Looking for busy working moms



  • Work full time, teach at our church on Sunday & Wednesday. I have 5 children (18, 16, twins 15, & 12) oldest has cancer and all kinds of medical problems, youngest just had surgery to place a metal bar in her chest for 3 years. I am happily married, we just never see each other.
  • You're looking for me then. :)

    I am a single Mom of a teen-ager. I work at least 40 hours a week. I also volunteer and have a big family I keep up with. I've met a great man and we've been dating for 1.5 years. We don't live together yet (I don't want to move my kid to a new school district). As if all that weren't enough, I'm also writing a book.

    Oh - and there's taking care of my health and all that. LOL!

    Make a friend request if you like. You can't have enough Mom-power support! :)
  • sophayz
    sophayz Posts: 592 Member
    i have a full time job doing video game (40 + hours) and 3 kids , a 4 years old boy and 2 years old little twins and i find it hard to balance everything along with the healthy diet , but i manage ! add me if you like
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    Full time mother here! My hubby works long hours so the little one (2 y/o) gets dragged to the gym with me 5 days a week. But she seems to like it. Add me if you would like!
  • mung222
    mung222 Posts: 58 Member
    I work full time, and my husband works about 35 hours per week with changing shifts. I exercise at home, eithe rby taking our 4 month old son for walks after I get home from work, by by doing an exercise dvd when he's napping or playing. My husband often has to work evenings during the week, so I have to multitask and watch the kiddo and exercise at the same time, but it's possible!

    This is my situation only with a 14 month old
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    Full time, single, working, mother of twins. Help! lol Feel free to add me! :):)
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    I get myslf up at 5:00am most mornings to get my workout in before everyone else gets up. It works for me, then have no excuses for the rest of the day and I start my day out awesome! Add me if you wish, 3 boys, ages 15, 12, and 10. Married almost 14 years. My husband and I just started Insanity a little over a month ago and loving it! >:O)
  • texnurse
    texnurse Posts: 33 Member
    Luckily my 40+ hours a week job allows me to work from home 90% of the time so I am able to get my work out in instead of all that driving time to the office, plus I have 2 kiddos, a12 year old and an 8 year old, one in football and band the other in dance so I stay on the move!
  • work full time too, three kids, yea I haven't yet found a way to work exercise in as a part of my daily routine :/
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hey there! Once was single mama, I now have a partner who is very helpful but I still feel like I'm running a marathon from the time I get up to the time I close my eyes.

    My son is 6 years old and I focus my energy on running before either of the guys wake up. It's been a tough transition but it's been worth it so far.

    Full time working, son is in extended care during the week and he's in a running club now and soccer so we're all over the place from Monday-Friday. The weekends tend to slow down a bit.

    Sometimes I wonder how I do it! Because I don't always know where I find the get-up-and-go energy from. But I find it somehow!
  • I'm a very busy working mother working full time and two part time jobs. Some days I work out on the treadmill before going to work and I always try to get in a walk during my lunch hour then do some core exercise at night. It's tough, and some days are better than others. But the trick is just to keep going.
  • I feel your pain! I work a full-time job, go to school part-time and am raising my grandchildren who are 6 and 10. I have a great husband who is a tremendous help to me... BUT... I have found that the support and encouragement I get from other people here who are facing the same weight struggles as me keeps me going no matter how crazy the day may be. Count me in as a friend and good luck on your journey!!
  • BreeNJesse
    BreeNJesse Posts: 150 Member
    Baby steps, you can't jump in all at once! You will learn to use your time once you have a better handle on what it is you're going after! This place is one of the best support systems I've found hands down! Good luck!
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    Feel free to add me.

    I am mom to three year old twins and work full time. I squeeze my activity in by getting up early twice a week and hitting the gym before work. I also take the kids with me on Saturday mornings (my gym luckily has a child minding area) and go to a couple of classes.

    It isn't always easy, but it's so worth it.
  • sr823204
    sr823204 Posts: 53 Member
    I too am a full-time working mom to three kids (11yrs boy & 5 yrs twin girls), and hour long commute each way to work. My husband, who is very supportive of my working out, also works full-time, sometimes 40-50 hours a week.

    I struggle week to week to fit in my workouts, which I do at home (sometimes my kids do them with me).
    I love this site and I have lost some weight using it. I've recently been maintaining but at least it's not going up. I hope to lose some more weight.

    Feel free to as me as well as I could always use some support. I love trying to support everyone else as well. :wink:
  • CDCO
    CDCO Posts: 14 Member
    Wow! We need to separate into some support groups. It would be awesome if we could do so by location!!! We working moms need to stick together and encourage each other. I'm excited and also overwhelmed by all the responses to this post. I'm sure the original poster is too.

    Anyway. Anyone who wants to add me feel free to. I am a busy working mom, of an almost 2 year old and am currently expecting my second child. I work out at least 4 times a week (Tues-Thurs eve and Sat morn all group fitness classes). My husband has been very supportive of me and watches our daughter while I workout. On the days that I don't physically go to the gym, I will push my little one in her stroller around the neighborhood just before bed time or pop in a Zumba DVD. My daughter absolutely loves to try to Zumba with me and will participate fully during some of the longer (45-60 minute) workouts. Your kids seem at an age where they can join you in your fitness goals through participating in a workout DVD or Video Game with you or even helping around the house/ walking/ simple yardwork.

    It helps to track simple cardio like cooking and cleaning the house if you are just getting started. This will help motivate you. Sometimes it's also doing the small things that add up. i.e. eliminating sugary drinks and other non-nutritional valued foods and choosing to park your car on the top floor of the parking garage at work. So you have to get a quick burn in going up the stairs. You can do it! Stay encouraged!
  • wluyando
    wluyando Posts: 32 Member
    I'm a busy mom here, have 3 wonderful girls 4, 7 & 9 and have a full time job, my hubby travels 10 days out of the month due to work so I'm all alone. I try to work out 5 days a week and take 2 Classes a week (Cage fitness) and I'm always looking for support on this site, feel free to add me girls
  • I work full time and have 2 little girls- 3 and 8 months. Fortunately enough I have found a gym that offers Zumba at 7pm and take my 3 year old with me. My husband stays home with the baby and puts her to bed. I go 3 nights a week and to the Saturday class. It seems stressful at first, but if you find a work out you love, it is easy to get in the habit of going. Though I miss out on those 4 hours of time I can spend with my girls, getting a good workout in by an hour of Zumba each night makes me a MUCH happier mom! You CAN do it!!
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Howdy ya'll! :)

    I work full time, have two girls (7 and 1), a full time husband (who could probably also be counted as a kid) and a house to keep up along with a busy schedule. :)

    I am half way to my goal. Whoohoo! I have found so many good friends who are supportive and motivational. Not to mention inspiring. So happy I found this place.

    Anyone can add me. I am an MFP addict!
  • Working mom of four girls, ages: 15,12,7,and 5. Work 40 hours and then go home to start my day as mom. I usually try to go to Zumba twice a week but if I can't make it I go online and do zumba from the videos posted on You Tube. :happy: