Diet saboteur



  • EAVA
    EAVA Posts: 31 Member
    Looked at your diary since you've begun and it doesn't really look too bad.

    try to add sugar and sodium to your diary
    b/c for me if I go over salt or over sugar I am not loosing weight
    more sugar you ( even in fruits) eat more craving for sugar you have
    good luck
  • boozeybird
    boozeybird Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I was stuck like that for about 2 months back in February. It's as though your body reaches a plateau and needs a kick start to get it going again. I increased my calories so my body didnt think it was starving and did a bit more exercise, nothing much, and sure enough the weight started coming off again. I have since cut back on the calories and exercise and the weight has still kept off. I'm at my goal weight now but always think I could lose a few more pounds to keep in credit.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I have a sweet tooth too and sometimes a problem with sweet snacking. What has helped me is

    1. Change your macro's to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat and stick to it. Believe me when I say there won't be room for those biscuits if you do this

    2. Eat protein snacks like cottage cheese and apple, hummus and carrot sticks, small amounts of nuts, oatcakes and low fat cheese. Take these with you to work if necessary

    3. Fill up your plate with vegetables and salad and lean meats with smaller amounts of carbs like rice and potato and bread

    4. Allow yourself one (yes one) sweet treat a day. I have mine after my evening meal.

    Eating better foods and particularly eating more protein will help you keep your blood sugars even,and help you be less hungry so hopefully you can curb the sweet cravings. It will also help you to lose more weight since the body uses more energy to digest protein than it does to digest carbohydrate.

    This has really helped me and I was the worst sweet-snacker going, believe me.

    All the best

  • LDragonfly1980
    LDragonfly1980 Posts: 22 Member
    Too many carbs from too much bread based foods and biscuits. I have a horrendous sweet tooth but found some alternatives such as fat free toffee yoghurts, or highlights hot chocolate, or a jubbly ice lolly or even sugar free jelly.

    I try and limit any bread intake to 2 slices of bread a day and thats more bread. Pasta for me is a killer on the carbs too.

    Certainly tho.....cut back on the biccys :)
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Thanks people. You are all straight talking and helpful but kind as well - really supportive, thank you.