For the runners: How much do you run a week?



  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    Fitness level: intermediate
    Average 4 days per week or running
    Average mileage per week 20 - 25

    I started with C25K from NO running experience and little cardio fitness at the end of January.

    Ran my first 5K on St. Paddy's day. Since May, I've been running about 20 - 25 miles per week on average.

    A week ago, I ran my first half marathon... not coincidentally, it was my highest mileage week ever: 30 miles.

  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i've been running for about 18 months. started with c25k, and just kept going. currently training for 2nd marathon.

    i reckon i do anywhere between 20-50 miles a week, depending. i also do weights and xt. sometimes!
  • 9xuzts
    This summer I ran at least 10 miles a week, but now that classes have started again I haven't been able to keep up with it. I just ran two miles today, but I hadn't in like a couple weeks...I'm going to try to fit it in more now. Let me know if you want to be friends. I love having new running friends.
    Oh and my fitness level would be beginning I would say. I've been running since January and I did my first 5k this month in 33 minutes.

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  • Eat2Live2Run
    Eat2Live2Run Posts: 137 Member
    I've been running for a little more than 3 years. I started at 250 pounds doing Couch to 5K. I couldn't run for 2 straight minutes when I started. I have now run 2 marathons, 12 half marathons, etc. One of my marathon was sub 4 hours and my half PR is 1:42.

    On average I run about 30-40 miles per week.

    Fitness level: Still kinda fat girl that has some pretty good cardio endurance :P
  • deedeehopes
    deedeehopes Posts: 39 Member
    Pahaha I feel like a wimp compared to all of you! I run every day 2 miles a day so 14 miles a week! I haven't been running for very long though!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I have 9 marathons and 3, 50k ultras under my belt. Shaved an hour off of my full marathon time and almost a half an hour off of my first half.

    Right now I am getting back in the swing of things.

    This week I'll be running 15miles total. Goal of 4 runs per week. Training for a half in November, so I'm ramping up. For the half, my training will peak at 30 miles/week.

    I hope to run a marathon in January, but that is tentative right now. Will probably peak for that between 40-50 miles/week.

    Since I know many uber runners, I will call myself intermediate.
  • msprouse8
    msprouse8 Posts: 85 Member
    I started running 3/12/12 with couch to 5K. I ran my first 5K this past Saturday. I run 6 days a week for 30-40 minutes, anywhere from 3-4 miles a day. That's 20-25 miles a week. :o) I don't LOVE it yet, but it's more economical for me than a trainer, gym membership, equipment, etc and I've lost 25 lbs. :o)
  • auty1991
    auty1991 Posts: 21 Member
    I run 4 or 5 days a week. You shouldn't run everyday. Your joints will hate you later for it. Lol. Try running every other day. (:
  • bongygs
    30k a week but play numerous other sports
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    When training for a race I usually run anywhere from 4-8 miles 5-6 days a week.

    Not training I run 3-6 miles 4-5 days a week.

    I also do calisthenics and lift weights on my lite running days.

    Running level-Intermediate.
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    I started last fall and found I love doing races (and by "racing" I mean against myself lol... I'm a back of the pack slow person). I'm training for my first marathon, November 10. Here's my schedule: just finished week 22.

    Fitness level: working on it ;)
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    I started ~2.5 years ago, and have worked up to ~35-45 weekly, usually 6 days a week. It's become a welcome hour of quiet personal time, often the only hour or so of it that I get in a day. Whats interesting is that when I started, I used it as an excuse to eat anything, so I actually got heavier initially. Then I hit 195, got sick of it, installed this app, and am down to ~153 since Jan 2012.
  • uidb5259
    uidb5259 Posts: 138 Member
    I trained on and off for years. When I was training for half marathons, I was running everyday with a schedule similar to:

    Monday: easy pace 5 mile
    Tuesday: hill workout 4 mile
    Wednesday: pace run 7 mile
    Thursday: Sprints 3 mile
    Friday: regular run 5 mile
    Saturday: long run from 8 to 15 miles
    Sunday: recovery - either no run or easy jog for 3 miles

    This is for training and not needed for just trying to stay in shape and loosing weight. Only for training for a race. Now I run more like 3 to 4 miles about 3 times a week and mix in other workouts to exercise upper body too. Hope this helps.
  • theownerz
    I was running about 21 to 24 miles a week. Which is about 3 to 5 per day. I'm not a runner i just like doing cardio for some rest and relaxation. I also like seeing my times increase. I just changed my workout out to put on a few pounds so ive cut that down to 3 days of 3 to 4 miles and one day walking but the cardio will change again throughout the months and season.

    Running Level-Intermediate
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Running regularly since April when I signed up for a half-marathon in November (my first in 19 years).

    Currently run 3x week, between 15-20 miles (2 runs 4-5 miles, and 1 longer run), and looking to increase mileage over the next several weeks. Do other exercises 3x week.

    Fitness level: intermediate
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    beginner runner (since May)

    average 10 miles per week... for now :wink:
  • davenportk83
    davenportk83 Posts: 44 Member
    I may be the newest newbie :-) Got back into fitness in December 2011. Currently I mix free weight circuits with cardio, some Zumba classes, and Yoga. I just started C25K just a week and a half ago. This is my second week. I was motivated after walking a 5K with my sister-in-law, it was a Cancer benefit and my brother-in-law had recently succumbed to the disease. It really motivitated me to try to run the next one. There was such a wide variety of runners and styles, plus my 9 year old ran the first mile no problem so I need to keep up with her too.

    The C25K program makes me feel like this could be an attainable goal. I am not a natural runner in my mind. So currently I am walk/running per the program 3x a week.
  • RunAlyndaRun
    RunAlyndaRun Posts: 162 Member
    I'm almost finished with the C25K program and run 3-4 times per week @ 3.1 miles each time. I'm still not actually RUNNING the entire time. I do intervals: 12 minute run, 3 minute walk, 12 minute run, etc. until I get to the 5K mark. I might consider increasing my mileage once I don't feel like I'm going to DIE at the end of every run.

    In June I couldn't walk a mile without stopping. I'm making progress:-) That's what it's all about, right?
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    20-30 training for some races coming up shortly. I'm a long time runner, but I've had years where I've only run maybe 3-15 miles per week because of life or just because I didn't feel like it, or I'm busy soccer training.
  • I an a "runner" trying to lose some weight. My best advice is not to do too much too soon. This will only lead to problems and challenges as you try to add speed and distance. I like to run, but have been dealing with shin splints since I got a little too aggressive. Good luck to you with your running. Also, check out for training tips. Add me if you like:tongue: