with her "access card" and then paid cash for her new red (very sexy) nightie and cigarettes... they know the rules.
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    my roommate participated in SNAP a few years back, and we were both trying to eat healthy and lift hard. he didn't buy crappy food with his money
  • grayprae
    grayprae Posts: 109 Member
    I am on snap benefits I go to school full time and My husband has a good job. I have worked since I was 14 and now at 31 can finally go back to school and earn a degree. I did all the right things and feel that I have earned the right to be in the program, my point is that not everyone in the program is lazy and not wanting to work. I can also tell you that this year my kids would not get a birthday cake if there were these restrictions and I mostly buy good health food. I no that is no one else fault but my own that that I am in the program but I am thankful for it. Maybe a more reasonable solution is to withhold benefits until the person completes a nutritional class that is how Wic does it.
  • karylee44
    please don''t lump all SNAP users in the same category..... i cant even buy my kids sneakers (they all have holes in their shoes) and buy all our "new" clothing at goodwill..
  • MommaSpunk
    I think you need to mind your own business. I had to be on snap when I was going to school because my useless husband wouldntbwork, we are divorced now. I didn't buy junk food for my family unless it was a special occasion, birthday, etc. Not Halloween, I sent them out and shut off my light. I bought meat from the reduced bins, bought only good food that was on sale, no pop, coffee, etc. I am now making enough money and paying back in taxes what I used plus some.
    I think you should walk a couple of months in someone else's shoes before you pass judgement on the snap group.
    Are there some who abuse it? Yep there, there are also companies hiring 970 lawyers and accountants so they don't have to pay taxes. And politicians who are cheating on their taxes. Much bigger things to worry about than poor people actually getting to choose what they want to buy with tax dollars.

  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    In order to ensure that poor people don't have access to food they're not allowed to eat, I think welfare offices should do away with food stamps and instead hand out a sack of flour and a can of beans per week.
  • MommaSpunk
    You are unable to buy vitamins with SNAP, but a 24 pack of Mt. Dew and some Oreos -- no problem...

    Now vitamins ..multi vitsI think should be allowed!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Thankfully I have never had to resort to welfare or food stamps etc to feed my family. I think, judging by some of the posts, people forget that the vast majority of recipients have worked and paid taxes in the past and would much rather be working. Are there abusers, of course but there are also lots of "respectable" people who willingly cheat on their taxes.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Although I hate not being able to chose where my tax money goes to in general.

    ^^^^Dear God, isn't this the truth!!!!!

    Move to to a different country where you don't have to pay taxes. Simply solution really.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    To be honest, I think the real issue here is' why is junk food or food that is yummy & tasty to most of us but nutritionally void of any good so damn cheap in the first place'?

    I started several months ago changing my shopping habits, thinking that buying more produce & restricting processed foods would help out my wallet as well. I was surprised to find out how expensive "real" food actually is.

    When choosing between a can of spaghettios that will fill your kid's belly for a few hours VS.. forking out a lot more money for healthy food, well...a lot of people just don't have the time, knowledge, energy, patience and fortitude to do the planning to make healthy shopping on a budget happen.

    I don't think junk food companies are the enemy, but I think it's a damn shame that the worst foods out there are so damn cheap that they're all a lot of people can afford.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    They should post armed guards at the entrance to the grocery store to keep out the undesirables and let the poor people rummage through the dumpsters out back for expired meat like God intended.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    I'm shocked and disgusted that seafood is an eligible food on this program. Next you'll be telling me they're letting poor people eat vegetables. What is this world coming to?!
  • aekaya
    aekaya Posts: 163 Member
    I think you need to mind your own business. I had to be on snap when I was going to school because my useless husband wouldntbwork, we are divorced now. I didn't buy junk food for my family unless it was a special occasion, birthday, etc. Not Halloween, I sent them out and shut off my light. I bought meat from the reduced bins, bought only good food that was on sale, no pop, coffee, etc. I am now making enough money and paying back in taxes what I used plus some.
    I think you should walk a couple of months in someone else's shoes before you pass judgement on the snap group.
    Are there some who abuse it? Yep there, there are also companies hiring 970 lawyers and accountants so they don't have to pay taxes. And politicians who are cheating on their taxes. Much bigger things to worry about than poor people actually getting to choose what they want to buy with tax dollars.


    yes, best comment in this hot mess of a post.
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member

    I will probably be reported for this, but oh well. Truth hurts sometimes....

    It isn't YOUR money to decide what to do with! If the government GIVES you something, then they indeed have the right to regulate how the money is used. IF you would like to be free to purchase what your heart desires, I suggest earning your own money. Simple solution, really.

    You'd think this was solely YOUR money. I guess you never misuse anything provided for YOU from the public purse. If my contribution is greater than yours, then you should be able to use "less" than me. So get off my road and out of my school and leave that book in the library!

    Lot of negative assumptions being made about people in receipt of welfare. Of course putting other's down/ separating ourselves as the great and good does always make us feel better doesn't it?
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