Tell me what I am doing wrong, plz



  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    You always weigh more in the evening than you do in the morning. You should only weigh yourself once a week, if that. Why are you weighing yourself in the morning and the evening anyway?
  • I can assure you there is nothing wrong.I gained over 4 lbs last week due to the bad food i ate.But when i resumed my diet and the exercise and the 4lb gain has melted away.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Weight gain could be due to fat turning into muscle. Although it is very annoying to see the scale go up, guage it differently... how do you feel, does your body feel tighter, have you got more energy?!

    Whatever you are doing, keep it up, Rome wasn't built in a day :)


    I'm sure you meant well, but....
    "fat turning into muscle"?
    4 lb of muscle gain in one day?

    smh. wow.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    LOL this is why i stopped weighing everyday! i puton water twice a month ovulation and t.o.m! about 6lb each time and it is heart breaking at times...but good news the highs are always follewed by lows with me! write on a calender and look when you are heavy and when you are not and weigh then! :blushing: :flowerforyou:
  • *** IT'S WATER WEIGHT, UNDIGESTED FOOD, ETC! Be consistent with your weigh in's.:happy: :happy: :happy: I weight myself every morning right when I get up (go pee first!) and totally naked. It is accurate, and you will get a better idea of your real progress. I can fluctuate 3-5 pounds in a day : )
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    Well.... given the fact that you weighed yourself in the morning and are comparing the weight to your current weight ( at night).... I would take into consideration all of the food and water you drank today.

    I usually fluctuate 5-8 pounds in one day. It is nothing to worry about. Tell us what you weigh after you use the restroom tomorrow

  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    What were you expecting, to have lost lbs in a matter of hours?

    You weight yourself first thing in the morning, you then add clothes and throughout the day you eat and drink and wonder why you weigh more in the evening? It's perfectly normal for your body to fluctuate 4lb a day.

    I know we all want to lose weight yesterday, but jeez.
  • roswyn80
    roswyn80 Posts: 114 Member
    *** IT'S WATER WEIGHT, UNDIGESTED FOOD, ETC! Be consistent with your weigh in's.:happy: :happy: :happy: I weight myself every morning right when I get up (go pee first!) and totally naked. It is accurate, and you will get a better idea of your real progress. I can fluctuate 3-5 pounds in a day : )

    Exactly this, and what everyone else has said along these lines. :)

    A couple of times for curiosity's sake I've hopped on the scale before going to bed, but that's not a reading I take seriously - I just think it's amazing how much you lose overnight! You need to weigh in, like everyone's said, in the morning at a regular time.

    There will be days when you're down, and days when you're unchanged or up - and even those up days are ok! There's always a tomorrow to get back on track and work it off, so you shouldn't get disheartened. You also shouldn't get addicted to stepping on your scale multiple times a day, because it won't do you any good. ;)

    My family came to visit and I gained nearly a kilo in the two days they were here, but that was fine - and less than a week later, I've got rid of that weight and a little extra, by not panicking and just eating more sensibly for the next few days ('sensibly', lol - I've had a pizza, falafel and a little bit of McD's this week!).

    I'd say just relax, settle into a routine, and things will happen for you. ^^
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I love that old corker: It's probably fat that has turned into muscle!! Jesus might be able to turn water into wine but I doubt the OP is capable of miracles like turning fat into muscle.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Well.... given the fact that you weighed yourself in the morning and are comparing the weight to your current weight ( at night).... I would take into consideration all of the food and water you drank today.

    I usually fluctuate 5-8 pounds in one day. It is nothing to worry about. Tell us what you weigh after you use the restroom tomorrow

    I agree with this!
    I weigh 3-4 lbs more in the evening than I do in the morning every single night. I weigh twice a day most days & what you saw was normal. Your weight can also fluctuate from morning to morning for reasons that other people have given (perhaps they didn't read that you were comparing your weight before you'd eaten & drunk all day to after you'd done those things).
    Don't stress about it - if you worry about little fluctuations it's better to weigh less often.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    There are a number of reasons, if this is a recent 'healthy' change and you are eating differently to how you normally do, your body can react in all sorts of surprising ways. Some of the other most common causes are:

    Did you do significant (or different) exercise yesterday?
    Have you taken in a lot of sodium rich foods in the last couple of days?
    Is it that TOM?

