bad knees.. arthritis and knee replacement..



  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Only thing I really avoid exercise wise is lunges and anything that requires jumping.

    Yeah I also avoid most jumping things that require a lot of power (I don't even do jumping jacks because they feel awkward on my knees). I modify some things, and replace others. I'm slowly getting better at lunges and squats and stuff, which is nice :)
    I still wont give up my zumba.. but i will have to continue to modify the dances (i don't do any jumpy things)

    My knee pain got exponentially better after giving up Zumba... :(
  • fitnessgal1318
    Hi...I had a Synvisc one injection one week ago. I am a long time runner with a history of osteoarthritis in my right knee. Over the last eight years I have had three flare-ups which have sidelined me for a bit. This last one being about one month or so ago after training for a half marathon. My doctor wanted to try injections before any type of surgery. The injection for me was quite painful but my knee was a bit inflamed anyway so that might have contributed to the pain. I could not move very well for a few days but there was definitely less pain. I am one week in and taking it slow, I did 20 minutes on the elliptical yesterday and am thrilled. I feel quite good today and am very optimistic I will get back to my lifestyle. I am pretty active and my job keeps me moving too. Good luck and don't hestitate to drop me a line if you have any questions. I'm not an expert on this stuff but did have the injection!
  • amf013
    amf013 Posts: 4
    ok.. so yesterday the doctor told me to suck it up and deal with the constant pain. because my knees are in almost bone on bone.. there is little they can or will do. so.. questions are.. one option given to me would be to get three injections of some sort of jell. i know that they cortazone hurt like heck.. and didn't work for more than a week.. so any experiances with the jell injections would be great... Also, the next step is to replace both knees.. YIPES. is there anyone here that has had that done and how were the results? how long was recover time? i have worked too hard to get to where i am and don't want to lose any ground.

    Ok...I just had my left knee replaced on April 10th..Tomorrow will be 4 weeks post op. Since it was my left knee, I was able to drive once I was released from rehab. I was in the hospital for 3 days and rehab for one week. I am walking around my house without the cane, and hope to be able to lose it next week. I went back to work part time last week and am trying to get close to a full week this week. I do have a desk job, so it does make it easier to be at work.

    I tried the synvisc and did it for a few cycles. It did help, and does help my sister greatly. Good luck!
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    My now 90 year old mother had her knee replaced 2 years ago, and she is remarkable! She was walking the next day, and because of her age went to a rehab hospital for a week. She kept at it, and has no pain whatsoever. It's usually the anxiety that's worse than the operation, and she wished she'd done it sooner. Best of luck to you!
  • amf013
    I had the synvisc injections...they really gave me some relief...but ultimately knee replacement was for me...but they gave me the time to decide what I need to do. My sister has been doing the injections for at least 5 years, it gives her great relief.