Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everyone!

    The truth is I’m going to the Pub! I am down to 280lbs. and I need a prize and it will be a shot of the good stuff (Jameson Rarest Vintage Reserve) plus Bangers and Mash. The @#$%^&* Girl Scouts are interfering with Friday night because my designated driver must go do some GS stuff. So it is either tonight or Saturday.

    I cannot remember who posted if their list making was being prepared or … (Kah68 or BohemianCoast maybe) but I check the nutritional menus for places to eat out all the time. If they do not post the nutritional facts online chances are I will not go there unless they have something unique that I cannot get elsewhere or it was not my choice and mandatory appearance is required. The sad part is almost every place has either way to much sodium, sugar, or fat. I try to avoid eating out, even though it used to be a big part of my life.

    Have a great Thursday

  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen- YAY congratulations on being a homeowner! I am so happy for you!:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    @Alison - mmmm mcd's breakfasts... I wonder if I could make a healthy version of the mcgriddle.... those things are crazy good!

    @QBMontana- I know how you feel.. I was the same way. I kept my healthy choices a secret from my family at first, until I lost about 15 lbs, because I felt like they didn't think I knew what I was doing. (Not their fault, I am just like that). Once you get in a ways, you will likely gain more confidence in your choices, which makes it easier to forgive yourself for a bad day also... which means that when someone does "call you" on your bad day, it doesn't sting so much. YOU have the choice, and are in control. There is a certain satisfaction when you realize that and set aside what everyone else thinks. You will do great. :)

    @Garetie - Take a deep breath... on the windy days, do you have a gym or a friend with a stationary bike you can practice with?

    @Aug - WAY TO STICK IT OUT... what I love about your post... you WANTED to quit, but didn't. It doesn't matter why you didn't quit... what matters is that you stuck to it like a champ. :drinker:

    @purpleposies - I hope your foot pain stayed under control. :flowerforyou:

    Thursday truth- not weight loss related- :blushing: I think I really like this guy. He is so incredibly sweet and kind hearted. The trouble is that I am not used to that... I am not used to someone calling me beautiful and bringing me flowers for no reason. He said he loves to cook, but isn't sure if he knows any healthy recipes, so I will have to teach him what is healthy. I am having a hard time not freaking out. He DOES want a LTR.. but he said that he knew the moment he met me that he wanted to be with me.... so if that means we are friends or whatever, he will be patient and let me take my time in figuring out what I want. He said he has already waited a few months to just get the chance to know me... sigh hard not to go gaga over that.

    ANYWAY - I hope you all have a fabulous Friday Eve, and stay confident in your choices. Today, I choose happiness.... because I can. :happy: Isn't having the power to choose, an amazing thing?

    Now drink up! :drinker:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thursday Truth - I've realized that I never learned basic coping skills for my emotions as a child. I spent my entire life eating my emotions and for the past 6 months that coping mechanism has been gone. It's no wonder I'm one giant raw emotional nerve right now. I'm not in a funk, I just don't know how to deal with LIFE without junk food. Now I get to learn exactly what I'm really feeling at any given moment and WHY I'm feeling that a 40 year old woman.....
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thursday truth- not weight loss related- :blushing: I think I really like this guy. He is so incredibly sweet and kind hearted. The trouble is that I am not used to that... I am not used to someone calling me beautiful and bringing me flowers for no reason. He said he loves to cook, but isn't sure if he knows any healthy recipes, so I will have to teach him what is healthy. I am having a hard time not freaking out. He DOES want a LTR.. but he said that he knew the moment he met me that he wanted to be with me.... so if that means we are friends or whatever, he will be patient and let me take my time in figuring out what I want. He said he has already waited a few months to just get the chance to know me... sigh hard not to go gaga over that.

    ANYWAY - I hope you all have a fabulous Friday Eve, and stay confident in your choices. Today, I choose happiness.... because I can. :happy: Isn't having the power to choose, an amazing thing?