    Or, is your scale broken/temperamental?

    You don't need to go back to JC, or to WW, or any other gimmick. This will work, just stick to what you know you should be doing and give it a little time.

    THIS is probably one of the single hardest thing there is to remember. AND it's spot on. The key phrase here " This will work, just stick to what you know you should be doing and give it a little time."

  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    It's food dear. U weigh less in the morning cuz there is no food in there and even less after u use the potty. When u start putting food in ur body, u will weigh more. That's all it is. Don't weigh at night.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    In the morning your stomach is empty and you have had nothing to drink for hours vs a day with a healthy diet and good fluid intake? I put on several pounds over the course of a day. Don't panic
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    You will be up at night, I guessing you have eaten food in the day time? Pick at time , a day and only weigh in once a week !

    For me it's Thursday morning , after a visit to the bathroom, naked! :blushing:

    Hoping on and of the scales is NOT a good idea...

    You CAN do this
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Like everyone said, its simply the food and water you ate and drank during the day. You can drive yourself crazy with the scale weighing yourself daily and stressing over every ounce. I would suggest trying to only weigh yourself max once a week (the same day, in the morning after your first bathroom visit but before eating or drinking).

    Don't drive yourself crazy! I know its easy to obsess over every ounce and whether or not you're eating the right thing, too many/too little calories, getting enough exercise, ect but you'll just torture yourself.
  • What I read was that you weighed this morning and then again tonight. You will always weigh more at night than you do in the morning. Weigh yourself in the mornings, prior to eating anything and always weight yourself around the same time of day. Do not be disappointed in yourself. I have struggled the past two weeks, I too gained 4 lbs and struggled to get it back off. One of the things I noticed, we were eating more sandwiches than normal, just due to busy schedueles. I finally told my husband I had to get back to a meat and veggie diet and I added an extra half an hour to my exercise. Finally, this morning, I've dropped all of those extra 4 lbs. You will have periods of time when you hit a plateau, it's frustrating, just keep doing what you know is right. I too have done Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, the cabbage soup diet, the "walk 10,000 steps," - you name it, I've tried it. So far, this diet is working for me. I'm not much on exercising - I hate to walk - to me walking is the most boring exercise there is. I've found a great solution for this, my kids had bought me a Wii game console, I went out at the beginning of this diet and bought the dance dance revolution game and I do it EVERY night for an hour. It has made a huge difference in my weight loss. I'm not at 36 lbs and counting. I pray it continues to work for me.

    I wish you luck and know you will succeed, just be patient. I have to tell myself that every day.

  • I wouldn't weigh at the end of the day because of water and food weight ~ that could easily be the problem. My doctor said that our weight can fluctuate as much as 5 lbs as women.

    I looked through your food diary also and highly recommend that you eat at least 1200 calories per day to keep your metabolism going and that you add in some quality fruits and vegetables for fiber and nutrition. They really aren't many calories.

    Don't give up! My Fitness Pal works!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Weighing twice a day is just silly. As others have said try once a week.

    It probably isn't slowing down your weight loss as long as you're hitting your calorie limit but you are eating quite a bit of fairly empty calories, soda crackers, candy...etc.
  • davna
    davna Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, you said that you weighed yourself in the monring and in the night, Im not telling you what to do... but I wouldnt weigh myself twice in one day, you have fueled your body through out the day and so bound to weigh more.

    I lost 4 stone on weight watchers and we were advised to weigh only once per week so im so gob smacked on here that most weigh daily, thats tourture to me.

    Try weighing once per week OR if you prefer daily then one a day prefably morning.

    Keep up the good work :)
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    don't weigh yourself twice a day, you'll only be disappointed.

    & the literal weight of food youre digesting will move that scale too, it's not fat, or muscle, or even bloat... the food matter is still in you!

    don't stress, and don't weigh more than once a week. Preferably in the morning, naked (or at least in the same clothes every time)
