How Does Your Occupation Affect Your Exercise/Diet



  • RosaC773
    I work at an office and we get tons of free meals (sandwiches, cookies, brownies, muffins,etc! I have to learn control. Also, my shift is from 7AM to 4PM, but I stay to 5pm for the overtime. I really have to push my self to go to the gym at 5AM or to go at 7pm/8pm.

    Before my current job, I worked in the mail room and I ran around all day. Now, I sit for plus 10hrs!

    I just have to get use to my new routine!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm a graphic/web designer so I am sedentary for sure and I work 8-5. I always bring my lunch so food is not an issue. I usually get home about 5:30 so I have the rest of the evening to go to the gym. I usually end up at the gym about 8:30 or 9. It's an easy routine.
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    This is quite interesting for me a)because of my line of work and b)I've just changed roles so it has affected me too.

    I work for a sustainable transport charity, and part of what we do is promoting healthy lifestyles- mainly through transport. I.e encouraging people to use walking and cycling as part of their daily life to integrate exercise rather than go out and seek exercise separately. It's easier to replace a 2 mile car journey to and from work with a 25 minute round trip cycle than it is to find time to go to the gym in the evening, for example.

    I've been working in schools for 4.5 years, cycling to all the schools I work with, sometimes to and from work (but always to and from the station), and doing a lot of my other leisure journeys by bike too.

    My new job is more desk based, but I ride 8 miles a day when I'm in the office to and from the stations. I'm trying to keep my levels of activity as high as they were before, which isn't always possible, but I'm finding new ways. For example, I can get off the train a stop earlier and ride home tonight if I'm not too exhausted! :)

    I was just reminded- on office days at the old job, i would always go for a walk or a cycle- in a 45 minute lunch break you can walk 3 miles or cycle around 8 quite easily! I've not got into the rhythm quite yet in the new job, but hope to soon!
  • nukehiker
    I do weld inspections at various nuclear power plants. I am on the road about 6 mos a year, working close to 12 hrs a day 6 days a week including my commute time. eating is not always the best, but i try my best to make good decisions. going to try to stay dedicated to my current running program so i can maybe do a 1/2 marathon late next year.
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 309 Member
    I am a speech therapist in the public school setting. I am in my office by 7:25 and I head home anywhere from 3-6 pm. It really just depends on the day and if I have any homebound students or preschoolers to work with. I was able to get an early morning burn in yesterday around 5 and still made it to work by 7:25, but this morning I slept so deeply that I just couldn't pull myself out of the bed to get to the gym. So I will have to workout when I get home this afternoon, or go for a short run (since the weather's so nice). So my workout times definitely vary, and I don't beat myself up if I miss a day.
  • NoExcusesAllProgress
    Wow! That's dedication! :) I'm an author, so fortunately I have a good amount of time when I'm not doing book signings or working on my next novel, to spend on my diet & exercise

