


  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm better of without it. I am one of 'those'. When I drank I also ate. In the past I tracked my food & drink just to see. Scary. 1600 calories of alcohol + 2400 calories of food = 4000 calories a day. If only I was a hard working lumberjack! Oh well.

    One was too many / 10 wasn't enough.

    I can understand that! I used to be like that, but I've got a lot better about it.
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    Unless you like diet coke or diet tonic, I say stick with straight shots. Beer and wine are great, but they are more calories for little alcohol. Though, if you drink wines, stick with ports -- high alchohol. Beers, don't drink those cheap water down ones -- stick with stouts and darker ales (maybe even sours.) because they have more alcohol %. When I drink, I usually understand that I will most definitely go over my calories for the day, but that's okay every so often. I say once a week where you go over your calories won't do too much harm. But yeah, stick to shots, they tend to be roughly 64 cals per 1oz shot.

    I think shots or bourbon and diet coke is the answer for me. I don't mind diet soda at all and I'm sure that will cut a lot of cals.
  • I drink, but I'm at my goal and just maintaining... would love to lose a few more, but I don't think I can do it while drinking. I do enjoy sipping a nice scotch or port or a glass of wine. The trick is knowing how many calories you have and getting in all of your nutrition before eating or drinking the empty calories. I don't like diet anything because I don't feel good when I have artificial sweeteners. Also, I find that they increase my sweet tooth. I LOVE a good scotch and water... or a nice glass of whiskey neat. Test it and see how you do. Perhaps it can work for you. I do agree that when drinking I tend to say, ah, f-it and eat whatever I can find. It all depends on your self control! Some have it, some don't!
  • Ninjajenna
    Ninjajenna Posts: 41 Member
    Vodka with any diet beverage (0 calorie!) will be one of your lowest. I hear there's a "light" vodka out now.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    2nd what nina said - I like cherry vodka in diet coke or coke zero.
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    Thanks for all the help!
  • amp187
    amp187 Posts: 374
    Drink vodka tonics. Or really any liquor along with a diet mixer. It's all I drink and I can't say I've ever noticed them impacting my body fat levels or strength gains.
  • GallyX0
    GallyX0 Posts: 8 Member
    Most grain spirits (vodka, gin, rye, scotch, tequila) are equivalent for alcohol content to calorie ratios, so vodka isn't a magic bullet, just easier on the taste buds for those who don't really like liquor. Bourbon is an outlier due to its higher sugar content, but its still essentially equivalent. The majority of calories come from liqueurs and mixers. So pure grain spirits are superior to light beers if the mixer is calorie neutral (tonic, soda water, zero calorie soda, etc.) Assuming the goal is to get a blitzed as possible without regards to taste. Now if you want to enjoy your drinks, light beer start to gain on everything except grain spirits with either water or no calorie mixers. A Beck's Light is 64 calories so is only 4 calories more than a shot, but has 9 grams alcohol compared to 12 grams for the shot.

    Long story short, either go calorie neutral for mixers, or a quality low calorie beer for the best bang for your buck (or calorie.)
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    There is a brand of drinks called Skinny Girl that are lower calorie. I personally haven't tried any but I have seen them in the store.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I drink vodka and diet tonic. I just make sure I have enough calories available to drink when I want to.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    - flavored vodka and diet tonic water
    - rum and diet coke

    But in all honesty, when I really need/want a real drink (like to get drunk), I do shots of jager. They are expensive (calorie wise) but sometimes, I just dont want a light drink.

    I do notice that my weight usually goes up after drinking especially with a bad hangover and it can take up to a week to drop down to normal.
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    i drink vodka with club soda or sugar free red bull (only one can a night). either that or a few glasses of white wine. i try to stay away from anything sweet. also, don't do fruit juices, a splash is okay. also, on the days you are planning to drink alcohol. try to keep your carb intake low. :)
  • getdrunknotfat was already posted, but there's also this from our very own MFP forums:
  • I know many will think I am nuts and drop me as a freind for saying this but Nothing good comes from drinking any alcohol ,nothing. So I never drink never. It also goes against the whole getting fit lifestyle. You wont eat donuts while your trying to keep weight off etc, booze is no better despite how it makes you feel.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    my alcohol of choice is vodka. i get smirnoff twisted watermelon vodka, mix it with cranberry juice, 7up, and a dash of lemon juice. if it's made JUST right, it tastes like a watermelon jolly rancher and you can just barely make out the taste of the vodka. but they get you drunk quick lol. on new years i tend to throw back two straight shots with juice chasers, then put the rest in a 1.5 liter glass beer mug and polish it off at midnight.

    i have no idea how many calories that is. by the time i'm done with it, i have no idea what anything is anymore, lol.

    all that aside, i actually very rarely drink. i'll have japanese plum wine now and then but MAYBE one glass a month. i'm on medication that would knock me out for a full day if i drank too often, so i have to be careful.
  • leelafit_mtl
    leelafit_mtl Posts: 132 Member
    The best advice I could give you is to log in every alcoholic beverage, exactly the way you do for the food.
    1) it'll make you realize how caloric alcoholic beverages can be,
    2) how many drinks you can have in one evening (this might be surprising sometimes)
    3) it'll help you to stay on track, make smarter choices

    Good luck!
  • Kslutsky83
    Kslutsky83 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't drink. I used to drink tons of wine and sparkling wine every single night.. But I have cut it out.. I would rather enjoy a meal then have to cut back what I eat so I can drink.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I just try to save calories if I know I'm going to have some drinks. You might want to google some recipes. Most cocktails have "skinny" versions that are lower calorie.

    ^This is what I do :drinker: ^
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Alcohol is made of calories.
  • Vodka + Crystal Light... my favorite is passion fruit flavor vodka with raspberry lemonade C.L.