Partners who "love you no matter what"

Hi Everyone

I want to hear everyone's opinion on partners who love you no matter what. I've been thinking a lot about it recently, and believe that I probably would not have put on as much weight as I have, if my partner wasnt so unconditional in his love.

Of course it would be awful to date someone who would leave you if you got fat, however mine seems to completely disregard my appearance, thus I have no need to impress him or spend time to make myself pretty or stay fit.

When I mentioned losing weight, he said that he would definitely support me in this endeavour, but he wouldnt mind it either if i stayed the way I am now (5'6" 180lb)... which is very counter productive.

Is there some way I can use this mentality to assist me in losing weight?


  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    As long as YOU want to lose weight, no one else's opinion should take away from your drive to do so :)

    I know that his support is important to you, but you seem to have that, along with unconditional love...that's definitely something to appreciate given how many people struggle with a lack of support from their significant other.

    Best of luck with your goals!
  • cwmw
    cwmw Posts: 30
    As long as YOU want to lose weight, no one else's opinion should take away from your drive to do so :)

    I know that his support is important to you, but you seem to have that, along with unconditional love...that's definitely something to appreciate given how many people struggle with a lack of support from their significant other.

    Best of luck with your goals!

    But... In a way, having a partner who doesnt judge on appearances seems to give me the feeling that there would be no consequences to quitting? Its always on the back of my mind, if i just quit and take the easy route, everything would still be the same?
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    I know exactly what you mean because my boyfriend is the same way ( I know because I recently got sick and gained 12 lbs and he still compliments me all the time), but you just have to find other can be anything from a pair of old jeans you want to fit into, to an event that you want to look good for, to a friend who is also working on losing weight with you. I'm sure you can find other ways to keep you motivated
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    There are many other consequences besides having your boyfriend not approve of your figure.

    What about your health? Looking good in clothes? Fitting in chairs, airplane seats, roller coasters, and restaurant booths? Knee pain? Foot pain? Back pain?

    You need to live for yourself, not anyone else. Don't blame his unconditional love for your lack of discipline. My boyfriend loves me too, but he wasn't forcing food into my mouth.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Simple conversation - "Darling, I am so grateful for your unconditional support but I really need to get healthy so that I can be around a long time to enjoy that support. Would like you like to come for a walk or workout with me?"

    My husband has been at my side through thick and thin but we are both enjoying the benefits of working together towards a healthier me. By doing it together, we have become closer and we are both much happier.
  • cwmw
    cwmw Posts: 30
    Simple conversation - "Darling, I am so grateful for your unconditional support but I really need to get healthy so that I can be around a long time to enjoy that support. Would like you like to come for a walk or workout with me?"

    My husband has been at my side through thick and thin but we are both enjoying the benefits of working together towards a healthier me. By doing it together, we have become closer and we are both much happier.

    Good idea! will try that tonight :)
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member
    I very much love my husband regardless of how he looks. Looks change over time, as we get older and gravity sets in, due to an accident, illness, or name it, it can happen. With that, I support my husband losing weight and getting in better shape as best as I can (sometimes it is hella-irritating...when I want a brownie, for instance). Not only does his health depend on losing weight, but so does his job, and therefore the stability of our family.

    Good luck on losing weight. It can be a bear, but worth it in the end. :bigsmile:
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    You say everything would be the same (your spouse would still love you) if you give up and quit. That is so true. I have the same kind of spouse. He even tells me to this day - don't lose too much - I love your big thighs! Here's the difference in losing this time. I am doing this because I WANT TO. Before I have had every reason in the book to lose weight (new clothes, bathing suits, vacations, I'd be skinny, etc.). The list goes on and on. Now? I do not seriously think about those things. I have run out of clothes and I'm in the last size I own. I have a lot of NSVs each week, and? The reason I want to lose weight is for me, so I feel better. There is no prize at the end that I am looking forward to - just feeling better and being healthy. I don't reward myself with anything when I reach goals. They are just goals. So, when people ask for motivation - I always tell them, No one else can give you the motivation you need to succeed. When you are truly ready to lose weight - you will. You won't have to rely on others to motivate, support, or hold you accountable. You will just do it. I never believed this before. But it is the truth. :smile:
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    buy clothes in the size you want to be!! Get fit n healthy for yourself never mind your boyfriend lol
  • my current ex was the "I'd love you more if you weighed less type", constantly telling me how fine this girl was and how fine that girl was while telling me how imperfect I was. It didn't make me want to lose weight to please him, It made me want to punch him in the face. I decided to lose weight for me. If your partner loves you no matter what, that's a good thing, a great thing in fact, but I've learned that when it comes down to changing something that you want changed about yourself, it has to come from within YOU. If you want it, go for it, and know that he'll be there with you through your journey and cheering for you the whole way.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    The key have to want to do it for you...NOT for him! It took me a long time to get in the right mindset to lose weight. I was overweight my whole life pretty much and over 300 pounds when I met my husband. I would try to lose weight and I'd fail. I was always trying to do it for him but he didn't want/need me to lose weight for him and I wasn't ready to do it for me. We're both reaping the rewards now. He is very supportive...he has just never in all of our years told me that I needed to lose it.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I was quite lucky, my husband had been dating someone who was a lot bigger than me previously and he left due to her cheating on him. So I knew that he would have no trouble with my size, I am a little smaller than when we first met but I wouldn't want to get bigger for my own health reasons. If someone I was with couldn't accept me due to my size, I would tell them where to go.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    My boyfriend was shocked when I told him I wanted to lose 80 pounds. He said I wasn't fat and just needed to tone up. Very sweet but I am that overweight and it does need to go!!! I've lost 10 Ibs of that so far and he compliments me and is supportive.

