What was your moment of "enough is enough"?



  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    several years ago i injured my back..i was always a big guy but after that i did less and less exercise and just sat more and at the time i had a truck driving job.. so u r sitting probably 20 hrs a day for most part if not more. any who..things snowballed lost job and then had to fight for disability for the next 5 years. every day things just got worse, harder to move, gained weight, pain became worse, other health and physical problems came up. the last october before i finally got awarded my s.s.d. i got sick again and pissed off and quit smoking cold turkey and this october i believe it will be 3 years? and then we moved and i finally got my checks coming in. and now i could afford to see doc and get meds and such and go to gym.

    year and a half ago got my gym membership started. started watching what i eat a bit more. bout 6 months later i joined a tae kwon do school. which i had done when i was younger and really loved it. although both going to the gym and to my tkd classes i was in pain and everything i did hurt and taxed my body and so i pushed harder. i was in pain all the time any how and got sick of it so if im going to hurt im going to hurt due to my own actions and do something positive with it. at some point a couple months ago something else in me kicked in and now for the most part i have to force myself to eat. cant stand food really any more. any up to that point over a couple years i lost bout 25 lbs or so..not to great but not terrible either since i was losing weight. but since things kicked a couple months ago i have lost 55 lbs. sadly last couple weeks i have been in a slump on my weight loss and trying to rework things to get back moving again..

    here is a little honesty here... i am not an emo or suicidal or any of that crap... but there for a while and even now occationally the thought comes up.. one stupid little accident and my back is screwed up for life. lose my job and everything i own. forced to live off of couches and get help from others. being a burden to those that care for you that barely are getting by themselves is not fun. embarasment, shame, etc. its true life is only one what you make of it..but at same time ..life isnt fair either. the honorable thing would have been to end and save my self the pain and torment and those around me the burden of me. but im stubborn and vengeful. for every wrong i want my revenge.. thanks to stupid laws all i get to do is fantasize a bit. but in the mean time all i can do is fight back. fight by losing weight, working out.. doing what i need to do even though i am in scrutinizing pain.

    so... my own health in part drives me.. but mostly vengence against those who have wronged me..(if only in my head) and vengence to the pain and turmoil i go though.. and hope that i may see some light at the end of the tunnel some day and maybe get the one thing i have always wanted and maybe a couple other smaller things.... hhmm well this got a bit winded
  • my friends mom wanted to gift all her daughters friends an outfit for Diwali (indian festival) and she bought me a size 24 when i was actually size 18.
    to my face she was all apologetic and promised to return it and get me a proper sized one and i told her never mind, we actually had a good laugh about it.
    then later i heard her talking to a lady in the living room 'dont know why she wants to keep it, what a waste of money since she wont be able to wear it' and the lady was like: 'oh, she'll grow into it'

    i was so mad to hear that someone could say that. :angry:

    OMG that is terrible! I am a size 18 currently I would have hated if someone had said that to me! You keep going and do this for yourself!
  • ;my enough is enough ; day was when i saw my photographs of bulgaria august 2012 which ive used one as my profile picture to look at to keep me going to lose weight i will be returning to bulgaria aug 2013 and i hope this time i will have lost the weight and like what i see .
  • :happy:
    Mine was when I woke up on the morning of my gastric band op and asked myself : have I done everything I can to lose this weight myself??? The answer was no. So I didn't go for the operation and decided to tackle this myself with the help of a local weight loss support group in Wakefield West Yorkshire called Wakefield Larger than Life. They support anyone considering Bariatric surgery, or those wanting to lose weight naturally. That along with the local Shape Your Weight Course which I have just joined 2 weeks ago. Now 20kg down since June and feeling GR8
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    When I ended up in the hospital with a raging systemic bacterial infection that half killed me. My blood pressure and cholesterol were great but of course, my blood sugars were off the charts because of the infection.

    the worst defining moment ever was the day I realized (or was told) that most of my breathing issues were because of the weight Id gained since getting sick on March of 2011.

    Now...some 50 pounds less, my breathing is 80% better than it's been since
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    Two moments for me.

    1) When I stood on a scale and hit 290 lbs without my ballistic vest, gunbelt and boots. I could no longer use the excuse that the "gear" was adding the weight.

