How often do you eat the same thing?



  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Same every day with little variations in type of lettuce.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I don't eat exactly the same thing everyday but I pretty much rotate the same several meals around.

    Oatmeal or eggs - breakfast
    Sandwich or soup - lunch
    Chicken/veges or beef/veges - dinner

    This way meal planning is easier (I tend to plan for several days out).

    It does get boring sometimes but that's when I vary up stuff like veges or add a salad.

    Same, only I eat Thomasville english muffins for breakfast and coffee.
  • sunshineshica
    my breakfasts consists of the same thing majority of the time, lunch and dinner will vary like if I eat a salad for lunch than I'm eating a sensible dinner and vice versa
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    My diary is public and you can feel free to look. I eat an awful lot of the same things with small variations. Some call it boring, but it's all food I enjoy, so it works for me. :smile:
  • taradawnrenee
    My breakfast/lunches are usually always pretty close to the same thing. I'm not a great cook - so I can't really do a lot of variation.
  • Sam3622
    Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member
    I have been eating sushi every wed lately not the best idea i know but can't help it.. And every Fri I eat fish of some sort, I try to avoid fish high in mercury though..

    when I first started this journey, I had a meal plan.. ie.. Meatless Mondays, Soup Tue, Watever Wed, Turkey THursday, Fish Friday, Saturday Faturday, Sunday Funday.. I try to keep to it kinda makes it easy to buy groceries and know what im gonna eat for the week and not veer off track too much.. but thats just me.. I'm kinda weird that way.

    Haha, i love this!!
  • alphal0b0
    alphal0b0 Posts: 125 Member
    Agree with that ^^^
  • jeleclekat
    jeleclekat Posts: 124 Member
    Look at diary - I eat same thing everyday except dinner... I'm a 14 days, 14 lbs.
  • alphal0b0
    alphal0b0 Posts: 125 Member
    It's important (and cheaper) to have your go-to's, things you will most always have on hand which you can throw together and know how it will fit into your day. As you do this more and more, you will have a longer list of go-to's. Basically, any way you can set yourself up for success, do so, as this is a mental game more than anything.

    The more you can plan, the better off you'll be.

    Agree with that ^^^
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    I eat pretty much the same breakfast every morning. It's relatively quick and tasty. I've reached the point where I REALLY look forward to that morning muffin for breakfast and if I don't have it? I feel fairly out of sorts the rest of the day. I do eat a lot of repeat things though. Tuna salad or cottage cheese for lunch. A piece of fish and salad or pasta and broccoli for after class. I try to mix up the 'additionals' though, and keep things fairly strong tasting so my tastebuds don't get bored. Like I'd rather have a half an ounce of a sharp, aged cheese, then 2 ounces of american processed crap. Or using onions in my tuna so it's got that sharp sweet taste, not just plain bland tuna. Different flavors of yogurt. Different fruits. But the same basic meal structure so it doesnt get too out of whack and mess up my calories for the day.

    When you have a hectic schedule, things come down to what's convenient to grab and go and still can help you stay in your calorie limits and make you feel full and not like your stomach is chewing away your backbone.
  • SweetMe1
    SweetMe1 Posts: 73 Member
    I eat the same breakfast every morning because that's the only meal I eat alone. If I lived by myself, I'd probably do all the meals that way. I also have a limited list of snacks I eat and pick and chose among them every day.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Once I've found something that works and that I like, I will eat it every single day... sometimes for years. It really helps to have a few go-to meals that you know are going to fit your goals. I have several and it beats the hell out of having to enter every single thing every single time. :)
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    I LOVE fried mushrooms with some chicken and beansprouts chucked in.
    no sauces or anything, just a couple scooshes of 1 calorie spray in the pan..

    I eat this a lot, only because I am addicted to it though! lol
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    There are a few things I eat nearly every day like soy milk, onions, carrots and garlic. And occasionally I may make a pot of stew, chili or soup and eat it several days in a row. But no, in general I do not eat the same thing every day. I like variety. I don't even like it when I have more leftovers than I can eat the next day for lunch. :ohwell:

    I'm not a planner. I often don't know what I'm having for dinner until after I get home from work in the evening. I know that it will be something I have in the house, but I keep a well stocked pantry, fridge and freezer so there are always many options.

    For me, having lots of healthy options available is key to sticking to my diet because I'm very fickle when it comes to food. If I plan dinner in the morning I may not still be in the mood for it when dinner time rolls around.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I often make a big batch of a meal, and then divide it into portions for the week. Makes it very easy when I come home from work - no cooking required. I just take it out of the fridge. I try to make both a salad and a bigger meal with meat, for my evening meal. This week I only made a salad, and I've been still hungry and snacking on junk food. If I have a meal ready prepared it stops me doing this. Of course, in theory, I could still make a meal each evening, but when I'm very tired I find it difficult to muster the organisational skills and energy to do this.

    I also boil eggs in advance for breakfast - then I have a ready-made hardboiled egg for breakfast. I tend to be sleepy in the morning and I don't like the additional stress of having to prepare breakfast - so it's very helpful for me to have an egg waiting for me.

    For lunch, I have a bagel to take to work - I defrost it the night before, and in the morningI toast it and put cheese in it. I find it helpful to grate a batch of cheese beforehand. Having the same meal each day means I can create a simple routine that is automatic.
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I eat pretty much the same things most day, so eat a lot of vegetables,fruit and lean protein. I try to get value for my calories and look at some foods and see how little a portion size is so tend to avoid, especially in the early days as I like to be full.