What do you eat to stay at 1200 calories a day?

My goal is 1200 calories a day, and so far, I have had no problem staying that low. However, I find myself grazing on low calorie snacks and eating chicken with no sides, etc. I don't have actual low calorie MEAL plans that I can eat, other than weight watchers meals. I would like to start cooking and experimenting a little. I have two small children, so I like quick and easy meals. However, I am trying to learn to enjoy new foods and cooking them. Can anyone share their recipes for simple, not a ton of ingredients, low calorie meals? Thanks!


  • lilkayaker
    lilkayaker Posts: 37 Member
    Brothey soups! easy and fun to make,,pick a broth load up on vegetables pick a lean meat or meat substitute boil and enjoy! I also make what we call "sloppy toms" its sloppy joes with turkey instead of beef super quick super easy and low calories, I usually have a protein powder shake for lunch or breakfast and use almond milk. I use optimum nutrition and it has helped me stay full and on track with my calories. The thing i love about cooking is that i can take a base recipie and play with it...substituting or adding more desirable or healthy foods! good luck!
  • jamielovesjbs
    jamielovesjbs Posts: 154 Member
    i do chicken in the crock pot. red pepper, green peppers, whole chicken breast and spices. it shreds perfectly when done and it tastes amazing!
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I eat whatever strikes my mood. I have found that by being conscious of portion sizes, I can eat the same stuff I was eating before MFPing; I just have to make sure that I'm close to my 1200 net calories ea. day.

    I have gotten into the habit of logging my breakfast and my lunch after eating them. Same for snacking. BUT, for dinner, I log one serving before eating so that I can see what cals. are left and decide whether I'll want seconds, or rather have an evening snack. My breakfast is usually cereal w/skim and a cup or two of coffee. Lunch, typicaly a salad. Dinner, you never know. :tongue:

    Oh, there is a great recipe on www.allrecipes.com called Salsa Chicken. So simple and delicious!
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I drink a lot of water, and I eat tons of fruit and vegetables ( more fruit than vegetables ) I also cut cheese and dairy out of my diet, so i eliminated most junk food.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I know they say to snack is healthy, but I find when I staying at 1200 I don't have a lot of room for snacks. If I do I'll eat half my breakfast and eat the other half after I work out. Etc. with the other meals. I'm not a big help am I. I am curious what other say though.
  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    I eat huge amounts of salads and vegetables. They're just filler. I also plan my meals out and premake meats that can be throw in with vegetables later. It works out pretty well :)
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Sautee or bake or grill lean proteins. Steam or roast a variety of veggies. Eat some carbs, but make sure it's good carbs like wild or brown rice, sweet potatoes, barley, quinoa...

    Exercise and you'll be able to afford to eat more calories.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    Try skinnytaste.com.... there are a ton of receipes on the
  • I don't know how you guys do it. I can't eat that low. Personally I would be sick. My job and my working out, I need to eat around 2000 calories a day and I started my weight loss journey at 344 pounds and eating 2500 calories a day.
  • robertmc3000
    robertmc3000 Posts: 9 Member
    I like fish, turkey, sweet potatoes, and yams; they will keep you full
    but to stay under 1200 calories add squash, greens, and all those other light veggies
    for a snack probably a peach, orange, or plum
  • kwinocur
    kwinocur Posts: 2 Member
    I've started eating a lot of oatmeal, made with almond milk, cinnamon, and fresh apple slices. It does use up a chunk of my daily calories, but it keeps me full for a long time so it's worth it!
  • sliceofsarah
    sliceofsarah Posts: 141 Member
    I like to make my own pizzas using Flatout Flat Bread. If you put veggies on it and not meat, it's pretty easy to keep low-cal. Here's one recipe example although you can customize your toppings: http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=64641 That would also be a fun recipe for kids because they could make their own.

    Also I like to make egg white crepes: http://fivepoundsatatime.tumblr.com/post/30666738934/egg-white-crepes That's my version on my blog.

    You can also make your own chicken tenders and onion rings with just egg whites and bread crumbs to coat. If you don't dunk them in too much dipping sauce it can be fairly low cal while tasting like you are eating fast food.

    And I am in love with greek yogurt + fresh fruit + granola.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    If your kids are old enough, get them involved preping the food.
  • MissBernie73
    MissBernie73 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi, i follow a 1200 diet and i dont really feel deprived although i do have a desk job and am only 5'2 so this does suit me. I do eat back some of my exercise calories. My diary is open if you want some ideas.
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    i made chickpea and corriander burgers today and had one it really filled me up and i strugggled to meet my calories goal!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have greek yogurt for breakfast, small lunch, usually half a sandwich and salad, and honestly a regular dinner AND a snack later. 1200 wasn't enough for me and it was making me sick and feel fatigued.
  • well working out in the morning works out best for me because then I get in 2 cups of water and I'm ahead of myself! I also eat salads, lots of fruits and vegetables, some carbs and feel really full wayy before 7 sometimes 6 its so weird! so eat fuller meals, drink water before your meals and working out always keeps you on track ! :)
  • My goal is 1200 calories a day, and so far, I have had no problem staying that low. However, I find myself grazing on low calorie snacks and eating chicken with no sides, etc. I don't have actual low calorie MEAL plans that I can eat, other than weight watchers meals. I would like to start cooking and experimenting a little. I have two small children, so I like quick and easy meals. However, I am trying to learn to enjoy new foods and cooking them. Can anyone share their recipes for simple, not a ton of ingredients, low calorie meals? Thanks!

    You might want to figure out what your TDEE and BMR are.. this post can help you do that. If 1200 is actually around what is a good level then all power to you.

    Otherwise this post can help work out what your TDEE and BMR are http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    Soft shell tacos. You can buy low cal tortillas, low-fat cheese, lean ground meat. Add lettuce, tomatoes, sauce. Kids usually like tacos, too.