Some help please :)



  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    your body uses carbs for fuel immediately, and if you do not need it, it turns to body fat. other foods, like protein and fats take longer to digest and can be burned for energy later on. I would rather load up on healthy natural fats and proteins than be addicted to sugar cravings, crash after lunch and have a harder time losing weight. :)
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    Isn't it amazing how MFP can call us out on our true diets?

    Great to see the effort to change.

    I tend to stay away from gluten products and meat because I like things that are crunchy.
    Also if you're on a tight budget, try adding spicy things to your meals, they will help fill you up and stay full feeling.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I need help increasing my calories not reducing them though!

    Plus i have a husband and toddler to cook for, there is no way i am going to completely cut carbs out of our diet, i really think they are necessary in a healthy and realistic diet.

    I will definitely load up on Quinoa and Bulgar Wheat and mixed beans, sprouting mixes and fresh veggies to make us all healthy, alternative lunches.

    Going to see about making some cheap granola and seed/fruit bars too.

    I love the idea of jacket potato for lunch, I can have that with tuna pasta AND its good for my husband to take to work.

    For dinners i think i will continue with the no red meat thing, we really aren't feeling it, though we may allow ourselves a couple of meals a week with chicken or with fish, but that is money dependent. Probably one meal of fresh fish and one of tinned tuna/frozen tuna.

    I'm going to stock up on nuts, dried fruits, porridge oats and try and make various things with those :)

    Quite excited by getting some money on Monday now so we can get on our wheat-free diets :)
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Isn't it amazing how MFP can call us out on our true diets?

    Great to see the effort to change.

    I tend to stay away from gluten products and meat because I like things that are crunchy.
    Also if you're on a tight budget, try adding spicy things to your meals, they will help fill you up and stay full feeling.

    Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately when i eat spicy things, my baby gets the most awful indigestion! so can't do that :) Will remember it for a couple of years when i stop breastfeeding though!
  • emmaamme2
    emmaamme2 Posts: 6 Member
    There are some good recipe groups here that might be helpful. A couple of things that I find helpful with keeping on track with food intake and costs are to cook in bulk where possible. I find recipes that can be doubled and frozen easily and make some extra to keep in reserve for nights when I am really busy. Some foods are much cheaper when bought in slightly larger quantities. Using leftovers for lunches the next day also helps with making sure that you're eating good food not just grabbing easy rubbish foods.