A NEW ME - 2010 Weight Loss Challenge!



  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Here's my stats for the week:
    12/31- 190 lbs
    1/7- 187 lbs
    1/21- 183 lbs
    1/28- 182 lbs

    1 lb loss. I hope to do better next week. I have 7# before my first goal weight when DH comes home on leave...I'd better get working!!

    8 lbs lost total in 2010.

    You are all doing so well! I'm seeing some good numbers this week! Do we have a challenge for next week yet?
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    31/12 - 163.8
    07/01 - 162.2
    14/01 - 161.8
    21/01 - 161.0
    28/01 - 160.8

    GOAL - 159 by next week, i have lots of work to get there! :heart:

    i have no excuses, i am lazy and i can do this, i will do this, i will get into the 150's again, but this time i will pass the 150's into the 140's and i will look hot! i have to get motivated!

  • MelK8RN
    MelK8RN Posts: 34 Member
    i seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth. I weighed last week but didnt log and weighed today as well. Its been busy...trying to get back to work from this back injury :( isnt working as well as i would have hoped.
    Anyway...sounds like everyone had a great couple weeks. I <3 the new challenge of making and sticking to goals!

    good luck this week and have fun

    SW: 158
    1/21: 157
    CW: 155
    GW: 125
  • MelK8RN
    MelK8RN Posts: 34 Member
    ha...forgot to post my week goals
    1. 6-8 glasses of water a day
    2. 45 mins cardio each day
    3. fruits and vegs
  • GoingToLoseIt
    Congrats to all the loses this week! For those who didn't lose, just stick with it and stay positive.

    Goals for this week:
    FAITHFULLY record everything I eat (I tend to falter around dinner time)
    At least 30 min. of exercise every day (except Sunday)
    Stay away from the cheese! Cheese is my weakness :)

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Davilee
    Davilee Posts: 13
    WOW! Looks like some really good stats this week :wink: Congrats to all, even those that didn't lose any...well you didn't gain any either so that makes you a winner. I agree with GoingToLoseIt, stick with it and stay positive :smile:
  • fitforme
    Goingto loseit- I noticed you mentioned cheese as a weakness and along with PB, cheese was definatly a favorite of mine but both are LOADED with fat! My natropath suggested cutting out dairy and wheat as they are common allergens and can slow weight loss if your body is already having trouble digesting them.So I have pretty much cut out all dairy for the last couple of weeks and I noticed this morning I had some cereal with milk and instantly had a belly ache. Interestesting now I don't want the cheese so much either!
    I also have trouble logging around supper but that has been my focus this week too.:smile:
  • GoingToLoseIt
    Goingto loseit- I noticed you mentioned cheese as a weakness and along with PB, cheese was definatly a favorite of mine but both are LOADED with fat! My natropath suggested cutting out dairy and wheat as they are common allergens and can slow weight loss if your body is already having trouble digesting them.So I have pretty much cut out all dairy for the last couple of weeks and I noticed this morning I had some cereal with milk and instantly had a belly ache. Interestesting now I don't want the cheese so much either!
    I also have trouble logging around supper but that has been my focus this week too.:smile:

    Thats a good thought. I never have milk with my cereal in the morning, because it always gives me a bit of a stomache-ache. I always thought it was a combination of the milk and then driving in the car for half an hour to go to work, but I have noticed that cheese and some types of yogurt also make me feel bloated/sick - even though I love cheese! I have a doctor appointment next week, and I will mention it to my dr. and see what her thoughts are.
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    how was everyone's weekend? hope you all had fun and stuck to your goals :drinker:

    GOALS for this week:

    1,200 - 1,500 calories every day depending on exercise
    2 litres of water per day, which i do anyway, so gotta stick with it
    45 mins elliptical for the next 4 days before weigh in

    good luck everyone :heart:
  • Majot
    Majot Posts: 16 Member
    Start weight 12/31/09 - 194.8
    1/7/10 - 190.8
    1/14/10 - 188.0
    1/21/10 - 187.4
    1/28/10 - 185.2
    2/4/10 - 186.2

    Goal weight - 128

    Well, I went the wrong direction this week, but today's the beginning of a new week!! So, here's to everyone for next week. :drinker:
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Starting weight 12/31/09: 184.4lbs

    1/7/10: 181.6lbs :bigsmile:
    1/14/10: 183.4 (+1.8lbs, TOM eating was kinda bad) :grumble:
    1/21/10: 181.2 :happy:
    2/4/10: 178 :bigsmile:

