How Does Your Occupation Affect Your Exercise/Diet

Hoping this isn't in the wrong category but, basically that's the question: what is your occupation & how does it affect the times you get to exercise, how you exercise, & does it ever cause you to ruin your diet?


  • NoExcusesAllProgress
    I work from 9am to 9pm and its tough to work a diet in my schedule because I don't get to work out until late night. The only thing I can say is, when you have the will there is a way. Just have to find what works and do the best you can. Wake up early if I have to or stay up late.
  • maedoll18
    Wow! That's dedication! :) I'm an author, so fortunately I have a good amount of time when I'm not doing book signings or working on my next novel, to spend on my diet & exercise
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I used to work 8:30a-9p M-F and then a few hours on Saturday. This was coupled with a 2 hour commute each way. I was miserable, and work provided our lunches and dinners (which were always horrible takeout) so I was really unhealthy. My job drained me mentally, that by the time I got home at 10 or 11p all I wanted was bed. I got a new job in May where I get home by 6pm every day and that is when I started my weight loss journey! I am a much happier lady. (AND I make more money now. My old job can suck it!)
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Working out can get a little crazy at times. I work 9am-5pm. After work I usually head home, eat dinner. My boyfriend and I have only 1 car and he works 2pm-10pm, so if I want to go to the gym I have to catch the bus. I usually catch it around 7:25 and then by the time I get there and finish my workout the buses are no longer running. Since my boyfriend works at the gym I have to wait until 10pm for him to get off so I can /finally/ go home.

    Unless I decide to work out at home, going to the gym on a weekday can be a major PAIN! It sucks having literally no down time.

    My job doesn't affect my eating habits though anymore. I just bring sufficient food and some water and I'm good for the day. :)
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I work at Lowe's in the paint department about 20 hours a week. I have LOTS of time to workout (on my days off) and I like how my job has me on my feet, walking and lifting paint buckets all day.

    ETA: The hard thing about my job is getting enough water and snacks in me so I don't get too hungry (cause that's when I make bad decisions!) The girls I work with used to bring cookies, muffins, cupcakes etc. for us to "snack" on throughout the day and I started bringing carrots, granola and string cheese to work for me to snack on and now everyone is bringing healthier snacks. It's contagious!
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Im a server in a crappy restaurant- all the food is high calorie garbage - Even the salad is crap- no low cal dressing and iceberg lettuce. We have grapes for kids and I have ate a few- but quit that as grapes are wonderful sometimes- but got played real fast since its all we have that even has a glimmer of health value.

    In my defense and for my own protection (ha) I eat a good breakfast before going in and make my own trail mix. I have 2 recipes that are for 200 or 300 calories each. I choose which amt I need for which day (longer days or shorter shifts) - thats all I eat. I graze it. Its in my apron pocket and I'll go hide and eat some, wash up and get back to work. Sometimes theres an apple in my car for when I get off- so I can munch on the 25 minute ride home, and make a nice dinner without grazing thru the kitchen in a fit of hunger.

    As for exercise- I do it when I can. Usually if dinner needs to cook long- I put it on- and go work out. Or I go work out then come home and immediately start fixing dinner. I also am a weekend warrior out of time constraints. I can work out up to 3 hours a day if I feel like it on Sunday and about 2 hours Friday and Saturday both- again- IF I am up for it and not busy.

    Someone else said when theres a will theres a way. The gals in my occasional zumba class have a million different stories, jobs and family set ups- yet more times than not- we make it- Sunday AM no less!

    ETA: I NEVER count serving as exercise- thats my lifestyle (non sedentary) I dont care if I sweat, lift trays, bend and run for 6 hrs straight- thats not exercise- its life. I was 15# heavier living this life- if it didnt count as exercise then- it wont now either.
  • 724a
    724a Posts: 15 Member
    I have a desk job, mostly using a computer (like now), and I can sit for hours without any significant movement when I'm concentrating on something. I have to remind myself to stand and stretch periodically, walk to the office kitchen, step outside for a few minutes, etc. Lunchtime is a good break and when the weather is good I'll walk around the block a couple times.

