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What was your moment of "enough is enough"?



  • When my husband and I came to the realization that we wanted to have a family together. I knew at that moment that not only did I need to be living a healthier lifestyle (I was diagnosed with Pseudo Tumor Cerebri over ten years ago which seems to only be controlled by maintaining a decent weight) but I also never wanted to be that "fat mom" that can't even play with her child. So while we wait for his reversal to hopeful work, I continue to work on losing this additional weight.
  • rachgarm
    rachgarm Posts: 39 Member
    I was pregnant with my second son and sat in my beautiful gliding rocker to fold his clothes and the thing collapsed underneath me. That was the final moment when I said I AM DONE!
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    I was telling a friend about my mom passing away when I was 8. I commented that I didn't remember her and that it scared me that if I died today, my youngest may not remember me. His response will never leave my head. How old do they have to be before it is ok for you to die?
  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    When I couldn't fit into my fat pants anymore.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Bad knees, getting out of breath climbing stairs and when the buttons flew off my size 26 trousers when i bent over to pick something off the floor. I was mortified.
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Two moments here that I remember actually crying:

    1. The first night I spent in Marine Corps bootcamp on Paris Island.

    2. My first firefight in Afghanistan as a squad leader praying that I would make the right decisions to keep my boys alive.

    Bless you USMC and thank you for your dedicated services. I can only imagine what it was like in Afghanistan. You should be very proud of your commitment. :)
  • rachgarm
    rachgarm Posts: 39 Member
    For me it was when my doctor told me that not only do I have PCOS (it's a lot easier to gain weight due to lessened insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances), but I am also overweight. I'd always been a skinny lass as a kid and teen so I was horrified! None of my jeans fit me and they were UK size 16 - which means I was probably an 18, possibly even higher! The main "enough is enough" moment for me was when I researched my condition and learned I'd have a better chance of conceiving if I was a healthy weight, but I also struggle with body image issues and I want to be nice and slim when I marry my fiancé, whenever we decide to set the date!

    So far I've lost about 14lbs and plan to keep going. I'm already noticing jeans getting looser, legs getting slim, fat being replaced by leaner muscle. I'm dead chuffed with myself :D

    PCOS makes it hard but not impossible! Keep going, you're doing great! Add me if you want support from a fellow "cyster"
  • Me too. When the prilosec quit working I knew that my choice was to suffer fat or suffer to get in shape. That was about 4 months ago. I completely changed my eating habits & started riding my bike alot & walking some. Now all of my clothes that were tight are baggy & some even too big. Next step is a work out boot camp. :bigsmile:
  • Having my 15 and 18 year old boys having an intervention and telling me if I didn`t start taking care of myself that I wouldn`t be around to see grandchildren or be there for them. At that moment I knew it wasn`t about me anymore.....it was about them. I am a diabetic and have arthritis so losing weight, walking and taking better care of myself would definitely help in these areas too. I am lucky to have a great support system and hope that when my son returns from college for Christmas he will see a more positive difference in my weight.
  • When my brother, who is incredibly honest and doesn't make the 'you're fat' remark at all, so when he called me fat. He hadn't seen me in a while and just was brutally honest. I needed that, and he was right!
  • wcrathbun
    wcrathbun Posts: 85 Member
    My moment was in June. My bf and i went to a resort for our 2 year anniversary and they ahve an indoor water park. i made excuses to not even go and swim or go on all the cool slides because i knew i would not look good in a bathing suit. that same weekend my bf took a picture of me standing in the hallway of the condo and once i saw it i about died!! i felt so ashamed that i was literally SO wide!! i oculdnt believe that thats how i truly look from another persons persepective.

    all in all i just decided im sick of having to wear layers of shirts (the lacy kind), im sick of not being able to wear shorts and skirts during the summer, feeling super self-conscoius when we go on my parents boat, and quite frankly i feel incredibly unattractive in the bedroom, if you catch my drift.

    i am doing this to better ME!!!

    think about this: how long do you enjoy that naughty snack? whether it be a candy bar, ice cream, whatever your temptation is. how long would you say it takes to devour it? a whole 30 seconds? 1 minute? think about this now, how many minutes, hours a DAY do you think about how unhappy you are with your overall appearance and unhealthiness? for me, it would easily be all day long. that feeling is a constant in my mind! so is it really WORTH it to induldge in some yummy food for a whole 30 seconds when really all those yummy foods are the reason we feel this way OVERALL?? the answer is NO! Now if only we can all overcome temptation... its not easy in the slightest..

    just food for thought:)

    good luck with the weight loss and happier lifestyle everyone!!

