Tell me your pet peeves!

Basically what the title said.


I should probably list mine!

- Nose pickers
- Loud mouths
- Bad manners
- Messy
- Bad hygiene
- People who color their hair rainbow colors. (no offense to those of you who do ;)
- People who don't take care of themselves when it comes to fitness and a healthy diet.
- Talking with your mouth full
- Chewing loudly
- Arrogant people
- Girls who show too much cleavage
- Guys who sag their pants past their ***
- Foul mouthed people (I hate hearing the F bomb every other second)
- Poor grammar

The list goes on!


  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    i hate when clothes pile up in the hamper...i tell my family you know there is a washer in the house..........:explode:
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    i hate when clothes pile up in the hamper...i tell my family you know there is a washer in the house..........:explode:

    I hate that. I wash my clothes every 3 days.
  • seshchick2
    it's better than NEXT TO the hamper. At least your family realizes clothes go inside the darn thing!
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    better yet when I start a thread...get no response or when I answer a response to a ??? on this site and get passed like say something abt the above lol
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Basically what the title said.


    I should probably list mine!

    - Nose pickers
    - Loud mouths
    - Bad manners
    - Messy
    - Bad hygiene
    - People who color their hair rainbow colors. (no offense to those of you who do ;)
    - People who don't take care of themselves when it comes to fitness and a healthy diet.
    - Talking with your mouth full
    - Chewing loudly
    - Arrogant people
    - Girls who show too much cleavage
    - Guys who sag their pants past their ***
    - Foul mouthed people (I hate hearing the F bomb every other second)
    - Poor grammar

    The list goes on!

    I would SO totally drive you insane..maybe not the whole list, but enough to get under your skin for quite a while. (I typed this with my mouth full, btw, and I ain't worried about it one bit!)
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    Basically what the title said.


    I should probably list mine!

    - Nose pickers
    - Loud mouths
    - Bad manners
    - Messy
    - Bad hygiene
    - People who color their hair rainbow colors. (no offense to those of you who do ;)
    - People who don't take care of themselves when it comes to fitness and a healthy diet.
    - Talking with your mouth full
    - Chewing loudly
    - Arrogant people
    - Girls who show too much cleavage
    - Guys who sag their pants past their ***
    - Foul mouthed people (I hate hearing the F bomb every other second)
    - Poor grammar

    The list goes on!

    I would SO totally drive you insane..maybe not the whole list, but enough to get under your skin for quite a while. (I typed this with my mouth full, btw, and I ain't worried about it one bit!)

    Hey if I don't have to see or hear it then I don't care. :)
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    it's better than NEXT TO the hamper. At least your family realizes clothes go inside the darn thing!

  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    women that swear................:explode:
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    women that swear................:explode:

    I swear. I am working on my foul mouth.

    My LO said the F word the other day and he can't even say that many words.. I felt terrible!
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    There aren't many when it comes to other people... being immature, parents who party or go out all the time, people who think they know EVERYTHING.

    That's about it. I've got a list of about 100 when it comes to things that bug me about myself lol.
  • martymays
    martymays Posts: 188 Member
    People with false teeth who click their teeth and push and pull them in and out of their mouth with their tongue while I'm trying to wait on them. Grosses me the heck out!
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Options with ya about the "guys with saggy pants" hanging past there butts......little do they know that wearing pants like that actually started in prison to symbolism being someone's *****...I laugh every time I see someone with the saggy pants....and yes, I am full of useless information like that, lol.

    my biggest pet peeve is slow ppl......i cant stand walking behind ppl in a mall or grocery store that walk at the speed of snail and block the entire isle. annoy's the F outta me...get outta my way, dang it!! lol.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    People who drive in the fast lane and go UNDER the speed limit. I have horrible road rage.
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    mine is easy. People telling me how to drive. I am an excellent driver, I know how to speed and not get caught, short cuts people don't know about, never been in an accident ect. People who tell me how to drive irritate me more than anything I can think of. Don't tell me how to drive and I wont be nit picky about how you drive :)
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    mean people ( only one lol)
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    There aren't many when it comes to other people... being immature, parents who party or go out all the time, people who think they know EVERYTHING.

    That's about it. I've got a list of about 100 when it comes to things that bug me about myself lol.

    I hate know-it-all people.
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    People with false teeth who click their teeth and push and pull them in and out of their mouth with their tongue while I'm trying to wait on them. Grosses me the heck out!

  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    Options with ya about the "guys with saggy pants" hanging past there butts......little do they know that wearing pants like that actually started in prison to symbolism being someone's *****...I laugh every time I see someone with the saggy pants....and yes, I am full of useless information like that, lol.

    my biggest pet peeve is slow ppl......i cant stand walking behind ppl in a mall or grocery store that walk at the speed of snail and block the entire isle. annoy's the F outta me...get outta my way, dang it!! lol.

    Wow I didn't know that about the saggy pants.. Thanks!

    I hate it when people are slow. It bugs me when they see you waiting for them to move the heck over and they just take their sweet time.
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    People who drive in the fast lane and go UNDER the speed limit. I have horrible road rage.

    Haha I do this sometimes. I try not to do it, but sometimes I don't even notice until a car gets right up on me.
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    mine is easy. People telling me how to drive. I am an excellent driver, I know how to speed and not get caught, short cuts people don't know about, never been in an accident ect. People who tell me how to drive irritate me more than anything I can think of. Don't tell me how to drive and I wont be nit picky about how you drive :)

    I hate the back seat driver crap. I have to admit I do it sometimes..I really try to hold my tongue, but sometimes I get nervous.