    Thanks! being an author must be amazing. I used to write a lot, but haven't gotten back into it as of late. Mostly poetry and such.
  • fattypattybinger
    Currently a Stay at Home but returning to the work force soon. I am a RN and will be workig in Home Health again. What worked for me was Protein Bars or I would make Peanut Butter and Jelly (Sugar Free) and would bring counted chips and some fruit. Unfortunately then I was a Smoker and would smoke in between patients home. But I can say I have been Smoke Free. When I worked 12 hours days with 2 hours commute on the weekends again I would bring my own food. I also kept Cheese and Crackers in my office (I was Management) at that time. I always would rather spend money on the kids so I was always too frugal to buy food. Only once a month me and another nurse would order Pizza Hut Pizza each of us would have 2 pieces and then we took the rest home. On weekends sometimes I worked 16 hours when I was on call so sometimes I would run out of food then I would head into a Chili's and order a Steak and Baked Potatoes. The protein kept me going. Sorry to long winded. Now at Home I am logging my calories which is helpful.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    It could completely affect it, but I try not to let it. Essentially I work 2 full-time completely sedentary desk jobs. 8-5, with non-negotiable hours and 6pm-11pm plus weekends where I can come and go as I need. I fit it exercise in every nook and cranny. I walk 15 minutes on my morning break. I go to the gym for 45 minutes on every lunch period. I sometimes go for another 1/2 hour in between leaving one job and heading to another. I hike or gym on weekends. I park far from my office, etc. I try to take the stairs two at a time (I could never do this before!) Never any big chunks of time to devote, but it all adds up. Just gotta' plan ahead. Make my lunches for the week on Sunday night. Make a protein smoothie every morning before work. Super lucky in that my husband cooks our dinners so it's always ready right when I walk in the door.
  • luvmypwds
    I have an office, 8:30-5 type of job, 3 young boys at home. I don't let them or my work affect my workouts; I get up at 5 in the morning to workout twice a week, workout at noon (gym close to work) once a week, and I run in the mornings on the weekends. Of course, when I'm working out at home, be it early mornings or weekends, my husband has to be there to make sure kids are ok. But they're sleeping at 5 in the morning, so it's never been an issue.
  • proudarmywife06
    proudarmywife06 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm a Phelebotomist and I will soon be in med school. I am constantly on my feet walking from room to room. I do find time to exercise after work or before work though and I pack my lunches and snacks so I dont get the bad stuff when I'm in a hurry :)
  • jesspi68
    The last place I worked I had a desk job and no one there cared about being healthy and it's kind of catching. I didn't have a real desire to change anything so we would have two for one slices on Tuesdays, Moe's discount Wednesdays and Friday chinese food... very bad.

    Now I work in law enforcement and a lot of my coworkers are very health conscious, trying to get or stay fit and that has been catching for me also, that's when I decided I was going to make a change. I started working out with no results, and then I found MFP and since then have finally gotten back into the 180's!!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    reading everyone's stories and how they fit exercise and healthier eating into busy lives is very inspiring and reminds me that I have a lot of opportunities to make this healthier lifestyle work for me.

    I am single, no kids (although I do have a dog so I can't be gone endlessly from home) and work a slightly flexible 8:30-4:30 office job--I use my half hour lunch break to walk at a nearby park with coworkers and then eat lunch at my desk; I pack lunch the night before and rarely eat lunches out except for a rare special occasion with coworkers. I am not a morning person so most of the time I go home after work (30 minute commute), walk my dog, clean up a bit around the house, and then go to the gym or running group or bootcamp fitness class (at the local running store). I eat dinner around 8 pm when I get home. Once a week I meet a friend at a local park and we walk and talk for 30 minutes while her 5 year old rides her bike. On weekends I get up earlier than I do for work (!) for running group or long runs at local parks...and I try to take my dog for extra long walks--she doesn't like other dogs too much so I don't take her to running group, but try to make up for it with extra exercise near home.

    Some weeks I have to fit workouts in with concerts, special events, or volunteer work, but I try to not skip too many workouts, I like staying on my routine.

    If I ever date again or have more of a social life, I know that I will find a way to keep eating smart and working out, I'm getting some good ideas from all of the other posts.
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    I work in an office were I sit behind a desk all day. Bad part is that I have little to no movement unless I leave and take a walk. Good thing is I can do that, but if it's crappy weather, I'm so not walking outside! I used to work at a grocery store as customer service/cashier, so I was ALWAYS moving, now I just sit....
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I am a ballroom/latin dance instructor and spin instructor. I dance about 15-20 hours a week and spin 2 hours a week. Aside from that I do road cycling (usually 2-4 hours on a Sat.) and paddleboarding (1-2 hours/week). When not training for an endurance cycling event, I train with heavy weights 2x week -- squats and deadlifts up to 135#; also presses (overhead and bench) and rows (instead of road cycling).

    I've always been active and worked out 6-7 days per week.

    Ironically, my dancing so much negatively impacts my weight loss. The more I dance, I the more my weight is stalled. Granted, I've never been more than 15 lbs. above my goal weight, but when I'm dancing a lot is when the weight creeps upwards; usually 6 or so lbs.

