How much SHOULD a couple have in common



  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    one thing: the amount of "two person yoga" they want to participate in (together that is)
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    We have similar lifestyle likes and dislikes.
    If we had never met and were separately given zillions of dollars(not that we have any!), I think we would still have ended up as neighbors at least.
    We don't like the same books and often not even the same movies, but we both like the same plays and musicals.
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    I feel like my SO is my twin...we're too much alike.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    They SHOULD share core values. Other than that, as long as they have fun, it's all good!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    My hubby and I are opposites. He's an introvert; I'm an extrovert. He's a morning person; I'm a night person. He's very much into routine; I'm spontaneous. We like different movies, different music, have different hobbies. Our backgrounds and upbringing were different. We have different parenting styles. We speak different "love languages." He's the romantic; I'm more practical.

    But on the biggies--faith, values, life priorities, even political views--we are on the same page. So to me, all the other differences are small stuff. They make our relationship exciting. The flame is still alive.

    We dated for 2 1/2 years before getting married, and we'll celebrate our 13th anniversary this December.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I'd like to think my bf and I are complementary of each other. I'm overzealous, he's FAR too laid back. I'm impatient, he's a bump on a log. I eat, he cooks. I clean, he makes messes... we're not opposites, we have a lot in common, but there's just enough difference to keep us guessing.

    My husband is ridiculously smart... but can't cook, where as I can rock the kitchen.
    I love astronomy, he didn't know what a blue moon was.

    He ran a BBS in college back in '91. IM? he wrote a lot of the code that is still used for it.
    He physically installed the majority of the POPs for mindspring (now earthlink) through out the states. He's worked with ISPs before most of you had the internet. I have pretty much no interest in computers...and am just a basic computer user.

    we have maybe 3 things in common that we discuss but we're also happy being independent with our separate hobbies.

    I'm very spontanious, where as he has to have everything planned out or he stresses in a bad way. oops.
    He's less reserved, and I'm a bit closer to earth. My computer runs smoothly (and fast) and he gets fed.
  • jeffwagstaff
    They should speak the same "language" in areas each considers most important. ie.. If political viewpoint is a basis for ones being, the partner that does'nt share a similar view will be a constant irritation. Conversely, if that is a shared value, it becomes another "bond" between the two..

    Think about what truely matters to you, what is negotiable, and use that as your guide to compatibility.

    Chemistry usually has an over-riding veto on most things logical, but as we all know.. chemistry won't cover up all ills.!
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I'm surprised how many people think you have to have the same political and religious leanings as your partner. I am borderline atheist, my husband is non-practicing Christian. I am extremely liberal, he is moderately conservative. As long as you respect each other you don't have to share a mind.

    It seems you and your husband are fialry close, though, on the religious spectrum; though your beliefs differ, neither practices a religion.

    With deeply held beliefs that are polar opposite it can make things very difficult, especially when it comes to how to raise children. If your moral and ethical beliefs don't align (which often influence or come from political and religious affiliation) you can have big problems.

    For example, I can't see ever dating/marrying a conservative, devout catholic as I'm a (very) liberal atheist. I have huge moral and ethical issues with the catholic church as an institution and I'd never allow children of mine to be indoctrinated into all that. And they'd likely find me a heathen. lol.
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    I don't think it's a matter of how much you have in common, but WHICH topics you agree on. For instance, my husband and I don't agree on music or movies or decorating in many cases, BUT when it comes to things like how to raise our kids, views on God/religion, friendships, family relationships, etc. - we really click on those topics and understand each other.

    And for the major stuff we don't always agree on, we're both respectful of each others differences (although we pretty much razz the hell out of each other for the minor stuff). We also compromise with each other without compromising who we are. For instance, he won't try to hang an entrail-filled H.R. Giger print in the living room, and I don't attempt to redecorate the entire bedroom in leopard-print and disco balls. Stuff like that.
  • mcpjan
    mcpjan Posts: 76 Member
    I am happily married now for 35+ years. We have very little in common. We don't even like the same types of food. I am a computer geek and he can barely turn the computer on. That being said we do have things we love to do together. We both like riding motorcycles and traveling. Over the years we found we are growing closer together. Relationships take work as long as you are willing to agree to work on it then you can always find some common ground.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Views on marriage & kids.

    Well and if you're religious. You should share those values too.

    I'm a complete atheist and my wife is very active in the local church (Church Warden etc etc..). Our next anniversary will be 30 years together. You can have the same moral values without the same religious beliefs.
  • bellydancer124
    That's a hard question to answer and I think it varies by couple. My boyf and I are very different. We only have about one common interest. However, personality-wise, we're very similar.

    It's not too bad though, since we're both independent. For example, I go on vacations without him, since he doesn't like to travel.

    We've been together for just about 7 years now, so something must be working. :tongue:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I'm surprised how many people think you have to have the same political and religious leanings as your partner. I am borderline atheist, my husband is non-practicing Christian. I am extremely liberal, he is moderately conservative. As long as you respect each other you don't have to share a mind.

    Now what we do have in common are interests that allow us to do things together. We both ride motorcycles. We both love to watch and attend sporting events. We play video games together. We both pursing weight lifting goals. We watch some tv shows together.

    We also have our separate pursuits as well. I enjoy reading, crafting, and dancing, while he does things like golf, team sports, and mechanical modifications of our cars and bikes. We almost never want to see the same movies, so we alternate choice there. He is an extrovert and I am an introvert, so he gets me to socialize more than I would on my own, and I curb his partying and spending habits. It works for us.

    In my opinion, one of the major problems with having drastically different religious and political views comes into play if you decide to have children down the line. Which parent has it right, and which parent doesn't (from the child's point of view) know what I mean?
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I think that as long as your religious ideology, political affiliations, and views on marriage and children (whether or not to have them, and whether marriage is important to you or not) are on the same page, other differences keep things interesting.

    I'm a boyfriend is so democrat it hurts haha. It works, because we know how to debate and not "argue" over the differences.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    For me a similar sense of humor is important. An agreement on having children at some point is important as well as how to manage finances and such. Other things may apply too.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I'm surprised how many people think you have to have the same political and religious leanings as your partner. I am borderline atheist, my husband is non-practicing Christian. I am extremely liberal, he is moderately conservative. As long as you respect each other you don't have to share a mind.

    Now what we do have in common are interests that allow us to do things together. We both ride motorcycles. We both love to watch and attend sporting events. We play video games together. We both pursing weight lifting goals. We watch some tv shows together.

    We also have our separate pursuits as well. I enjoy reading, crafting, and dancing, while he does things like golf, team sports, and mechanical modifications of our cars and bikes. We almost never want to see the same movies, so we alternate choice there. He is an extrovert and I am an introvert, so he gets me to socialize more than I would on my own, and I curb his partying and spending habits. It works for us.

    In my opinion, one of the major problems with having drastically different religious and political views comes into play if you decide to have children down the line. Which parent has it right, and which parent doesn't (from the child's point of view) know what I mean?

    Perhaps. I do not think I could have married an extremely rigorous Christian, not because I can't respect their views, but that they couldn't respect mine (haven't met a single devout Christian to date that could). If we had children (which I do agree is an important thing to agree on), and my husband wanted to raise them within a religion, I would agree to it. It clearly would mean more to him than me at that point. Like I said, it is about respect more than sharing a mind.

    As for politics, I hope to instill enough good sense into any offspring of mine to realize that neither party is completely right or wrong, and that if there was a right answer there wouldn't be politics in the first place.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    My husband and I are very different and yet we mesh well together. He likes NERO, computer games, scifi movies and books, celtic music, etc. I hate computer games, usually don't care for scifi movies and love hip hop. I had never seen a Star Wars movie until we started dating (which is one of his favorite movies), I still haven't seen Superman. But we always have fun together and he's my best friend.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I'm surprised how many people think you have to have the same political and religious leanings as your partner. I am borderline atheist, my husband is non-practicing Christian. I am extremely liberal, he is moderately conservative. As long as you respect each other you don't have to share a mind.

    It seems you and your husband are fialry close, though, on the religious spectrum; though your beliefs differ, neither practices a religion.

    With deeply held beliefs that are polar opposite it can make things very difficult, especially when it comes to how to raise children. If your moral and ethical beliefs don't align (which often influence or come from political and religious affiliation) you can have big problems.

    For example, I can't see ever dating/marrying a conservative, devout catholic as I'm a (very) liberal atheist. I have huge moral and ethical issues with the catholic church as an institution and I'd never allow children of mine to be indoctrinated into all that. And they'd likely find me a heathen. lol.

    I agree with this. I am a moderate Christian (I really can't identify with either political party), and I don't think I could be in a relationship with an Atheist, for similar reasons (well, not so much moral or ethical reasons, anybody of any faith/non faith can be moral or totally immoral) and I have had my child baptized and plan to raise him in a religious household. That's just not something I am willing to compromise on. Political views, I'm a little more open to simply because I am so middle of the road, but I couldn't be compatible with someone who was on either extreme end of the political spectrum. A little right leaning or a little left leaning, I can work with that and agree to disagree, but I can only "agree to disagree" on so much.

    I've got plenty of friends of all different faiths, political affiliations, whatever, and I respect every single one of em, but as far as somebody who I'd partner with for my life and have a family with, there are just some things I won't compromise on.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I'm surprised how many people think you have to have the same political and religious leanings as your partner. I am borderline atheist, my husband is non-practicing Christian. I am extremely liberal, he is moderately conservative. As long as you respect each other you don't have to share a mind.

    Now what we do have in common are interests that allow us to do things together. We both ride motorcycles. We both love to watch and attend sporting events. We play video games together. We both pursing weight lifting goals. We watch some tv shows together.

    We also have our separate pursuits as well. I enjoy reading, crafting, and dancing, while he does things like golf, team sports, and mechanical modifications of our cars and bikes. We almost never want to see the same movies, so we alternate choice there. He is an extrovert and I am an introvert, so he gets me to socialize more than I would on my own, and I curb his partying and spending habits. It works for us.

    In my opinion, one of the major problems with having drastically different religious and political views comes into play if you decide to have children down the line. Which parent has it right, and which parent doesn't (from the child's point of view) know what I mean?

    Perhaps. I do not think I could have married an extremely rigorous Christian, not because I can't respect their views, but that they couldn't respect mine (haven't met a single devout Christian to date that could). If we had children (which I do agree is an important thing to agree on), and my husband wanted to raise them within a religion, I would agree to it. It clearly would mean more to him than me at that point. Like I said, it is about respect more than sharing a mind.

    As for politics, I hope to instill enough good sense into any offspring of mine to realize that neither party is completely right or wrong, and that if there was a right answer there wouldn't be politics in the first place.

    It's unfortunate that has been your experience with Christians, because I consider myself to be pretty strong in my faith, but I totally understand and respect that not everybody believes what I do. I figure as long as a person is kind, compassionate, not hurting anybody, and treats other people with respect, they're fine by me!