Dangit !! Dr said "no more running" now what



  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    and really watching my calories, well at least during the week days!
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    I already do weights 3 times a week, bench press,hammer curls, flys, wrist rolls....I see the theripist monday...he is supposed to be great..this was the sports Dr that told me to cut the running...I bike about 21 miles every morning and try to do it in one hour, I do it in and hour and 3 mimutes hills and all...
    I may bike and then do weights in the afternoon or nordiac track in the evening to take the place of my evening walk
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Can you swim?
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Weight training.. it's better for fat loss anyways than cardio.

  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    not well at all and really no place near me to swim
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I had a similar issue. Take it easy. And remember, weight loss is mostly about food!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    whoops caps lol
  • tina_renee
    tina_renee Posts: 14 Member
    I had a similar issue during one of my trainings and my Dr. said i could swim or bike. I don't bike or swim so I opted for spin. I think it helped me out in the long run. Good luck!
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    My immediate reaction was to get a different doctor! My Dr. is working with me on a knee issue and the last thing he wants me to do is to stop. He feels that there has got to be a way around it. I agree with everyone else though in that there are different types of good cardio available and you should look into those and the weight room.
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    once i developed Patella Femoral Syndrome(problem with knees)- i had to cut down and stop running.
    after 6 weeks of Physical therapy I switched to weight training and yoga/pilates.after 6 months i now do around 20 mins on the elliptical,but almost all of my workout is from weight/circuit training.

    I cannot do long hauls on cardio-since i really end up immobile for the entire week if i overdo.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    My immediate reaction was to get a different doctor! My Dr. is working with me on a knee issue and the last thing he wants me to do is to stop. He feels that there has got to be a way around it. I agree with everyone else though in that there are different types of good cardio available and you should look into those and the weight room.

    I wish I could find a doctor like yours!!! I cannot seem to find a doctor who understands a runner!
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I would not run against doctor's orders with a possible achilles injury. It could make the strain worse, or it could even cause the tendon to tear since it's already weakened. Then you would have a major recovery and much more down time.

    I developed achilles tendonitis in August and was told not to do my regular workouts anymore (I was doing the 30 day shred). I was also told not to even walk for exercise, although normal daily walking was okay. My doctor said it was okay for me to ride our stationary bike for cardio. So I did that and also started upper body strength training. I avoided lifting anything heavy with my legs, like squats, lunges, deadlifts. I did continue to pick up and carry my baby and my older daughter (3.5 years, ~40 pounds). It took about two weeks for me to feel no pain anymore, but I've decided that it's time for me to switch to lifting weights anyway, as I'm very close to my goal weight.

    Good luck! I was very disappointed when my doctor told me I couldn't continue with my workout, but I know that it was best for me in the long run. You have to be healthy all the way around.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    Call your doctor and ask what you can do. I don't know why you didn't ask at the time, but you can just call the office.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Biking should keep the weight off nicely! Do not be afraid to push yourself and take the hilly routes ;)
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    Ok again,, I did ask the Dr what I could do, he said eliptical and biking maybe Nordiac trac...I biked 21 miles this morning in 1 hour and 3 minutes....I have no problem doing that everyday and even more on the weekends..I do enjoy the running and think it is more of a workout than biking..
    Now the Dr is sending for phy therpy on Mnday to a guy that is supposed to be the best ! The Dr said it will probably be 3 to 6 weeks of no running..
    What would be a good weight regiume ? Upper body....3 sets of 15 dumbell curls,flys, wrist curls ???
    I figure my legs are strong enough with all the biking I do..I have no pain when biking and I tried the Nordiac track last night with no pain....
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Well I'm no expert, but I started out with bench press (using dumbells at first then moved to the bar), bicep curls, tricep curls, and overhead presses with dumbells for my shoulders. I also do crunches for core strength. All of this was at home (we have a basic weight set). Do enough weight that you can do three sets of 10, but struggling by the end. Don't take a lot of time in between reps, you want to keep your heart rate up. Check into Stronglifts 5x5 if you'd like more structure, I've heard very good things about it.

    I had started working in lunges and deadlifts, but I'm back to just upper body after having some minor surgery on my foot (unrelated) this week.
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    I did 45 miles today on my bike and weights after supper.....
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. Sprained my ankle & pulled my peroneal tendon. I'm doing biking & swimming.
    Even if you feel like you can do the elliptical I'd be very careful about that. I did it the elliptical at first and ended up dislocating that tendon, it rolled up over my ankle because I was turning my foot in to compensate.
    I haven't run in a month and miss it terribly!
    Wishing you the best of luck and quick healing!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Swimming? I doubt the elliptical is OK since it stresses the same muscles as running, but I'm not a doctor (and I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night), so I'd confirm that with yours.

    The elliptical is easier on your joints because there is no pounding on the ground.