    Total lost: -6.4lbs (from starting weight)

    Much better week.. Cleaned up my eating and it sure makes a difference! Thanks to Eating Clean!! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Davilee
    Good Morning :smile:

    This week's stats:

    SW 1/04/10 143.6
    GW Short term 135
    GW Long term 125
    1/7/10 142.6
    1/14/10 141.6
    1/28//10 140

    2/4/10 139.4

    Total 4.2 lost

    My goals this week were:

    Calorie Intake 1200-1300 (I use most of my exercise allowances)
    Water Intake 6-8 glasses per day
    Cardio 6x per week (Some are just 20 minute cardio blasts)
    Strength 2-3x per week
    Take my vitamins
  • GoingToLoseIt
    Well, I stayed the same this week :grumble: Starting weight 343, current weight 333. I know why it happened at least - I was not faithful to staying within my calories. Thats my goal for this week - I have the exercise part down, it's the calories piece. I've enlisted my fiance to help me - he's not to allow me to go to bed without logging my food for the day! And I have to show my food diary to him, so that he'll know I did it!

    Do we have a challenge yet this week?
  • Buckychick4ever
    Buckychick4ever Posts: 21 Member
    SW: 12/31/09: 152 lbs.
    1/7/2010: 149 lbs
    1/14/2010: 147 lbs
    1/21/2010: 145 lbs
    1/28/2010: missed weigh in :embarassed:
    2/4/2010: 142.4

    Goal: 140 lbs by 3/1/09

    Struggling with getting my workouts in again this week. I leave for a snowboarding trip to CO 2 weeks from tomorrow...I need to work out every day to make sure I can shred the mountain as best I can. Didn't leave myself much time to get ready, but 2 weeks is better than not doing anything at all!! Good luck to everyone for the next week!!
  • fitforme
    down 1 pound this week. better then nothing I guess! Patience is a virtue....
    Great results brandiann! I have been tryin to Eat Clean as well. I feel so much better when i do and you don;t crave nearly as much sugar or junk hey?
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    31/12 - 163.8
    07/01 - 162.2
    14/01 - 161.8
    21/01 - 161.0 was lazy this week, could have lost more if i really tried
    28/01 - 160.8
    04/02 - 159.0 :drinker:


    i hope you all have a great week, well done :love:
  • GoingToLoseIt
    31/12 - 163.8
    07/01 - 162.2
    14/01 - 161.8
    21/01 - 161.0 was lazy this week, could have lost more if i really tried
    28/01 - 160.8
    04/02 - 159.0 :drinker:


    i hope you all have a great week, well done :love:

    You are doing so awesome! Just 20 pounds away from your total goal - I am so excited for you!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Start weight - 155

    1/7/10 - 154.4
    1/14/10 - 154.4
    1/21/10 - 154.2
    1/28/10 - 153.8
    2/4/10 - 155 :angry:

    Goal weight - 120
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    Start Weight 1/11/10 174
    1/14/10 173 - mostly dehydration, but I'll take it!
    1/21/10 - didn't weigh myself, TOM
    1/28/10 - 172.5
    2/4/10 - 173

    Sigh. That's what I get for not exercising.
    I stopped drinking coffee in the morning, and expected that one change to do all the heavy lifting. Apparently not. I had hoped that sticking to the 1300 calories a day metric would be enough - but I have great difficulty actually accomplishing that.

    Obviously working out diligently and being able to eat less strictly works better for me than holding to a strict diet and not working out at all.

    To the gym I go.

  • Hopey1994
    Happy Thursday!
    Here's my stats for the week:
    12/31- 190 lbs
    1/7- 187 lbs
    1/21- 183 lbs
    1/28- 182 lbs
    2/4- 182 lbs

    No loss this week. I did everything right with exercising but I seriously need to focus more on my diet. I've been eating to meet my calories, not eating to make a life change (like when I burned 2500 cals by steam cleaning my carpets in 7 hrs, and didn't eat...so I ate fast food at 7:30 that night to meet my cals). I'm working on it though. Maybe next week will be a big loss to make up for this week? I sure hope so. Still 7# to go...so close!!!

    Goal this week:
    GET UNDER 180!!
    Focus on food
    Run 2 miles straight (I have a 1/4 mile break in my 2 mile run right now; would LOVE to run the whole thing!)