    2) When my well meaning kids told me that I should go on the " Biggest Loser" TV show.
  • KaeNight
    KaeNight Posts: 16 Member
    Very recently I realized that I was having a LOT of trouble staying awake for twelve hours. It's true that I'm an insomniac and I haven't been sleeping well, but I always tell myself that my day is simply broken in half and everything is "normal". In a moment of clear thinking, however, I noticed that I'd been struggling to get through five or six hours in the past few weeks and then I drew the line. There are a couple other problems that added into my immediate decision, such as my memory failing me often, but that one hit home the hardest. It isn't so much my weight that bothers me as my complete inability to function because I'm clearly not getting whatever it is I need. Enough is enough for my spirit, but my body needs a bit more work to claim even one of those words.
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    When I ended up in the hospital with a raging systemic bacterial infection that half killed me. My blood pressure and cholesterol were great but of course, my blood sugars were off the charts because of the infection.

    the worst defining moment ever was the day I realized (or was told) that most of my breathing issues were because of the weight Id gained since getting sick on March of 2011.

    Now...some 50 pounds less, my breathing is 80% better than it's been since

    Good for you! I'm hoping with weight loss my breathing gets easier and I won't have to use my inhaler every time I go for a walk.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    Looking at my holiday photos and realising I looked at least 10 years older than I am and a whole lot bigger than I thought I was and coming to the conclusion just how much I had let myself go.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    Getting off work early one day - heading straight to KFC, picking up pretty much 2 persons worth of food and eating it, with some chocolate to finish.

    I'd been unhappy for a long time but I just knew I was headed in the wrong direction when this was the first thing I thought of doing with an unexpected afternoon off.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I was at a business meting in aq conference room with alot of people there. They had those cheaper kind of chairs to sit in and when i got up to shake the VP's hand the chair stuck to my butt.
  • KaeNight
    KaeNight Posts: 16 Member
    so... my own health in part drives me.. but mostly vengence against those who have wronged me..(if only in my head) and vengence to the pain and turmoil i go though.. and hope that i may see some light at the end of the tunnel some day and maybe get the one thing i have always wanted and maybe a couple other smaller things.... hhmm well this got a bit winded

    I very much support you, odd as it may sound. Vengeance is just as much of a balancing force as hope and it may well take you farther. Most especially because you're holding onto both. Keep that pride and hold your head up high. As long as you don't let the stress or pain force you back down, I'm sure you'll be able to get more than just "a couple other smaller things". :flowerforyou:
  • This was a few years ago. I worked at a call center and I forgot a client was coming in and we had to dress up. The plan was to go to Fashion Bug and pick up something "real quick". Well 1 hr into my quick shopping trip I discovered NOTHING in the store fit. I didn't realize I had outgrown the largest size 28. I finally found an AWFUL pair of stretchy pants that passed for "dress pants" and found a top that fit around my belly (I honestly popped 2 buttons by the end of the day). I cried and cried that day horrified to discover how large I had become. I never looked back.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Seeing my mom and dad in horrible health. Both have high blood pressure. My mom also has diabetes and my dad has cirrhosis. They are both over weight. Never exercised and eat very unhealthy.
    I told myself I would never get that way.
    A friend of mine introduced a book to me called "Body by God" and that totally changed the way I eat, but then later found Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle and have been on the clean eating and weight lifting band wagon for going on 6 1/2 years.
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    When my gut sat right up next to my desk at work, and all i ever wore were huge hoodies to cover up all my fat. I felt horrible, I never wanted to go out and i just wanted to be invisible. One monday night at work, I looked at my stomach sitting flush to the desk, it was so big, and decided then and there that I was going to change my life.

    Three months later and 39lbs lighter, I'm feeling so much better about things. I still have 60lbs to lose, but my life is completely different. I'm never going back to that person or that life.
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    The dreaded triple digits on the scale did it for me.

    I hadn't weighed myself in a while, then when I did, I saw that I had tipped over 100kgs (around 220lbs) and that was it.

    12.4kgs (27lbs) down now, and still going!
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    I literally woke up one day and went 'I want a pair of red trousers'

    So I decided to slim into some.

    I'm on my 3rd pair now. :) long way to go!
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    When all the 3X clothes in my closet were getting tight. I REFUSED to get any bigger and have to search for larger sized clothing.
  • Their was no defining moment I had just been slowly but surely putting on weight and I knew I was and I knew I needed to do something about it but I was only half trying or starting then stopping, then I watched a utube video about a person who lost weight and she talked about how she did it. She mentioned this site and thats when it all started. I have been on here for 10 weeks and have lost 5.6kg (13 pounds) I have another 11 or so kg to go to be in a healthy weight range and I know I can do it and keep it their.
  • lenac03
    lenac03 Posts: 46 Member
    This guy told me he liked my personality and I was awesome, but I was too fat to date.

    Breaking point for me. I don't talk to him anymore because I'm better than that, but it ticked me off. I'm proud of myself and who I am.

    To be clear, I'm not doing this for anyone but myself. I just want to be all around fabulous. That's my motivation :)

    This - exactly this. I could have written this entirely.