Repairing your broken furnace (Metabolism)



  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    Thx for sharing ;)
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    The info about carbs- good carbs vs bad carbs- and how it affects insulin is spot on. Thanks for explaining that process so clearly. Also good fats and lean protein levels are also great information.

    Some of the exercise info is correct. Weight bearing exercise WILL build muscle, which will increase your metabolism. However, exercise that increases your heart rate is needed for not only burning fat, but for cardio-vascular health as well. Running marathons will not in itself cause you to gain weight. You would have to be eating more calories than you burn to gain weight. You CAN also increase your heart rate while you are lifting, if you move quickly and keep your HR up you can get some aerobic benefit as well.

    Eating the right foods is important to keep your body functioning properly. But you still must create a calorie deficit to lose weight. Eating the high-fiber carbs, lean protein, and good fats will help you stay within your calorie limits without starving, craving and binging.

    The timing of when you eat certain foods is not as scientifically proven. Some reports agree with this theory, others say it doesn't matter. If you are getting close to goal weight and hit a plateau, it might be something you want to try. If it works for you-great- but if it is too confusing, or difficult to do, don't get frustrated and give up on eating right all together.

    For those just starting out and needing to lose a substantial amount of weight. Take to heart the nutrition info given on good carbs, good fats, and protein levels. Work that into your daily calorie goals. And try to get your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes a day. If you can do some strength training, that will help as well. If you are exercising hard and get too hungry, eat a little more. If you fall a little short of calorie goal, don't force yourself to eat if you aren't hungry. Age, gender, muscle mass, and how much extra fat you are carrying are all factors in how quickly you will lose, and what your calorie requirements are.

    The most important thing to do when you are first starting out is to know exactly what and how much you are eating. Be completely honest. If you aren't, you are sabotaging your efforts. If you don't know what is going into your body, you won't know what changes you need to make.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    BUMP for later reading
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Some of the physician specialty groups that I work for actually advocate this to their Diabetic patients, their IR patients as well as PCOS patients... Its slowing migrating to almost all specialties of medicine. Its really good 'medicine' for anyone to consider.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    I am not on the anti-carb boat yet but maybe someone can provided me with an answer here that will get me to te docks. The article stated that grains are ground so fine in modern breads and crackers that it basically is immeadiately taken into the blood stream. So unless you are going to make your own breads; pastas and crackers how to you avoid grains that are overly processed?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I am not on the anti-carb boat yet but maybe someone can provided me with an answer here that will get me to te docks. The article stated that grains are ground so fine in modern breads and crackers that it basically is immeadiately taken into the blood stream. So unless you are going to make your own breads; pastas and crackers how to you avoid grains that are overly processed?

    Dont eat anything from the "Whites" type of foods of today: the majority of pasta, most rice, corn (is a very unhealthy grain-now more than ever), white bread, flour that has been bleached, bromated and processed.

    Convenience foods, canned foods, frozen meals, quick fix meals, etc are all highly processed, chemical-laden, preservative-laden food/food-like items. They are "simple" carbohydrates that make you crash and burn sugar/insulin-level wise. is a great FREE website that will explain all about low, medium and high glycemic foods and what are better choices to make in having natural foods
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Bump for later
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    I am confused, when I first come here I have learned that meal timing and meal frequency are myths and it's all about calories in -calories out+If it fits in our macro, and now this....? What to believe now. :indifferent:
  • bump
  • Thank you for sharing this! I am not sure that I can apply all of it at this moment in my life - but it is definitely something to keep in mind! I also liked the definition of insulin, I think I finally get it!
  • Arkani7
    Arkani7 Posts: 68 Member
  • Brilliant article - as you can see have only just properly started and have a long way to go before i am any where near a healthy weight but articles like this which are informative and to the point really help with my understanding of what i have been doing wrong and how to put it right - Thank you
  • Bumping for later...
  • savannahgur
    savannahgur Posts: 235 Member
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Bump to read later. Thanks for posting.
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    Bump :-)
  • Great article. I am so glad u posted it. SO helpful!
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    wow great stuff!! i myself have what i call a screwed up metabolism!! the only way I could loose weight was by extreme routines.For some reason the so called normal eating,portion control,free foods,right foods wrong foods,atkins whatever the diet I have tried it to no avail!!!.very frustrating.also I read an interresting atricle on here about the 185lb women who hardly ate.and the problem this caused..I feel there is no way for me to sort this problem as on a good diet I dont loose I dont really gain I just stay the same. very frustrating.I am open to ideas how to fix this problem.I am sick of having to restrict and exercise like a crazy person in order to shift to the weight I like to be
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Ok, food for thought...thanks
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    also I would like to add if I eat first thing in the morning..porridge or fruit strawberries with low yogurt is my favourite. then I get more hungry and eat more! where if I leave it till half way through the day it doesnt make me so hungry!! seems like my body doesnt want to play ball!!