whats wrong with me???



  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Wanting to do it is the same thing as being interested in doing it. Stop being interested and get committed to it!

    Planning every meal for the day will help you keep on track but it's up to you to be honest and do not eat anything else other then on your plan. Another thing I've been told is "If you can't eat it responsibly, keep it out of your house." so in other words if chips are the issues, toss them out. If cookies, cake, ice cream Ect... Is the issue get it out of your house.

    My issue is sweets, I can do them responsibly until TOM so then I have to either indulge and regret later or keep them away from me all together. No one can do it for us, we are in charge of what goes in our mouths.
  • lifewithpi
    It is NOT linear. I have not been able to start losing weight and then consistently lose. It's down a week, then flat for a couple of weeks, then down for a few weeks, then another flat week. I have to remember that I'm in it for the long haul, so a bad day, or a week without losing, is a bump, not a full scale failure. No need to throw in the towel over a bump. It's the long haul that matters.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I doubt there is anything wrong with you. But there is obviously something wrong with the weight loss plans you've been using. Try different healthy eating plans and exercises. There is no one right way to lose weight and get fit, but there is one way that will work best for you. When you find that, it will work. If you start something and are miserable, don't continue. Find something else. If you want to lose consistently and keep it off you need to find something you can be happy doing for the rest of your life.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    everytime i do it....
    i make a plan to loose weight cause i hate who i see looking back at me

    For me I had to come at this from a place of self love and acceptance. I wanted to be healthy and beautiful. I wanted and still want to love myself.

    I think, and this is for me, when you start to feel acceptanct and you want to do this for yourself because you are worth it and because you care about being stronger and healthier than the rest will come. The motivation will be innate because you always take care of your most precious possesion.

    But I'm pregnant now (a result of weight loss) so I'm extra emotional and mushy, Just my 2 cents. Be patient and kind to yourself.
  • kgordon88
    Start small. I started with a small caloric reduction and started walking at lunch around the parking lots at work. I added a little by little. I get bored easily so I try a new activity each week. Right now, I am enjoying zumba on the wii. My weight loss has been slow but stable. Best of all, I don't feel like I am dieting so it should not be hard to maintain.
  • ndfaninaz
    What's wrong with you? You're human. The best thing you can do is just keep trying.

    I've gained and lost so much weight in my lifetime, it's ridiculous. But if I don't keep trying, I'll never lose it.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I don't think the reasons we self-sabotage are bull****, as others have suggested. They may not be logical, but they're still valid.

    They[re not bull****, and they often have their own logic if you dig sufficiently deeply. If you talk to a complete stranger who isn't in the habit of self-examination, the underlying cause is not likely to come out because we all know what we're "supposed" to think and feel about things like weight loss.

    I have found that, assuming a person of normal intelligence with adequate resources to attack a problem (money, support), a recurring problem usually is evidence of an emotional issue. Although it can't hurt to think through the problem once or twice, it's not going to resolve the issue because it's not intellectually-based.

    In cases like that, it's better to keep thinking to a minimum and to focus instead on structures and habits that will support the desired behavior. You're unlikely to think yourself into the right solution. Because it's about feelings that may have formed when you were quite young.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    If you keep trying to DIET, you will never succeed. It must be a change in your thinking and a lifestyle change.

    My first suggestion would be to NOT change your eating for a week. Simply focus on writing down everything you eat. You can eat anything you want, as long as you know how many calories it has, and preferable other data, i.e. fat grams, sugar, fiber, carbs, etc. Most foods are in the database here and have all that info ready to add to your diary.

    You have carried the extra weight this long, one more week won't kill you.

    WHY do I suggest this?

    You need to learn first to be completely honest with yourself. Don't open your diary up yet. No one else will see it but you. But you really need to see exactly what and how much you are putting in your body. Will it be hard to do? Yes. Will it be painful? Yes. But you cannot change what you don't acknowledge.

