Would you be mad if..



  • Tell her it is fine that she talks to your ex, then tell her you might have some clothes and other items that are used up that you don't want anymore that she can have as well : )
  • JenG_2011
    JenG_2011 Posts: 79 Member
    Yeah, my former roommate friend is now married to my ex-fiance. Made me realize how much better off I am without both of them in my life. Not saying that's what you should do. Situations like this just show you who your real friends are. Good luck.
  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    I wouldn't be mad but I'd be sure to let my friend know that she was taking my USED leftovers. :laugh:

    I don't think you should be mad though, seriously, because he is an EX for a reason. Think good and hard, make a list if you have to, there are reasons PLURAL why he is your EX.

    What's junk to one is treasure to another..... :D
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I try to only date guys nobody I know would want. Ok, I don't really try, it just kind of happens that way.
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    id definitely be mad...if shes been your friend for a long time and you expressed to her that it bothers you that they're talking then she as a friend needs to respect you and back off.
  • KaidaKantri
    I would be really mad and pissed off. If my best friend told me "I don't know who to pick" she would not be my best friend anymore. You don't go and say that after a week of knowing your ex. As a best friend, she should know that he's off limits. I would NEVER date any of my friend's ex's or guys they liked. My best friend? HELL no.
  • TabathaAnn8
    IMO, it hurts, but..... what if they end up being each other's soul mate? What if you were her? I would not begrudge my bestfriend her soul mate. That said, I think she could have chosen better words when she said "I don't know who to pick". You know better than anyone what to do. If you truly think she is an awful person for putting you through this then find and new bestie!!
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    I try to only date guys nobody I know would want. Ok, I don't really try, it just kind of happens that way.

    lol me too!!!! :D
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Damn kids.
  • xxbookwormbabexx
    xxbookwormbabexx Posts: 92 Member
    Not okay.
    I'll admit that our gender is a strange one when it comes to friends & relationships...
    I feel for you!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    That's messed up. I'd douche her! Talk 2 her ex....
  • SarahJean0704
    I don't think i could ever talk to anyone that was with my bestfriend .. maybe if it was just anb accquaintance ex then yeah i'd go for it but we were like sisters, I let her stay with me through her divorce and we have always been there to help eachother but idk I really don't like nor did i ever expect this kind of thing and for her to even have the thought of picking someone shes been talking to for a week over me , it hurts.
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    I would be mad. Especially about her comment, "I don't know who to pick". Try to make her see your point of view, maybe ask her to imagine if you started dating her ex, how would she feel? But otherwise, just leave it. She is your best friend, so you obviously don't want to lose her over this. But if it was me, I don't think I would be able to continue the same relationships with her, knowing she has such little respect for you and doesn't even care how it makes you feel. Im so sorry you are hurting over this, it is a horrible thing for her to do.
  • jeremy_jj13
    my best friend ended up dating my ex , there exes for a reason of course there are exceptions but i feel like its just a situation that has to just be looked past and dealt with.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    She sounds like a crappy friend. For starters, the "who to pick" comment, in addition to disrespecting the time you two have invested in creating and maintaining the friendship, implies that she doesn't value you because she's even thinking (and enough so to voice) this thought. Had she come to you and explained things, even if it was after they became close, would have been much more honest, believable, and respectful that what it sounds like she's doing.
    And I'm approaching this from a perspective that completely disregards your history with him.
    Frankly she just sounds like she wants a guy more than she wants your friendship, and that's hurtful and immature.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Petty and puerile. If I throw out a chair I no longer give a damn whose butt sits in it.
  • SarahJean0704
    Thanks, i deff don't want to lose our friendship and i've told her that and thats when she said "idk who to pick" thing .. i would love to still be close with her and everything like it was before but i really think our relationship will deff change if she keeps talking to him .. i think its pretty disrespectful .
  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    You helped her through her divorce! That says a lot right there... maybe she is just rebounding?

    I'm with the other poster... what if the guy is HER soulmate? You tried it, it didn't work out for you. Pick up and move on. Be the better person. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Perhaps you two were together just so that the TWO OF THEM would meet!?

    I dunno.
    Do what makes you feel right in the end because you are the one that has to live with it.
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    No. I'm not selfish enough to say that if he wasn't right with me he can't be with anyone I know. I'm not saying you're being selfish. Women are weird. For the most part, I don't like the majority I've met that are of my own gender. There are exceptions!

    As far as I'm concerned, if two people don't mesh well it's highly unfair to prevent others from possibly finding love where it may be right. Of course, I'm best friends now with a women I knew as a child who dated my brother and then later was engaged to my ex-husband. We became best friends after she realized I was right. But it was her life to live and her choice to make, not mine.

    The only thing that gets me is the "who to pick" thing. Because a best friend won't make you pick (which you sound like you aren't, and like you'll deal with it either way) and a guy worth having won't make you pick either.
  • SarahJean0704
    she may be rebounding but whether she is or not i don't think she needed to do it with my ex.. idk i just feel like ive been really disrespected by the both of them .