5'1 ladies what is your goal weight?



  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    To be honest at 5'1", I'm going for what feels and looks normal for me. Being of the Dolly Parton look alike club for the boobage on my chest, I have a hard time imagining myself lower than 135. Even in high school wearing size 11/13 I was in the 130 range. So my goal is to get to a weight that lets me fit into the size 10/12 wardrobe hanging in my closet from 3 years ago when I had lost so much weight due to health issues. I lost it too fast (not by choice), went on meds and gained it all back. Now I'm already down 20 pounds from my highest on the meds. I'm toning up and building muscle which sometimes means inches lost and not pounds. I can deal with that. I'm also the healthiest I have been in many years with my sights on the pretty little dresses in my closet. :tongue:
  • MarcyEveland
    Hi everyone! I am 5'1 @ 40! Currently 4.5 years into my journey - started out at 150...am currently about 113-116. I am THRILLED with how far I have come over the last few years! It's been a challenge with lots of sweat, some tears and maybe even a little blood! ;)

    I am so inspired by the posts here! WE all inspire each other so I hope I can do the same for you all! I am a CPT, Health coach and nutrition consultant (found my calling while on my own journey!!) there is NOTHING like the way you feel when you have made it to your goal - except when you make it to the NEXT goal....and then NEXT!!!!

    My goal weight is about 108-112....with a body far percentage of between 12-15%..... STRENGTH training and TURBO is my passion!
  • kramalicious
    I am 5 '1 3/4" and my goal is around 125. I am working out like crazy but wasn't eating enough or the right foods, so I was tired all the time and only lost 7 lbs in a month. Today is the first day I have followed 5 meals a day with my optimum amount of protein. I am going to try to eat like this from now on and see if it helps. I am taking a rest day today and am glad I found this thread. It's tough for us petite girls! We look heavier even with less pounds. I can relate to the girl with the German heritage.Me, too... Weight training is my best friend for shaping as well as cardio.
  • kramalicious
    Hi everyone! I am 5'1 @ 40! Currently 4.5 years into my journey - started out at 150...am currently about 113-116. I am THRILLED with how far I have come over the last few years! It's been a challenge with lots of sweat, some tears and maybe even a little blood! ;)

    I am so inspired by the posts here! WE all inspire each other so I hope I can do the same for you all! I am a CPT, Health coach and nutrition consultant (found my calling while on my own journey!!) there is NOTHING like the way you feel when you have made it to your goal - except when you make it to the NEXT goal....and then NEXT!!!!

    My goal weight is about 108-112....with a body far percentage of between 12-15%..... STRENGTH training and TURBO is my passion!
  • kramalicious
    I just read the post above me, and you have really inspired me. You look great!!
  • TheRealMrsMetro
    TheRealMrsMetro Posts: 25 Member
    I am 5'2' and my goal is 135. I would set a 10% goal first and then set mini-goals to get to your goal. Look for a good height weight chart that looks at your build, age, etc. to find out what is realistic and something you can maintain. BMI helps too, but I think that you are on the right track. Enjoy the journey!
  • courage2ukls
    courage2ukls Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5'1" and my goal is 140. I am 48 and i have been at 155 before. I am afraid that i might look too saggy. The bummer about carrying weight for an extended time at my age is that skin doesnt return very nicely. I want to be thinner and healthier, but dont want to look older and dont have money for plastic surgery.

    I really dont understand when the MDs say the best weight is around 125 for me. I would look so sickly.

    Anyway, thats my thoughts

    Hugs for the journey,
    Karen in CO
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    5'2" and 120 is my goal
  • acpeeps
    5'0" and currently 154. I was 17 lbs heavier when I started using myfitnesspal. My goal is 130. I did it once before (3 years ago) with the help of using a food journal like this one, except that after 8 months of doing it, I decided I didn't want to keep a journal every day. I gained back all the weight I lost. My new perspective is that of a person who goes to AA. "Today I will report my food in a journal." It's just one day at a time. Once at the goal, I'll see if I can do more. Getting to 130 will mean a loss of 41 pounds and I think that is a great accomplishment.