40+ Club: Beating The Winter Bulge



  • Trina22
    Zebra - I just bought Pride and Prejudice and Zombies but have not had a chance to read it yet. The fact that Elizabeth Bennet knows Ninja moves sounds brilliant! I just finished "Jane Bites Back" which might be more to your liking - Jane Austen in modern day NY state. 200 years ago she was turned into a vampire by that wicked poet, Lord Byron. Very funny read if you love Jane Austen (and Byron, as I do!) Since I started my healthy life program I read on the elliptical instead of the couch!!

    DuffyzMom - So did you live in Easton for a time or were you just traveling through when you went into labor? ;~ )

    Welcome new people - I just joined this group a couple of weeks ago. it's grrrrreat!
  • tamarads
    Zebra - I just bought Pride and Prejudice and Zombies but have not had a chance to read it yet. The fact that Elizabeth Bennet knows Ninja moves sounds brilliant! I just finished "Jane Bites Back" which might be more to your liking - Jane Austen in modern day NY state. 200 years ago she was turned into a vampire by that wicked poet, Lord Byron. Very funny read if you love Jane Austen (and Byron, as I do!) Since I started my healthy life program I read on the elliptical instead of the couch!!

    DuffyzMom - So did you live in Easton for a time or were you just traveling through when you went into labor? ;~ )

    Welcome new people - I just joined this group a couple of weeks ago. it's grrrrreat!

    Trina... I, too, have discovered the wonder of reading on the elliptical! I was getting very frustrated with the many, many commercials as I was watching tv, the shows weren't holding my attention away from the fact that I was exerting myself! Love reading so it was a natural progression...
  • beachcomber
    Hi everyone, I'd like to join in too.
    I had a physical in October and my doctor wanted to put me on cholestrol meds and I told him to give me a chance to lose some unwated LBS and then I will retake the test. Well since October, I have lost 7LBs. I can tell that it is body fat that I have lost so I am pretty happy with myself. I would like to shed another 10 LBs. My clothes are loser and I don't feel like I'm stuffed in a sausage casing. So I am taking it slow. I know that slow weight loss is weight loss that won't reappear quickly. Anyway, I am going back to see my Doc in a few months and hopefully my Cholestrol is down. I know my weakness and it's the late night Pizzas I join in with my sons twhen they order. I have stopped my late night binging !!!!:tongue::tongue:
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    Lately Minnesota is giving me the perfect workout routine. Shovelling snow burns lots of calories and it seems to be becoming my daily routine. If there is not enough in my driveway......I start tackling the neighbors! Being a helpful *& thoughtful neaighbor while I am getting my exercise. It doesn't get any better than that!! :happy:
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    Stiring......I like the way you explained exercise calories to Trina and it makes perfect sense to me. Being only five feet tall I know my body does not use the calories quite the same as a taller peson. It makes perfect sense the way you explained it. Sometimes, when I get a good workout in and have calories to spare, I am already stuffed by the calories I have eaten and can't imagine trying to eat all of my calories back (and not rely on junk to do it)
  • Texssippian
    Love the Jane Austen comments. Our daughter is going to Oxford, UK this summer for a six week course on Jane Austen. she has to finish all the books before going in July. I am reading them again too. Not sure I want to tackle the zombie Jane! I was an English minor in undergrad but mainly focused on Shakespear and William Faulkner (since I was in Oxford MS where he lived.)

    Angelwings: great idea to be a good neighbor while getting your exercise in.

    Beachcomber: Welcome! slow and steady wins the race! Are you getting whole grains and oats in your diet every day? I use oat bran when making meatloaf and sprinkle it on yogurt too. also eat dry cheerios instead of chips for a snack.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Trina - Kinda both We lived in Easton just a little longer than my pregnancy. I actually moved into the house in late May found out I was pregnant in June delivered in February and we were back in the Midwest by the next Christmas. When we were living in the Toronto area we drove down so my son could see the hospital where he was delivered and his first home etc. I think my husband and I enjoyed it much more than he did but ah well.

    Texas: So jealous of your daughter I was an English major with my focus primarily on 19th Century English Lit. I'm personally more of an Eliot fan but Austen ranks a close second.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    That's cool about your daughter, its nice to see the younger generation still interested in Jane Austen. I love the Bollywood treatment of it too, in Bride and Prejudice. If anyone sees the Colleen McCullough sequel to Pride and Prejudice it is very well written but not memorable. I picked it up because I read the Thorn Birds at a very early age and I still love it. Now, how did a dream about Zombie's turn this thread into the Jane Austen Book Club? LOL.


    How are those Kettlebells going?
  • Texssippian
    Zebras: Love Bride and Prejudice!

    Anna has to do a special project on the era in which Jane Austen lived. She is going to research dietary trends of the era. Too bad they did not have MFP to look at what people are eating... (I am jealous of her too! although, we are planning on going over with our son when she is finished for the week before school starts back for both of them.)
  • rockwife
    48 f from Tenn. Been battling the same 10 pounds since Nov. The scale seems to only move up. (probably because I get frustrated when it doesn't move down and grab a bag a chips and eat them on the way home)

    Found fitness pal on Sat. Guess maybe I need to measure food more closely. I have worked out and recorded everything and the scale only moves up.