    Now drink up! :drinker:

    This is great, Nicole! I am so happy things are looking good so far - I hope the spoiling continues! :bigsmile:

    Thursday Truth~I'm not sure if I have anything to confess this week. Things are really stressful right now, but I'm trying to make good choices and stick to my workout schedule. There were a couple of days MFP yelled at me for not eating enough, so I need to watch things a little closer - sometimes I get busy and don't eat when I should. I need to do better. I try not to scale hop but did this this morning when I got back from the gym, it looks like I should have a loss this week (fingers crossed that it sticks!).

    @Aug~I'm so proud of you for sticking it out with the evilliptical (love the reference, by the way). I sometimes feel the same way - there are just days where my workouts just don't seem to go right, like my energy is low - those are the days I just want to quit, but I don't. Good for you for sticking it out this morning!

    @Tom~Enjoy the pub, you deserve it!!! Cheers! :drinker:

    @Robin~Hope you are feeling better these days, try not to do too much too quickly!

    Have a good day & drink that water! :drinker: :drinker:

  • Genericwit
    Genericwit Posts: 70 Member
    Thursday Truth:

    When people give me positive reinforcement, it doesn't motivate me, but when people say something negative, it hits me harder than it should. I wonder all the time about whether or not there's any way to change this around. It only has to do with weight loss and physical appearance, because a critique in any other setting (especially academic) lights a fire underneath me. And yet today, after getting a blow to my self-esteem on Monday, I'm continuing to struggle to not give up. After losing almost a hundred pounds and doing this for almost a year, I still have no idea how to cope with or shake this insecurity that's almost debilitating, that drives me to the edge, and has me teetering there for far too long, with no positive outcome. I'm legitimately afraid every time that it happens that I'm going to fall off and that there will be no climbing back up.
  • @WalkingQueen: Congrats on the Home Ownership!:flowerforyou:
    @Aug: Yeah YOU for NOT quitting:drinker: That's a NSV for SURE!
    @RobinsEgg: Hope you are taking it easy & prayers that you heal quickly:heart:
    @Nicole: There's nothing wrong in LIKING this GUY:wink: Hope it continues to be a "good thing":love:

    AFM: Thursday Truth: I too am scared that I will fail again...
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed:heart:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Thursday truth - if I had any illusions about making significant progress I was nuts. I'm back to the real world now and the truth is trying on some clothes at the store today and seeing the person in the mirror reminded me AT BEST this old lady has a very very long fight ahead. This message brought to you by Debbie Downer and Realistic Rachael. Ha.

    You won't catch me looking in the mirror again for a while!!!! That is also the truth.

    Joe - I think I understand what you're saying. I wish you well.

    Aug - way to hang in there.

    Tom - glad you're going to the pub----get it outta your system.

    Toots - when is your appt?

    Robin - hope your days on pain killers are about over and you're able to get back to your swimming.

    Christine - medicine working at all yet?

    Walkingqueen - I add my congrats to the new house. Whooppee.

    Kelley - hope your stressful days are replaced by more peaceful ones. Ignore MFP if it yells at you. It doesn't last long and the voice isn't too big. Ha.

    Naceto - enjoy whatever develops with this guy. He sounds pretty darn special..........roses already? Really?

    Liz - hope you got some sleep. Sorry you felt sort of defeated by the donut and corn dog. You were within your limits and one day of not great macros doesn't sound like a big problem to me. Hope your ankle is holding up for you with all this walking.

    Talk to everyone soon.

  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Thursday Truth:

    When people give me positive reinforcement, it doesn't motivate me, but when people say something negative, it hits me harder than it should. I wonder all the time about whether or not there's any way to change this around. It only has to do with weight loss and physical appearance, because a critique in any other setting (especially academic) lights a fire underneath me. And yet today, after getting a blow to my self-esteem on Monday, I'm continuing to struggle to not give up. After losing almost a hundred pounds and doing this for almost a year, I still have no idea how to cope with or shake this insecurity that's almost debilitating, that drives me to the edge, and has me teetering there for far too long, with no positive outcome. I'm legitimately afraid every time that it happens that I'm going to fall off and that there will be no climbing back up.

    The first thing that jumps out at me when I see your post is "93 pounds lost", then I see this bright and beautiful smile that seems like it could be infectious....

    I am the queen of insecurity, and I used to let it keep me locked up tight in my house, with my books and cats. I was to the point where I needed medication to get myself to go out of the house, I was so anxious and insecure. Then I started stretching my self imposed boundaries... a little at a time; nothing too scary. I try to go a new place at least once a month. I started taking classes at the community college. I started eating healthy, and becoming more physically active. Am I still insecure and a little down on myself? YES.. but I am getting better. Be proud of how far you have come, and give yourself credit for it. If that is not enough, then challenge yourself to do something new that will make you proud... keep trying new things, and if they don't build your confidence, then dangit! Try something ELSE! You are beautiful and obviously strong willed and determined, or you wouldn't have kicked 93 pounds to the curb. :drinker: Keep fighting the good fight, because hon, you are worth it! :drinker:
  • Genericwit
    Genericwit Posts: 70 Member

    The first thing that jumps out at me when I see your post is "93 pounds lost", then I see this bright and beautiful smile that seems like it could be infectious....

    I am the queen of insecurity, and I used to let it keep me locked up tight in my house, with my books and cats. I was to the point where I needed medication to get myself to go out of the house, I was so anxious and insecure. Then I started stretching my self imposed boundaries... a little at a time; nothing too scary. I try to go a new place at least once a month. I started taking classes at the community college. I started eating healthy, and becoming more physically active. Am I still insecure and a little down on myself? YES.. but I am getting better. Be proud of how far you have come, and give yourself credit for it. If that is not enough, then challenge yourself to do something new that will make you proud... keep trying new things, and if they don't build your confidence, then dangit! Try something ELSE! You are beautiful and obviously strong willed and determined, or you wouldn't have kicked 93 pounds to the curb. :drinker: Keep fighting the good fight, because hon, you are worth it! :drinker:

    Thanks. I appreciate that. I'm a nursing student, and I work at a hospital, so I have to be upbeat and assertive and secure with myself in most aspects. And I'm usually fairly confident, but... sometimes it feels a bit like an act. I guess I'm just having one of those weeks where I'm not feeling physically good about myself, and it's bleeding over into everything.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: You guys are amazing. Seeing the great successes makes me want to try harder to make this stick. I have lost and gained so many times. I realize that at 68 I don't have a lot of years left to play around with my health. I want to be able to continue to enjoy my grandchildren for a long time.
    I did my chair exercises yesterday!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good afternoon to all! Finally on the mend, praise God. Haven't had one of those attacks in quite a while and pray I don't have one again, Still weak but pain lessening. Will start walking again tomorrow morning. Thank you for all the support. My Thursday truth is that I am a big baby when I get sick and revert to eating to try to get comfort! I was able to get a grip yesterday so back on track calorie wise. I am not going to give up my journey toward health and I will learn better coping skills.

    Take care all.

  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    It's THURSDAY!
    I'm finally really feeling like my brain has kicked back into gear.
    Nice feeling.
    Do I have anything I need to get off my chest?
    (Other than my excess weight?)
    I'm frustrated that my DH does not seem interested in talking to me, and would rather play on the computer.
    This is even after I spent two months nursing him back to health after a hernia operation. (If you're thinking he does not seem grateful, you are correct.)
    I'm also frustrated even though he works from home, he waits for me to get home from work and cook him dinner, expects me to do ALL the home chores (including the financial stuff), and gets peeved if I have to work late (meaning 5:01 pm).
    Even though I did the same home chores when I was a singleton, so it shouldn't be a big deal, it's still annoying.
    I struggle not to eat emotionally, but he also dislikes when I talk on the phone to friends.
    So I get rather isolated.
    And he insists on having ice cream in the house, which is a huge sabotage for me. (that's the only grocery item he buys - I manage that, as well.)
    I am strong, but sometimes it just gets to me.
    Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    It's THURSDAY!
    I'm finally really feeling like my brain has kicked back into gear.
    Nice feeling.
    Do I have anything I need to get off my chest?
    (Other than my excess weight?)
    I'm frustrated that my DH does not seem interested in talking to me, and would rather play on the computer.
    This is even after I spent two months nursing him back to health after a hernia operation. (If you're thinking he does not seem grateful, you are correct.)
    I'm also frustrated even though he works from home, he waits for me to get home from work and cook him dinner, expects me to do ALL the home chores (including the financial stuff), and gets peeved if I have to work late (meaning 5:01 pm).
    Even though I did the same home chores when I was a singleton, so it shouldn't be a big deal, it's still annoying.
    I struggle not to eat emotionally, but he also dislikes when I talk on the phone to friends.
    So I get rather isolated.
    And he insists on having ice cream in the house, which is a huge sabotage for me. (that's the only grocery item he buys - I manage that, as well.)
    I am strong, but sometimes it just gets to me.
    Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

