8 weeks and nearly 30 pounds lost; binged last night--BADLY

Just had a miserable two days with football (coaching) and two close loses. Got home at around midnight last night. I tried to just drink some water and go to bed, but my mind shut me down and I went to a 1700 calorie horrid binge. I feel horrible and hungover today. I know to just drink lots of water and keep away from the scale for the next few days. I am just disappointed in myself for being so good for the last 8 weeks. Not having a poor me moment here, I just thought I would share to show that this crap happens. I am hoping this doesn't make me go down hill as last time I lost a significant amount of weight it was something like this that made me go backwards.


  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    It happens to all of us, you are definetly not alone.

    Just forgive yourself and look forward to how good you will be.

    Get back in the game like a boss. :bigsmile:
  • snarkymom72
    snarkymom72 Posts: 32 Member
    Just get right back on track today and forget about it. You have to let it go and just make yourself do better today. You've done great and you can keep going. Today is a new day!
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Ah its just a little slip! You've got this. Don't dwell move forward :D
  • SavingFaith65
    SavingFaith65 Posts: 72 Member
    I did the same thing last night, went out to dinner with my brother and his gf, my meal was as many calories as I'm allowed to eat in a day... needless to say after I entered into the tracker I feel like junk. But, got to think it's a new day and to not let it happen again. You're only human and things like this happen, just need to think for next time what you can do different. Maybe go for a walk or invest in a punching bag.

    I'm a stress eater... emotional eater...any time of eater and need to find my own outlet...usually sleep but that's not any healthier then consuming 1500 calories in a sitting.
  • faithfirst
    faithfirst Posts: 138 Member
    Ah its just a little slip! You've got this. Don't dwell move forward :D

    I totally agree...
  • Sillykitty88
    I am in the exact same boat, but I felt so bad about it, I went and did it again yesterday too. Only thing worse than a one day binge is a two day binge :( !! But I did not go through all that hard to start all over again. Just need to pick my head out of my butt and keep on keeping on.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, it happens to everyone! Today is a new day. Maybe also consider whether you are being too strict on yourself too fast. I know the urge to change everything all at once, but you can't expect to fix all your old habits in just eight weeks. Good luck!
  • Hakarn
    Hakarn Posts: 62 Member
    Your body does not store all of the calories when you binge (because it enters well-fed mode). Keep in mind that it will take around 3 days of clean eating to bounce back.
  • joeussia
    It is people like you that I look up to.

    You slipped. Not a big deal.

    You recognize it though. Use this experience as a learning mechanism... don't regret it.

    I treat food as a comfort mechanism - especially when I am super stressed... which is most days :smile:

    30 pounds is quite an achievement:happy: . Be proud of your accomlpishments so far... you have 30 reasons to be proud of!

    I hope to be as strong as you have been... good luck!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    hey, it's ok. you dont do this every day. tomorrow is a new day. don't dwell on the binge, just do the amazing things you have been doing and dont sweat it. it really is no big deal...unless you start doing this every night. then it is a big deal.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Your body does not store all of the calories when you binge (because it enters well-fed mode). Keep in mind that it will take around 3 days of clean eating to bounce back.

    yeah really?
  • Irish_eyes75
    The important thing is how you recover from this. Try to work through your negative thoughts and stress, remind yourself that eating like that will only make yourself worse. It's hard, believe me I totally can relate! Maybe you'll fall again but keep picking yourself up, keep working on handling your stress better and eventually it will get easier.
  • judgerock810
    judgerock810 Posts: 16 Member
    I really appreciate it, thanks for all the feedback.
  • rukus1
    rukus1 Posts: 112
    Be patient with yourself, we all have those kind of days and with the help of mfp you'll be back on track, 30 pounds is a great achievement! Congratulations!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Doesn't matter just keep on riding the course. You're body will bounce back sooner then later. There's no crying in football and there's no crying in weight loss.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Every once in a while, you need to give yourself a day to eat whatever you want.
    You can eat healthy on that day, just feel free to treat yourself and get a nice full tummy with whatever foods you want!
    Enjoy it!
    It is healthy to enjoy food, and enjoy healthy food, and enjoy treats.

    It's not like that one day will make you gain pounds of fat!
    You'd have to eat thousands of calories above your tdee to do that.
    And probably you'd have to do that a lot, to gain weight like that.

    An occasional free day is not bad
    And eating past your calorie "limit" (program you have designed) occasionally won't ruin you, either.
    Some days we are hungrier, some days less hungry.
    Main thing is that you know your parameters...what is your TDEE and your BMR?
    Eat within those most of the time.
    And exercise well....so you increase your fitness.
    Don't use the scale as your only measure of progress....EVERYTHING makes the scale fluctuate....water retention, dehydration, hard workouts and more.
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    Sorry but I creeped your diary :smile: You have been under cals previous days so I really don't think you likely did any harm - you just might not lose this week. So no biggie - just get back on track. You've done so well - keep it up!
  • EdgyMcSterious
    You're human, this doesn't mean that the last 8 weeks was all for nothing. A moment of weekness doesn't mean that you're a bad person. Get back on track today, don't try to make up for yesterday. BUT do think about the events that lead up to the binge. What happened? Did something emotional go down? Now think about how a good day is different. Do what you can to get yourself back to having a good day. In the end, if you evaluate this honestly and correctly, this can really help you. I bet the next 8 weeks are going to be even better for you. KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
  • GabyG69
    GabyG69 Posts: 213
    It happens to all of us.. The important thing is to get back on it!! You've been doing so well, keep it up :)
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    You know what? I'll bet it actually helps your weight loss! Drink a lot of water and bump up the exercise and most importantly- LET IT GO!