    From reading the post I know that i am not alone.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Zebras, I like the kettlebells very much (actually I only have one @ 30 lbs). My wife is interested too, so I might buy a set of them. I'm trying to find a certified trainer who can teach us the safe and proper use of these "cannonballs with handles". But even using one and doing some exercises from a book, you can really feel the difference from traditional weights.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    If you read my story about falling out of bed, you'd know strange things happen at my house. Actually the space I have to work out in my living room and in the common area gym wouldn't allow for that kind of weight lifting anyhow. But I'm having a giggle over me swinging things into the TV and stuff. Cats would be running for their lives. I do love hearing about your experiences with new ways to workout, though.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    We had a bit of snow overnight which made the drive to work a bit tricky. I normally take a "back" road that goes over the mountain, but there was a fender-bender and I had to turn around and go the other way. Such is life in the northeast.

    Welcome Rockwife! Don't get discouraged! Don't give up!! You WILL see results if you eat clean and exercise. Most of all, don't get crazy with the scale!!! Weighing yourself daily will only frustrate you.

    Tex, sorry I haven't checked in with you for a while. Thanks for thinking of me during my difficult time. I really appreciate your best wishes.

    Not too much to report today. Just tryin' to hang in there and beat the bulge!!

    Have a great day!
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Good morning everyone. So sorry I never logged in for 3 days. Life seemed to take over... it has been a very busy and hectic work week so far. But I did get in my morning run every day... I would be lost with out it anymore. I am going to my daughters next week to babysit for her while she goes to a workshop in St. Cloud. Is there anyone here from the Mankato area? That is where I will be for 5 days... I am going to miss my daily run... won't be the same....and I doubt the weather will be cooperative so that I can run outside. But thought that maybe once or twice (or more) I could go to the mall in Mankato and get in a good long walk around the mall.

    My burned hand is coming along nicely... got some good silvadene cream to put on it and it has really helped heal it up... not 100% yet but I know that will take time.

    Hope everyone else is having a good week.

    Welcome to the newcomers!!

  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Morning Sing, Hisangel, and everyone else.

    Nothing much to report here either. We had a dusting of snow that made everything look pretty, but the drive to work was fine. I think I have managed to be sweet free for 3 days in a row, which might be a world record!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hisangel, I am sorry to hear about your burned hand, and I am happy to hear that it healing well. Almost 30 years ago (Feb. 7) I was burned in an industrial accident. My hands especially and my face received the worst of it. I was in a burn unit for a month and off work for 16 months. My heart goes out to anyone who is suffering from burns, no matter how severe.

    Zebras, you must mean sweet-free nutrition-wise, not your sweet personality!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    So sorry!!!! I feel I have abandoned you guys!!!! :sad: :sad: I really dont have a lot of time now to post, I hardly have time to log in my foods but I have managed lately. I am still here, not going anywhere. Welcome to all the new members of this group!!! :drinker: :drinker: I really need to organize myself so I can read all the posts and reply/make comments.

    I have been doing really well eating and exercising. I feel great!!! I had 31 students last night in my Zumba class at the AFB and 4 on Monday night at the other location. I am hoping these 4 show up tonight and more...I am not worried about the AFB, that class is really growing. I am having so much fun teaching this class. Love it!!!! :drinker: :drinker: I continue to do my strength trng program, ChaLean Extreme. I am on the second phase, push phase. I did push 2 today, Duffy, is that where you are at? My arms are sore...feel the burn!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Sing, I'm blushing!

    Alf, its good to see you and hear that your Zumba class is going so well.
  • Texssippian
    Hi all!

    Angel, glad your burn is healing nicely. Mederma really works on scar reduction when the skin is healed.

    Sing, what a horrible thing to have to endure. Glad you are on this side of such a bad burn and doing well.

    Alf, good to hear from you. Glad Zumba is going so well! I think they may have a class at our gym. I will look tonight when we go to the trainer.

    My sacro-iliac joint is feeling better. We'll see how I do in the gym tonight. Husband has plantar faciitis and has not been exercising at all. I am hoping to make it to water aerobics tomorrow. Stayed at work too late last night to make it. I am flying to Jackson, MS on Friday to see family. Will fly back to Dallas on Monday.
    Have a good day everyone! TxMs
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Alf: Right there with you Push Circuit 2 - arms aren't too bad but I'm really feeling it in the glutes and the shoulders probably doesn't help that I just spent an hour shoveling snow:laugh: Glad to hear you are having a little better success at your other Zumba class. Here's hoping they each bring a friend tonight:drinker:

    I had been doing well until last night - when after white knuckle driving my daughter around for volleyball practice I had a small starbucks incident I did get my chai latte nonfat but I know those are loaded in sugar. Hopefully all the extra stress helped burn it off.