    You have every right to be frustrated with your DH. Now that you've itemized many of his annoying habits, how much longer are you going to put up with them? It is your given right NOT to put up with such malarkey.

    First, however, I always consider the possibility of depression in people who've had general anesthesia for their surgery. He may have fallen into this trap. He may be hiding his depression with his rather flat personality and constant computer time.

    This needs to be evaluated by a doctor, not me. After you get an opinion on that issue, it is important to let him get a real honest look at himself and how he's heaping it all on you. You might try writing him a letter, followed by a few nights of staying out late and not cooking supper at all.

    THese are just suggestions. But I'd be frustrated too, and I would want the situation to continue - I'd fight to get the situation turned around! Its especially galling that he doesn't let you talk on the phone to friends. For that alone sends up a red flag that your relationship is in serious trouble. THat is just too controlling for words!!! I hope you get some help! :heart:
  • sweetalker
    sweetalker Posts: 43 Member
    Thursday truth: I am frustrated when I look at the projected outcome of my weight loss goals. Gee, I could be 300 lbs in a mere 5 weeks? It'll be 2015 before I'm even close to where I want to be? Great, and in the meantime I still get the stares of "Ew, she must not take care of herself" or "How dare she eat in public" and "What a lazy person" when in reality I am working myself ragged, and watching my weight more carefully than they ever have or will.

    (Pay no attention to the grouch in the trash can. She's just mad she has less access to garbage.)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Maddalen - Well I guess this would all depend. Has this attitude of his just started since his surgery or has he always been like that? Being strong and putting up with undeserved crap are not the same thing. Strong is standing up for yourself and demanding the respect you deserve.

    I had a pretty similar marriage and I struggled through for 16 years before I had to get out. I still do everything but now it's MY everything. You marry and become partners. Not one hard worker and one slag off.

    If this just started since his surgery then insist he sees a therapist.

    If he's always been like that I'd say it's time to sit down and talk to him. Threats won't cut it because you've probably given him those lots of times (I know I did). Set limitations, give him chores, split up the duties, and tell him you're going out one night a week with friends. Even if you don't go WITH anyone at first it's a start and sets a precedence and gets him used to you going out. Just go see a movie or park your car in a pretty park and read.

    Personally? If I was where I am at NOW in my journey and my husband insisted on keeping ice cream in the house he would keep finding it melted in the garbage can. If he wants ice cream he can drive his lazy *kitten* to Dairy Queen for a cone.

    I really don't mean to preach how you should handle your problem but it burns me to see someone taken for granted not treated the way that they deserve.
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Thursday Truth: I had two slices of out to eat type pizza last night, and I thought i burned it off because I did a lot of exercise. Just as a curious thing, I checked my weight this morning and I went up a whole pound!

    Thursday Truth #2: Been thinking a lot about never finding the right person! I'm scurrrrrrred.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I will catch up with personals tomorrow.

    Thursday Truth:
    I raised my calorie allowance this week and the truth is I haven't been doing very well at logging every little bite. I don't purposely avoid logging, but I keep recalling some snack or other that I forgot to log but now it's 3 days later, so why bother? I know I should go back and log it to keep an accurate record, but I'm so swamped with grading that it seems like too much of a bother. I've spent everyday and most evenings grading and every time I get through an assignment, I collect 2 more. :grumble: It's the nautre of my job, but for some reason it's really getting to me this week. :ohwell:

    I guess the real truth is that I'm exhausted. I'm at starbucks right now in hopes that I wll get through at least a few papers to lighten my load for this weekend, but all I really want to do is take a nap. :yawn: I sure hope the caffeine on this mocha light frap kicks in soon!