    ^This - very well said!
  • proudarmywife06
    proudarmywife06 Posts: 213 Member
    When I realized that all I had that would fit me was a pair of stretchy pants and 2 maternity shirts that were kind of tight and I already had the baby! I started having problems with my knees, went through post partum depression, Had 2 surgeries so far this year on my gall bladder and my finger and everything was keeping me down. I decided that I've got to get myself back up. I was at the point that I wanted to cover up all the mirrors because I hated myself. I'm still not completely where I want to be but I'm getting there. My son will be 1 this month and I dont want to be unfit. I want to be able to keep up with him and be healthy for him!
  • SimplyAmy70
    SimplyAmy70 Posts: 14 Member
    When I was out to eat with my husband and 3 daughters and I caught him looking at me. I asked him why he was looking at me like that. And he says "Just looking at how you have changed since we dated in HS".(We dated in HS but went our seperate ways until 5 years ago. Now we are married!) I said "What, wrinkles?" And I laughed. And he says very seriously....."No, youre just thicker". Mind you this was the day that my doc had also told me I needed to lose weight. But Having my husband look at me after all these years of knowing one another and THAT is what he says to me.....that was it. That was 14 pounds ago and Im not going back.
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    Combination of events.
    First niggling doubt that I was big was when I broke my friend's bed.

    nojoke. I flopped down on her loft bed and broke the wood frame...
  • My 'enough was enough' moment was when i went out for my birthday in may and saw the after pictures, i couldnet believe the way i looked, i decided once the kids were back at school full time then i would finally time to myself. i started using this site on 31st august and started diet and exercise regime everyday since with a few bad days but we all have them i suppose, i have lost 6lbs in 14days, my first weight goal is 1 stone :) so nearly half way there, im out in october for my friends birthday so hoping the pictures will be better :)
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    A couple of years ago my family and I were going to Flagstaff for a weekend... expecting it to get chilly in the evening, I stopped in at Walmart to buy a pair of sweats. I grabbed a pair of 3X, tried them on and found they were a little too snug. HELL NO! Was the thought that screamed through my mind. I don't know why I was comfortable with a 3X versus a 4X... but it was like God himself slapped me in the face in that dressing room. I saw a segment on the local news the next morning about MFP and joined that day and have never looked back! 92 lbs. later I am still logging, exercising for the first time in about 20 years and loving my energy and ability levels. Thank you God for slapping me SILLY!
  • When I tried on a dress in debenhams and looked 3 months pregnant (I wasn't). I was so shocked that I took a photograph and use it to inspire myself!
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Had always been 115-120lbs. After having my first 2 babies I was 125-130lbs. I gained 60-70 with both but it came off super easy and I was never worried about the 10-15lb weight gain. My first "enough is enough" moment though was after miscarrying triplets(I was 14wks). I gained 30lbs by staying up late and eating anything that sounded good. I stopped working out. Had always worked out with my hubby....running, exercise videos, pilates/yoga. I was miserable at 157lbs(I'm 5'4). It was 6mo after that I told my hubby I wanted to start running with him again. I married a saint cause he never once commented on the weight gain. I was down to 140lbs when we found out I was pregnant again. At the end of my third pregnancy I weighed 202lbs, the biggest I'd ever been pregnant. When she was about 3mo old I knew I had to do something. I was losing no weight with breast feeding this time. I was still the 172lbs I was at my 6wk checkup with her when I found out I was pregnant with my 4th! They are only 18mo apart. I hit 213lbs while being pregnant with my son. I went home with him weighing 200lbs last october. I wanted that weight off. Dr said that being in my 30's could make it a long process. Boy, he wasn't kidding! 2mo after my son was born, my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. It hit me hard. While she was battling this I tried to workout but constant stops at fast food and coffee shops really weren't helping. I quit my job as well since my hubby was in a new training program and I wanted to be with my mom every second. When she lost her battle in july I was still 200lbs. My "enough is enough" moment happened again and I started working out in August. I lost 10lbs that month just by measuring my food and starting the 30 day shred program. I also began running with my 7 & 8 year olds. Once I could run for at least 15mins straight I started running with my hubby again. I joined MFP this month to help me stay committed to becoming healthier. I would love to not feel embarrassed about having my pic taken again too! Pretty sure I'll never be the same size I was when I got married but looking forward to the healthy mom/wife I'm aiming to be!
  • Unfortunately, some just don't.

    I love my grandmother dearly, but she's in her 80's and still hasn't had her AH HA! moment. She's struggled with her weight throughout her adulthood (skinny teen, overweight adult, and laments about how "thin" and "pretty" she was) and tried so many different, extreme diets to lose. Severe calorie restriction, all liquids, Atkins (which gave her a heart attack), weight loss pills -- I could go on, really.

    The one solution she never tried? Eating healthy and exercising. She once told me, "I always hated exercise. I just wanted to be thin." She's hated her body her entire life, and has never been happy. Now she's in her 80s, still morbidly obese, and struggles to walk one block. It breaks my heart that she never "got it," because she's always tried so hard to be thin, but didn't care one bit about being healthy. Unfortunately, I think it's too late now. :(

    I'm really sorry to hear about your grandmother. I have the same thing going on with my mother. She's 59, very overweight, but doesn't understand that she just needs to eat healthy and do some exercise. I'd like to think that she still has plenty of time to figure it out, but she's so set in her ways I don't think she'll ever do anything about her weight. She seems to think that she can pop a few diet pills or take some magical herbs and the fat will just melt away. It makes me really sad because she doesn't really have much of a life, but there's just nothing I can do to get through to her.
  • alessia887
    alessia887 Posts: 1 Member
    someone asked if i was pregnant...