    Once you know where you are starting from, you can start to make small changes. Add more lean protein while cutting back on processed sugar. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables to replace chips and candy. Drink more water and less soda. If you have a craving for something unhealthy, delay allowing yourself to have it. You can have it in 30 minutes. Or you can have it if you walk for 10 minutes and drink a glass of water first. As you make small changes, you will start to feel better, and have more confidence in yourself that you can do this, and you are worth it.

    Jumping on and off a diet will only set you up for failure, result in even more weight gain, and cause you to loathe yourself even more, every time you 'FAIL".

    You are worth a better life than that, and when you start to believe that, then you will have the power to change.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    everytime i do it....
    i make a plan to loose weight cause i hate who i see looking back at me....and then i sabotage myself and go over my already very generous calorie allowence....dont understand it, cause i desperately want to be healthy and slim.....ugh....i need a slap

    At the time you make a bad eating choice your desire to eat is more powerful than your "desperate[]" need "to be healthy and slim."

    Why? What happens? If you can't explain it because you don't know, can you at least figure out a way to prevent it? (Don't keep the wrong kind of food around, etc.) Not 100% of the time, not 90%, even 30% will do for now.

    Beating up on yourself is not helpful. It creates intensity, drama which may make undesirable behavior more, rather than less attractive. Ideally, losing weight should be routine and boring.
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    1: Grab monitor with both hands, one at either side of screen.
    2: Push monitor away from body and face.
    3: Pull monitor really fast toward face while turning your head to one side.
    4: Repeat



    Now that we got the slap you asked for out of the way.... We've all done that; we've all been in the same boat. It's a loss of motivation. You have to really want it - you need to remind yourself why you're here, what your goals are - and stick to it. We all got here because of lack of willpower and motivation. Find your motivation and own it. You can only do it if you get your priorities right and make the commitment.
  • thanks everyone....
    and especially thanks for the comment bout my smile (made me smile),
    so this is my plan for now:
    1. small changes...this week its gonna be have breakfast and incorporate a glass of water into my day to replace a cup of tea.
    2. walk the dog EVERY day.
    3. work by 7lb goals, every 7lb i loose i will put 10pound on a giftcard for a clothes shop.
    4. log everyday!!!!
    5. as soon as one item of clothing gets loose get rid!

    i aint into religion. but thank you for the thought....and i couldnt commit to drastic diets like vegan etc but again thanks for the suggestion.

    feel free to add me
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    I always like to log everything for 2moro b4 i go to bed so i know EXACTLY what i can eat and i train myself to think i cant have anything i havent written down. u defo have to be in the proper frame of mind and ur wee plan sounds good to go :) lots of luck xx
  • Silvergamma
    Silvergamma Posts: 102 Member
    The best change you could make is to move toward loving yourself. Cheesy sounding, but true. It was the biggest epiphany I've had. You have to stop the cycle of self hate, because how can you be expected to care for something that you don't like? At the end of the day health is about looking in that mirror and seeing the wonderful physical form you've been given, making friends with it, and then taking good care of it. We only get one body, and it responds better to love and care, than to loathing and punishment. It's OK not to like the way your body looks right now, but once you can accept how awesome it is in general, everything else becomes exponentially easier.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I found it really helped to do this with 2 of my closest friends. We all encourage each other and are accountable to each other. So I feel bad if I slip up because I'm not just letting myself down!
  • You need a slap? No. You need a reality check. Do what hurts the most - LOOK at yourself. LOOK in the mirror and SEE the person you've become. Only when I did that, did I realise I had to lose weight and so I did. If you feel nothing motivates you then you obviously haven't realised that you need to lose it.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    For me, these are the major things that have worked:

    - this is not a diet, its a lifestyle change
    - weigh, measure everything
    - track everything I eat, and I mean EVERYTHING!
    - I NEVER deprive my self, if I want chocolate, I eat it but I count it and make sure its within my calories for the day
    - I eat 1200 calories a day, it has worked for me for 10 months and Ive lost 41 pounds
    - work out 3-4 times week, I don't typically eat my exercise calories, unless its a special occasion
    - I understand that this is a process, I didn't gain the weight overnight, so Im not going to lose it overnight, this takes time, so I have to be patient

    Feel free to friend me if you like :)