    After work I get to the gym as soon as possible and spend 1-2 hours there. I eat a protein bar on the way home. At least 15-30+ minutes strength and 30 minutes cardio 4-5 times per week. Then home to make dinner. Not much time for TV or other stuff in the evening. On the weekends I am at the gym more.

    I also make the next day's lunch with or shortly after dinner. It keeps my workday lunches 'honest' and make sure I don't get lazy (there are LOTS of restaurants near the office, including a couple pub/grills).

    That's all new though. Until a couple months ago I went home, ate whatever, and sat at the computer or on the couch watching TV. It isn't easy keeping this thing going. I also work with a personal trainer once a week to make sure I keep on track. It helps.
  • wendymaci
    wendymaci Posts: 61 Member
    I'm a surveyor and work in the oil and gas industry. I work on the road lots usually in very remote locations or small towns. My shifts are usually between 17 and 24 days gone at a time then home 4 then back out again. Usually working 12 hour days and living in hotels or camps. I try and do workouts in my room or go for runs a few times a week, but honestly after about 2 weeks of 12 hour days with no breaks it gets hard to work those in, sometimes sleep is much more valuable. Eating out all the time, lunches from gas stations or food served cafeteria style in camps where you don't have much say in whats getting served makes eating healthy challenging. If I have a fridge and microwave in my room I try and make my own breakfasts at least.

    For the past 2 years I've been in and out of the office, I'm currently in the office but will be heading back to the field the first week of October so when I'm home I try the best I can to eat healthy and work.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Great topic!

    I work as a server, I'm working 4-5 days a week, this week it's just 4 because I requested the Friday - Sun off for a Family reunion. However, I'm on my feet on a normal day 5-7 hours a shift, we do not get a break unless it is a double or an 8 hour + shift. I love my job, I am good at it so I don't mind. However I have had to readjust things. I work the evening shift mostly, Sat and Sun are the only days I can work the morning shift but normally they put me for a double on those days. So I do breakfast and either a late lunch to hold me over till I get off work or an early lunch and an early dinner so I don't have to eat dinner at midnight. Yesterday and today I close, I did not get home till 1:30am, but I didn't have to be at work till 6pm, so I have time to make dinner. Sometimes I'll save enough room in my calories to run through Taco bell since it's right on my way home and pick up 2 Fresco taco's it's about 280 calories for 2 of them so not to bad.

    Being a server though, I corporate my exercise into my job. Instead of bending down and picking something up, I'll squat and lift. Instead of walking to bring dishes back or whatever, I jog or walk very fast. I do circles around most my fellow staff because I refuse to sit still. I'm always moving at work. I burn between 250-400 calories per shift just depends on how busy we are and how hard I push myself.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I am active duty military and fortunate enough to now be assigned to a unit that mandates 5 days a week of PT, typically a lot of running or other cardio. Otherwise, I would work 0730 - 1630, pick up the kids and have a hard time finding time to workout at home. I do have a desk job, but I have other offices to interact with throughout all 4 floors so I get some stair time in, too.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I work for a nonprofit organization and spend a lot of time sitting at a computer. But the women I work with are wonderful - very supportive. Two of us are working hard to lose weight and get in shape, so the others are sensitive and don't bring in a lot of tempting foods. In fact, one coworker has a huge garden and brings us fresh produce quite often. My workouts happen after work. I have to walk my dog, so that's usually my cardio (I live on a mountain, so it's all hill walking). Then I try to do some pilates, yoga, or strength-training low-impact aerobics as well. I also keep busy with yardwork and other projects, so I stay pretty active all evening.
  • jules080670
    jules080670 Posts: 55 Member
    I am a nurse, work 12 1/2 hour shifts, days, nights, weekends etc! It affects my exercise definitely! On days I work, I do not work out although I sometimes barely sit down in that shift so burn calories that way. But it never affects my diet. I log and take my own lunch and 95% of the time it's fine. There is the odd crazy shift where I may grab something naughty but it's rare!
  • zahea
    zahea Posts: 29 Member
    mcdonalds. nuff said
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    I work in food and beverage developement which is pretty awesome but very hard on the diet at times. We have 8 scheduled tastings a year for new menu items and a whole lot of chefs cooking up some awesome lunches in between. When I first started I would pile my plate high, go back for seconds (these are REAL CHEFS cooking delicious things, how could I resist!)...after a year in position I packed on 10 lbs...from not paying attention to what I was eating and not exercising regularly. I still have to taste as part of my job...but I try not to make it a 3 course meal anymore!

