so ready to give up. help



  • tnmyers23
    tnmyers23 Posts: 108 Member
    You can't give up it took a long time to get here and it will take time to get to where you want to be. Have faith in yourself! You can do this. Time to kick yourself and say "I CAN AND WILL DO THIS!"
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I know the frustration.

    I joined back in August and started logging everything - the kilos rolled off.

    I lost10 kilos (22lbs) in three weeks. Then the scales went to electronic heaven.
    The new scales made me 112Kilos. SO I sulked and lost the extra two - then zilch.
    For weeks. I did dislocate my hip 3 weeks ago which stopped me trying to kill myself at the gym 3 times a week.
    BUT as I tell myself, no one ever lost weight through cardio alone.
    Maybe I am now my own living proof that no one ever lost weight (heathily) through calorie deficit alone.

    Hmmmmf! don't give up - by the way, what exactly is it you are contemplating giving up?
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    Please don't give up! It looks like you joined a year ago yet have no MFP friends or information about yourself. Also, is zero lbs lost correct? I sincerely don't mean to be unkind but I'm honestly wondering if you've started. I'm a 49 year-old and would be happy to be an MFP friend if you'd like! You really have to want this for it to work. All the best to you!

    It looks like she joined today, not a year ago?

    I clearly have not had enough coffee! Duh! Time flies fast enough without adding an extra year. So Sorry! But can't give up - you're just getting started! It will get better!:smile:
  • KathleenC12
    KathleenC12 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, Lora! Don't give up without showing up! I see you have no info on your profile, no ticker that shares your goal. So, I suggest, in the spirit friendship and support, that you hang out for a little bit here.

    Make a comment a day to someone, and if you like you can send me a friend request. I'm new here too, and in the post-50 age bracket, so I know it's harder to lose at this point in life. But WE can do it!
  • akillaah
    akillaah Posts: 22 Member
    You've gotten past the hardest part of all - which is starting in the first place. You will always have ups and downs - we all do! Think about where you will be in a year from now if you give up? and think about where you will be in a year from now if you don't? You'll be kicking yourself giving up if you do when you're heavier than you were before you lost any weight a year from now. Just remember that your choice to change your lifestyle to a healthy one is always a great thing and is constant progress rather than the reflection of the pounds on the scale. You could be losing inches aswell if you're not losing pounds.

    What exactly are you struggling with right now?

    Just remember that we're all in this together and here to support eachother! You can do this darlin', never give up :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Lol and in the introduction thread none the less.

    Hope to make this easier by saying that you dont have to starve to lose fat!

    Enjoy this and let me know what you think.
  • shesquats
    shesquats Posts: 91 Member
    What everyone has said is true. Reach out and get some friends; the support and their drive is pheonominal. Make today your new start. Change is hard and creating new habits and getting out of old comfortable routines is NOT easy but you have to know what you want and why you want it to get it. Try to find friends that you have similar interests and or life styles; I find that this helps me personally. Good luck in your journey, but please don't give up on YOU! :)
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Don't give up. This is just the start of your journey. You are allowed to have bad days - tomorrow will be a new one.

    Please feel free to add me if you are in need of a support group. There is also a wealth of experience out there (not me, I'm new!) if you give a few more details about what exactly is going on.

    Have a read through the success stories. That could be you in a year's time. You've just got to stick with it, and work on one little change at a time.
  • mercymarque
    Don't give up. You join this site and committed to a new life style. Look at all the success stories. You have to make a change but you don't have to give up everything you love to eat. You can still eat the things you love in moderation. Get out and move... Drink plenty of water, log all your food, use a food scale, read the lables, fresh fruit and vegetable, whole grains and get a buddy. I hope this is helpful. You can do this.