    My weight is cyclical and has ranged from 127 - 142 lbs. Right now, I'm smack dab in the middle. I'm 5'4, 44 years old, and a mom of 4 kids under 14, so I do plan and cook most meals, including their lunches to ensure they are healthy. I do have one overweight 11-yr-old, and it is infinitely frustrating to me trying to figure out how to get that under control without making him self-concsious.
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    I'm a bank teller, so I sit from 9-6 everyday, in front of a computer. lol, just like I am now ;) I get motivated on MFP though so it gives me the drive to be active when I get home on most days and eat right and stay on top of my calories throughout the day. It gets a little tough here and there because of chips, cookies and pizza that are sometimes available within arms reach lol. But I have really trained myself to not eat any of that while it's here and bring my own snacks instead!! :)
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I'm a mechanical engineer, and I work 8:30-5:30. Some days I'm at my computer the entire day doing models and drawings, while other days I'm on my feet the whole day running tests or putting something together in the lab. On my sedentary days, I try to find excuses to get up and walk around. Foodwise, vendors are the biggest problem - some of them bring Taco Cabana burritos and assorted ice cream bars every single week. Just had to learn how to say no! I used to exist on Lean Cuisines and it did me no favors, so now I cook healthy meals for the whole week and bring my lunch every day.

    I get home around 5:45-6, so I have about 5 hours in the evenings to do whatever I need to do. When my boyfriend was away on a work assignment I'd cook ahead for the evenings too so I wouldn't have a problem fitting workouts, household chores, dinner, and a little relaxation into my evenings, but since he came home a month ago I've been struggling to find a balance. He likes a fresh dinner every night and hasn't gotten a gym membership yet, so my workouts have suffered.
  • semperfit1823
    0400-0600 workout can work anywhere all the way to 2200 usually 1800 tho so yeah it dictates my life lol
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    I work in a lab, normally 7-4 (with an hour drive each way) but some days we get a call that a particular type of sample is coming in and I can be in the lab for 6-8 hours (or more) with just long enough to run to the bathroom, or we get a call after hours that one of these samples are coming in and have to come back to work for another 4-6 hours.

    When we get these samples in, I often end up not eating during the day because I can't get out of the lab long enough. It's almost funny, when people (especially the "diet" people I used to go to) ask why can't I take something to eat in the lab with me (uh, hello, this is a laboratory... in a medical facility.... with body fluids and blood and microorganisms-I work in microbiology- no, I really can't take food in there with me,) not even a piece of cheese or a hand full of granola (really, you want me to eat in a laboratory? Since you're the one that made the face when I told you what I do, would you eat in a laboratory?) Some of the tests are time sensitive, I don't want to have to repeat a 3 hour test because my 5 minute incubation lasted 7 minutes so I could exit the lab (a procedure that takes 5 minutes in and of itself... no I do not work in a traditional laboratory) to have a hand full of granola.

    Since I am at work so early , I generally work out after work so my workout plans can get derailed when these samples come in to play. But I just reschedule for the next day so I get it in
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I'm pretty lucky, my main job is as a power plate personal trainer and I do lots of exercise with my clients so if I don't have time for a proper workout,mim at least moving :smile:
  • gissalm
    I work in food and beverage developement which is pretty awesome but very hard on the diet at times. We have 8 scheduled tastings a year for new menu items and a whole lot of chefs cooking up some awesome lunches in between. When I first started I would pile my plate high, go back for seconds (these are REAL CHEFS cooking delicious things, how could I resist!)...after a year in position I packed on 10 lbs...from not paying attention to what I was eating and not exercising regularly. I still have to taste as part of my job...but I try not to make it a 3 course meal anymore!

    I also used to work 7am-6pm with an hour commute and had every excuse in the book not to exercise. I did not have a good work life balanced and worked with my boss to let him know that I was going to be in from 7:30-5:30...thanks for MFP for helping me track what I am putting into my body (even on the bad days) and scheduling time to exercise (I put it in my outlook calendar!) I am on the right track and back to where I was (a little less even) from when I started!

    i would love!!! your job hahahaha