    I also used to work 7am-6pm with an hour commute and had every excuse in the book not to exercise. I did not have a good work life balanced and worked with my boss to let him know that I was going to be in from 7:30-5:30...thanks for MFP for helping me track what I am putting into my body (even on the bad days) and scheduling time to exercise (I put it in my outlook calendar!) I am on the right track and back to where I was (a little less even) from when I started!
  • hilarysgiants
    hilarysgiants Posts: 132 Member
    I am an EH&S Manager and very stressed. I have a desk job, but also get around to do inspections. I am now using my lunch time to go on walks to help deal with the stress. I have a 45 min commute one way and start work at 7:30 - 4. Then home to prep dinner for my two boys and hubby. I usually workout once they are in bed, after 8 pm.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I work basically as a receptionist... so I'm on my butt for probably half the workday. I do have to do a bit of running around, but 4 hours on my tush is still pretty lame.

    My gym is closer to my work than my home so I pretty much have to go immediately after work or it's likely I won't leave the house again... still working on that habit but I'm trying!

    & I did make myself an "office workout" that I try to do every day, if I'm not busy... I just hide in the corner where no one can see me haha

    7a-8a - 20 squats. 1 cup of water.
    8a-9a - 20 calf raises. 1 cup of water.
    9a-10a - 20 arm circles. 1 cup of water.
    10a-11a - 20 knee-ups. 1 cup of water.
    11a-12p - 20 lunges. 1 cup of water.
    12p-1p - *1/2 hour break!* - walk if it's nice out. 1 cup of water.
    1p-2p - 20 sumo jumps. 1 cup of water.
    2p-3p - 20 side bends. 1 cup of water.

    edit to add- I dont have weights with me so it's not super impressive but at least I'm moving around..
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I used to work 8:30a-9p M-F and then a few hours on Saturday. This was coupled with a 2 hour commute each way. I was miserable, and work provided our lunches and dinners (which were always horrible takeout) so I was really unhealthy. My job drained me mentally, that by the time I got home at 10 or 11p all I wanted was bed. I got a new job in May where I get home by 6pm every day and that is when I started my weight loss journey! I am a much happier lady. (AND I make more money now. My old job can suck it!)

    I had a similar situation to yours in my previous job, except that I make LESS money now (but I have my mental and physical health back which is more important!)
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    I think the biggest problem with work and how it effects a healthy lifestyle is the lunches! So many eat out for lunch- and even if you try to choose healthy foods, the portions are out of control. Then, there are the many candy jars, vending machines, and bulks snacks floating around the lunchroom. And many places have "lunch and learn" or lunch provided by pharmaceutical reps, etc.

    For me, I'm fortunate to have a gym 2 blocks from my work and I go over my lunch hour EVERY weekday. Not only do I avoid the "girls lunch out", I am doing my body good by getting a great burn!
  • charl2712
    charl2712 Posts: 38 Member
    I work as an operating department practitioner in theatres and it's hard on my diet and exercise firstly because there is always someone in the department bringing in cakes. biscuits, sweets to eat and secondly because I work long hours. Most days at the moment while I'm training I work from 8am-6pm during the weekdays, and have an 45 minutes commute each way, so I don't have time to get to the gym in the morning (when I usually like going), but also as I stand on my feet literally all day, by the time I get back home at around 7pm, I'm just too knackered to go to the gym. Once I start working shifts I'll be working nights, lates and weekends which will probabaly make it even harder to stick to an exercise and diet regime, but I'm determined to make my current lifestyle change stick!!!