    Mon--walk dog + gym (weight machines and stair master) DONE!!!
    Tues--walk dog + core work DONE w/ walk but forgot to do core work
    Wed--long run w/dog DONE and will do yesterday's core work
    Thurs--walk dog + core work DONE walking dog, but still haven't done Tuesday's core work much less tonight's :grumble:
    Fri--walk dog
    Sat--walk dog + gym (weight machines and speed intervals on treadmill)
    Sun--walk dog + gym (stair master and stationary bike)

    Grading goals:
    1. 49/49 AP journals DONE!!
    2. 22/22 parts of speech post tests DONE!!
    3. 14/49 AP essays
    4. finish re-reading The Awakening (um, by tomorrow!) got through more than half
    5. x/22 I/D clause practice
    6. x/22 ACT practice tests
    7. x/11 AP analysis activities
    8. x/58 V for Vendetta archetype charts

    That list looks longer, you say? Why yes, yes it is. :ohwell:
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Thursday truth: I am frustrated when I look at the projected outcome of my weight loss goals. Gee, I could be 300 lbs in a mere 5 weeks? It'll be 2015 before I'm even close to where I want to be? Great, and in the meantime I still get the stares of "Ew, she must not take care of herself" or "How dare she eat in public" and "What a lazy person" when in reality I am working myself ragged, and watching my weight more carefully than they ever have or will.

    (Pay no attention to the grouch in the trash can. She's just mad she has less access to garbage.)

    I used to feel the exact same way! I would see that 260 mark and think, "I'll never freaking get there". But guess what? I FINALLY broke down to it! And when I did, it was the best feeling ever! My next goal is the 250 mark. Take it in stride and you can do anything!

    @Nicole- I absolutely LOVE that "new relationship" feeling, especially when you aren't in an LTR. Any man willing to wait is a good man in my book. Take is slow, have fun, and just enjoy each other's company. :)

    @Skinny- Your list looks about as long as mine! We can do it though!

    @Sunshine- I bet that pound isn't really a pound at all. It's probably water weight from all the sodium in the pizza. Drink a lot of water and flush it out of your system. In a few days, it should be gone. :)

    @Robin- I hope you are feeling better! :)

    @anyone I missed, I hope you all had good days! :)

    My Thursday Truth is that TOM has not come to visit me and he is over a week and a half late. I'm getting aggravated because I know he's coming, but he's taking his time and it is annoying. Anytime I lose a large amount of weight in a month or get sick, it gets thrown off. Let's hope he comes soon. :(

    My other truth is TOM related. I have been STARVING all day today. I just can't get satisfied. So I ate WAY more than I planned for dinner and for a snack. I really don't feel too guilty about it because I know I rarely eat like this anymore or go over my calories, but when I get on the scale tomorrow I'm sure I'll see the results of my poor choices. Ugh...

    I spoke with my aunt last night and she was more than understanding about me not coming to my uncle's funeral. She informed me that over half the family wasn't going to be able to make it since it is happening at 2pm on a Friday. I'm glad she was so understanding, but I wish I could still be there.

    Other than that, everything is going well. School is flying by and my students are learning more and more every day. :) Tomorrow is Jean Friday and that means I get to relax and chill out for a while. Can't wait for 3:20 tomorrow so I can see my hunny and relax. :)

    I hope everyone has a great day! I'll check in tomorrow. :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    >Shakin' those tail feathers<
    >Happy dance<
    Saw my doctors today and the good news is I am cancer-free - WOOT WOOT WOOT! I just have to be checked once a year, no treatment, no nothing!
    And my first post-op appointment went great too. ALthou I cannot do things like vaccuuming and lifting, my surgeon released me to swim! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!! I am so happy I am:

    >shakin' those tail feathers<
    doin' the happy dance! :love: