Coffee = Appetite supressant?



  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    I think it may work that way when you start out drinking it but it doesn't always work as an appetite supressant.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    This might be TMI, but I've noticed that when I have coffee before my breakfast (i.e on an empty stomach), I tend to need to use the bathroom, if I haven't done so already upon waking up. :/
    Also a well-known effect.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Dunno if it's the caffeine that causes the appetite suppression for me or not. Some of it is the taste in my mouth and the mechanics of the process.... making the coffee, preparing it with splenda/sweet'nlow/milk, slowly sipping on it instead of sticking food in my mouth, etc.
    Could have been the caffeine that suppressed your appetite in the beginning, but now the ritual has more of a placebo effect. Or maybe what you are feeling is not true hunger but more of that "bored" hungry feeling.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member

    Also a well-known effect.

    Not that I necessarily mind; sometimes I tend to feel out of whack when I don't go in the morning.
  • Amygrl559
    Amygrl559 Posts: 62 Member
    Sometimes when I'm mindlessly looking in the kitchen for something to eat, but I'm not really hungry, I'll make a cup of coffee and it keeps me satisfied until my next meal.
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    Sometimes when I'm mindlessly looking in the kitchen for something to eat, but I'm not really hungry, I'll make a cup of coffee and it keeps me satisfied until my next meal.

  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I'm sure that the caffeine is an appetite supressant, but even decaff fills me up. I'll have a cup after dinner if I'm still hungry. Sometimes with a small square of dark chocolate or a hershey's kiss. It always makes me feel more satisfied and helps me stop eating. I have to watch the cream though, because I like mine with cream. I just log my cream right along with everything else.
  • MelbourneBelle
    MelbourneBelle Posts: 105 Member
    I've noticed this week that having a cafe-bought skinny flat white mid-morning means I'm less hungry and eat fewer morning snacks. If I have a mid-morning plunger coffee I don’t seem to get the same effect - maybe it’s to do with the strength of the coffee?

    I had eased off my mid-morning cup to save (1) money and (2) calories, but now I'm thinking that calorie wise, it’s better to have the coffee than the snacks.
  • I can't live without my morning cup of coffee, but I can't drink it black. So I add unsweetened vanilla almond milk to my coffee. It gives it some flavor and is better for me than milk or cream (an lower in calories).
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    I've been slipping up lately... and finding myself gorging on snack food sitting around during the morning at work due to stress and other factors. I guess I know where my overeating comes from. Anyway, I'm going back "on the coffee" as my "go to" for random hunger.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Honestly forget where I learned it, but yes, coffee is an apatite suppressant.

    This goes for regular ol' cup of joe. I do not know about the frou frou 900 cal drinks at Starf*cks.
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    You just told my secret!!!
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    Honestly forget where I learned it, but yes, coffee is an apatite suppressant.

    This goes for regular ol' cup of joe. I do not know about the frou frou 900 cal drinks at Star*****

    When I go to Starbucks, I order, depending on the purpose, one of the following:

    1) Coffee. Regular coffee. With non-fat milk. (appetite suppressant, comforting drink, morning drink) Either unsweetened or Splenda.
    2) Cafe Latte. This is just coffee with a little more milk in it. I drink it either unsweetened or with Splenda.
    3) Chai Tea Latte "skinny" - Treat or dessert!

    I avoid the frou frou stuff, unless you consider a Chai to be that. But that's not for appetite suppression. For that, regular COFFEE. The dark stuff.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Coffee is an appetite suppressant. Has been know for many many years.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I'm more hungry after drinking coffee. To me, it feels like it rips through my system burning up all my energy (which is why I'm twitchy after drinking a cup) and then I feel exhausted and hungry 45minutes to an hour later.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Eating baby pandas suppress my appetite.

  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    I didn't read the comments because I'm feeling lazy today so this has probably been said already. I don't know if it officially is an appetite suppressant, but it definitely is for me. On days I drink coffee I have trouble getting over 1200 calories regardless of exercise, on days I don't, I eat anywhere between 1500 and 2000 calories depending on exercise.
  • gregarybrown72
    gregarybrown72 Posts: 25 Member
    Yes! Just be mindful is the sugar, sweetners, and cream.
  • Stimulants will suppress your appetite. That is why tobacco companies used to market cigarettes as a way to get thin, because nicotine is a stimulant. Like caffeine, Ritalin and meth. Not saying to use those for dieting, but as with those you can build a tolerance and it will not be as effective if used too much.
  • Mesi13
    Mesi13 Posts: 10
    Sometimes when I'm mindlessly looking in the kitchen for something to eat, but I'm not really hungry, I'll make a cup of coffee and it keeps me satisfied until my next meal.

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