1200cal/daily for 3 weeks and havent lost a SINGLE POUND



  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    the 1200 calories is the number that this website generated for me. Im not sure how they come up with that. I will unlock my food diary (i thought it was) and hopefully that helps...

    MFP s a great resourse site- but their numbers (calorie goals, protein goal, etc) seem to be pretty off. use what others have said- the road map link, BMR/TDEE, eetc
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I dont believe in starvation mode, or how else would people become annorexic. What I do believe is that when you cut down your body adapts to it coz i thinks it wont be getting more and then when it does it stores it, which is not like eating say 500 per day which would be starvation and would couldnt fail to lose weight.Starving is not the healthy way to do it.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    You need to worry about what you are eating and not just calories. Try adding in fruits, veggies and better meat choices. Some people will tell you to increase your calories no matter what you eat instead of looking at your food choices. Eat better foods to start and then adjust your needs to what works best for you.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    McDonalds, Taco Bell, Burger King and Fritos for breakfast. Days of no logging. This would be a good place to start in diagnosing what might be going wrong with your food plan.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member

    Read this. It will tell you everything you need to know.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    You are eating too little!

    Follow the roadmap to see where you should be for safe weight loss. You will get screwy targets from MFP if you set the amount of loss too high and your amount of activity too low for what is realistic with your weight and life style. If yo need help working the numbers PM me with your info and I will double check/help you find your target.

    You should be eating more than your BMR and less than your TDEE to lose safely over time.
  • katiebrew
    katiebrew Posts: 103 Member
    I tried to eat 1200 calories when I first started and it did not work for me at ALL. I lost nothing and was discouraged... not to mention kinda hungry. Then I read this thread:
    I found out my numbers, and have been eating 1500-1600 or more everyday... I've consistently lost a pound a week. For me that's awesome!
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    I haven't read your other comments, but make sure
    - Youre adding your exercises so it gives you more calories to eat, your body will need more food if your exercising
    - Watch all of your stats (sodium, calories, sugars, protein etc) you should be right on target for all of them especially sodium & cal
    - Change up your exercises, your body can get used to the same exercises - you need to push yourself.

    Hope that helps ?
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I've lost 17 pounds in 85 days on 1200 calories and I am never hungry. I eat all fresh, unprocessed foods. . . fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains, dairy. Everyone's size is different. . . my BMR is only 1070, so 1200 calories if plenty for me.

    It is super annoying when hordes of people jump on the "you're not eating enough" bandwagon who frustrated posters who don't log regularly and eat a lot of fast food.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member

    Follow this.........
    I am certain 1200 us WAY below your BMR & why you are not losing. Read the above & adjust your #'s youbwill start losing.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I've lost 17 pounds in 85 days on 1200 calories and I am never hungry. I eat all fresh, unprocessed foods. . . fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains, dairy. Everyone's size is different. . . my BMR is only 1070, so 1200 calories if plenty for me.

    It is super annoying when hordes of people jump on the "you're not eating enough" bandwagon who frustrated posters who don't log regularly and eat a lot of fast food.
    No offense intended, but you're 57 and the OP is 24. Your nutritional requirements are very, very different.
  • vanillarama
    vanillarama Posts: 101 Member
    The above is very, very true.
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    You're probably not eating enough protein and fat and way to many carbs. Basically, you're internally starving from lack of the primary macro-neutrients. This is not "starvation mode" or some dogma people talk about. This is about eating the wrong foods. You can eat NOTHING and lose fat so this "starvation mode" thing people preach doesn't make sense.

    There are many resources online to find out how much protein you need. Just insure you're getting that and the fat that comes along with it. Once you're hormones are back in shape you'll start losing fat again.

    "Or don't. This is just advice. Do what ever the **** you wana do" -TMW
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    your problem is that u are eating BELOW 1200... 1200 calories is not even enough for your organs to function properly.

    I've been eating under 1200 a day for 5 weeks and I function just fine. I have a technical job and I rely heavily on memory - it's fine.
    I've lost 100lbs in a year before, by eating under 1200 every day. Nothing about me failed.
    If you look at my food diary (it's open) I eat a very healthy, well rounded diet and i'm under 1200. I'm consistently losing.

    What isn't functioning properly?
  • How do you only your food diary?
  • Here's something to consider. Under your food diary are you counting only carbs and not sugars specifically? You can add sugar and fiber and whatever else you want to track to your food log. You might be surprised that while you may be staying under your overall calories and carbs each day you are high in total sugar (even natural from fruits etc) for your intake. In my case, while I was being careful (measuring portions etc), I actually gained weight until I started specifically counting sugars and found that after 1 piece of fruit a day I had only a small sugar allowance left. Even healthy eating can lend itself to taking in too much of a certain nutrient. Good luck and don't be discouraged.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Ok, before you listen to all the people on here telling you to eat more, first figure out exactly how much you are eating. Half of your days you haven't even logged anything, so if that means you ate zero calories on those days, then yes, you are eating too little. If not logging means that you fell off track and actually ate 2500 calories on those days, then too few calories is not the problem.
    Log every bite that goes into your mouth, and measure every portion carefully. We all fooled ourselves for years thinking we were eating less than we actually were.
    Next, look at what you are eating. Too much fast food, way too much sugar, too many empty carbs. Up your lean protein intake, up your fresh veggies and fruits, cut down on the saturated fats, and replace with good fats and high fiber carbs. No chips, sodas, candy bars, and fast food cheeseburgers. Your body needs good nutritional food to run properly. When your body is fueled properly it will work better. You will feel like exercising more, which will help you burn fat. Most of us have tried losing weight half-@**ed in the past and it doesn't work. You have to make the commitment to make major changes in your habits and stick with it. You didn't gain the weight in 3 weeks and you won't lose it that quick either. You are young enough to make the life changes now before you end up with diabetes and other health issues that are sure to come if you stay on this path. Trust me, it doesn't get any easier the older you get, so get a grip on it now while you still have the youth on your side. And when you get to be my age, the skin doesn't shrink back like it does in your 20s. It's not pretty.
    Not judging, just giving you some sage advice from someone who wished she had learned it at your age. Make the decision to change and stick with it. You can do this. It's not easy, but oh so worth it.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,176 Member
    Time to tweak things...not give up. Ditch the fast food and the junk food....that is the first thing. You can have them as a treat...not all the time. If you think eating a few more calories might help, try it. If it doesnt work try something else. Nothing is written in stone as far as your program is concerned. People lose weight at different rates and for different reasons. I have to eat low carb to lose weight....others have no problem with them. Play with your program...make it work for YOU. But don't give up! :)