    We are LUCKY to have boyfriends like this. You really dont want a boyfriend who makes comments about your weight and puts pressure on you.

    You have to find motivation from within you, and there are plenty of reasons other to impress your boyfriend for losing weight to focus on. Health, less worry over health, more energy, feeling self confident, bring able to wear more choice of clothes, feeling of accomplishment etc. And even if your fella doesn't say you need to lose weight, if you are overweight, he will be pleasantly surprised when you get to the new, sexier, slimmer you!

    I used to think my boyfriend was hindering my weight loss by ordering Dominos pizzas virtually every weekend and buying desserts in. I'd often have a strop with him when I fell off the wagon and pigged out. But I know that's not fair. He's not on a diet. I'm in control now of my motivation! Moral of the story, don't let your weight loss success depend on anyone but YOU!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    There are many other consequences besides having your boyfriend not approve of your figure.

    What about your health? Looking good in clothes? Fitting in chairs, airplane seats, roller coasters, and restaurant booths? Knee pain? Foot pain? Back pain?

    You need to live for yourself, not anyone else. Don't blame his unconditional love for your lack of discipline. My boyfriend loves me too, but he wasn't forcing food into my mouth.

    This. I haven't had a boyfriend the whole time I've been on this journey... why does that mean that I should go back to eating like crap, not exercising and feeling like crap? That's not who I am anymore... No I'm doing it because I want to be the best person that I can be. i think that you need to find the intrinsic motivation for yourself, or else you aren't gonna stick with it no matter what,
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I want to hear everyone's opinion on partners who love you no matter what. I've been thinking a lot about it recently, and believe that I probably would not have put on as much weight as I have, if my partner wasnt so unconditional in his love.

    Of course it would be awful to date someone who would leave you if you got fat, however mine seems to completely disregard my appearance, thus I have no need to impress him or spend time to make myself pretty or stay fit.

    When I mentioned losing weight, he said that he would definitely support me in this endeavour, but he wouldnt mind it either if i stayed the way I am now (5'6" 180lb)... which is very counter productive.

    Is there some way I can use this mentality to assist me in losing weight?

    dude, no offence, but you're effectively blaming your BF for your weight. My BF supports me in my journey to be healthy, and would also love me if i'd stayed how i was 38lbs ago. But even if he hadn't supported me, i'dve still done it, man up and look to yourself for the reason why you are the way you are.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I understand, my husband is exactly the same way. While I'm sure that he loves me and is attracted to me the way I am now, I know it will just get better when I'm smokin hot. So that's the motivation.

    But I have figured out a way to use his unconditional love to my weight loss advantage. :laugh: I just explained to him how important it was to me, and that I really needed his help to get healthy for me, for us and for the babies we are planning for. So now I have my very own out-of-body conscience that helps me stick to my goals when I feel temptations getting the better of me. He is there as a reminder, a back up of last resort if my own self control fails to say "Sweetie, you told me to tell you if you want that cookie you have to get on the treadmill for 15 minutes." And then I will either put the cookie down, or NOM the cookie. If I choose to NOM the cookie, he will just laugh, set up the treadmill and put on a Lost episode for me, then playfully push me on it. It's fun, and I really think it's brought us closer together.

    I do very similar things for him, he can't drink soda after 6pm or he stays up really late (and has to get up really early) and feels sick in the morning. So last night, he was on the couch, about to pop open a soda can and tackled him ("saving" him from the mt dew), put it back in the fridge and brought him a different drink.

    You can help each other in very loving ways, it doesn't have to be negative. Doing things for each other and helping each other reach your goals is one of the most wonderful perks of romantic relationships. So if you're comfortable, let him take an active role to help you (it will make him feel good) and if he has a habit he's trying to improve, offer to help him too. :smooched:
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I want to hear everyone's opinion on partners who love you no matter what. I've been thinking a lot about it recently, and believe that I probably would not have put on as much weight as I have, if my partner wasnt so unconditional in his love.

    Of course it would be awful to date someone who would leave you if you got fat, however mine seems to completely disregard my appearance, thus I have no need to impress him or spend time to make myself pretty or stay fit.

    When I mentioned losing weight, he said that he would definitely support me in this endeavour, but he wouldnt mind it either if i stayed the way I am now (5'6" 180lb)... which is very counter productive.

    Is there some way I can use this mentality to assist me in losing weight?

    My boyfriend/fiance/betrothed/boytoy said the same thing about me at 258 lbs. I then told him I wanted to lose weight. He made sure that I was doing it for myself, but did tell me that he wouldn't mind seeing a little less of me, if that's what I wanted.

    Since then, he's been dragging my butt to the gym! Since he's a tall skinny guy trying to bulk up, we've been working at different things, but we do it together! I've even made him go with me some of the time!

    Could I have done it on my own? The diet part, yes, but moving more? No one gives me the motivation more than he does.

    Do I need him around to finish this weight loss? No, because I'm finding my own motivation now, but I couldn't have done this much without that loveable *kitten*!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    It didn't make me want to lose weight to please him, It made me want to punch him in the face.

    I know it wasn't funny when it was said, but this made me laugh out loud! Glad he is your ex and that you have found motivation from within. Do it for you! :D
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    This is just another excuse. It is not your partner's fault you got this big and not their fault if you don't lose the weight.

    The only person who can control this is you.

    Feel lucky that you have a partner who loves you regardless and use the strength it gives you to do this.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I can relate to this.