SHOCKING!!! Health Screening Vegetarian to Paleo Comparison



  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    How did you figure out that you were allergic to dairy and gluten? What symptoms did you have? Also do you eat beans on paleo?

    well, for the longest time i have had "acid reflux disease" honestly, as long as I can remember. I thought everyone had heartburn all the time. Then it started to get worse and I talked to my dr who prescribed more meds. He thought I had CANCER and ran all sorts of (expensive) tests. Anyways, they didnt find anything and the meds didnt make me feel any better.I came across someone's blog about how they changed their diet to a paleo one and got rid of their acid reflux. So i figured why the heck not.

    Literally TWO days into going paleo (no grains, no added sugars, real natural foods) my heartburn was GONE. I honestly didn't know what it felt like NOT to have heartburn. I also realized all my aching joints were from what I was eating and not from marathon training. I became more "Regular" and had tons of energy and no 2 pm luls or trouble sleeping. Those were my symptoms that I didn't even know I had until I changed my diet. I was literally poisoning myself as a "healthy" vegetarian eating fruit, veggies, eggs, and whole grains. If this interests you, I HIGHLY suggest reading It Starts with Food. It is the best health book I've ever read!

    I have experimented with beans and I choose not to eat them because they cause me intestinal discomfort. However, every once in a while we go to this Mexican joint that has AMAZING BEANS and I will suffer with bad gas just to enjoy these--but its a rare occasion. I'm allergic to milk also but will have a starbucks every once in a while. Certain cheeses don't bother me but all deli-style cheeses do. So its kind of an experiment to figure out what works with ME and what doesnt. I used the Whole30 method to figure this all out. I'm not perfect all the time (check out Sunday's diary for example), but I feel crappy when I eat poorly and I try to do my best to give my body the best I can.
  • Melthrash
    Melthrash Posts: 36 Member
    That's crazy. Seriously, you sound exactly like me. I eat very clean. Lots of whole foods. At times I've gone vegan and the reflux gets worse. Definitely worth trying. I don' t like the idea of not getting enough carbs though. Do you eat fruit?
  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    It's really nice having a place to go for encouragement when something positive happens. :huh:

  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    That's crazy. Seriously, you sound exactly like me. I eat very clean. Lots of whole foods. At times I've gone vegan and the reflux gets worse. Definitely worth trying. I don' t like the idea of not getting enough carbs though. Do you eat fruit?

    yes, i eat plenty of fruit! I dont restrict carbs, I just focus my meals on eating good quality protein first and foremost then add veggies. Fruits and nuts are snacks for me. I am very active and do just fine on 50-150 g of carbs a day...your body can MAKE energy (carbs) from protein and fat sources so you dont *need* to consume lots of carbs.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    So your numbers went from good, to still good, and... I'm not sure I follow, all of your numbers, while having slight variations, are all in exactly the same range. A change of 3 or 4 points is really quite negligible in most of those categories, especially when the old numbers were already in the healthy range.

    I don't see how this proves anything, other than the actual diet you eat is irrelevant, as you went from one extreme to the other extreme, and you remained, basically the same.

    This was my thought exactly. You're still in the healthy ranges for all of your numbers, a few points here or there really aren't a big change.

    If you prefer paleo to veggie than great, you've found something that works for you, but your biometric numbers and health scores are basically the same.

    One of the biggest issues people have with Paleo/Primal is the amount of fat (and meat, to a somewhat lesser extent) that's in it. Everyone's first reaction is "OMG! You're going to clog your arteries and have a heart attack!" The fact that her biometric numbers have not only gotten worse, but have in fact gotten better, even when staying in a healthy range, is evidence to the contrary. And even though it wouldn't be considered scientific, perhaps enough of such reports would prompt the "real scientists" to do some actual studies.

    What's funny about the "conventional wisdom" on eating saturated fat causing heart disease is that medical researchers have known that it is false---for MANY years. If we ate no cholesterol at all, our livers would still create cholesterol---it is critical for many functions in the body. Eating starch and sugar cause an increase in inflammatory cytokines and heart disease is caused by those inflammatory processes. High levels of C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation in the body) are closely linked to heart disease. Atherosclerotic plaques contain cholesterol, but THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT CHOLESTEROL CAUSES THEM. Your body actually uses cholesterol to "plaster over" the minute lesions formed by inflammation on the inner lining of the blood vessels. Chronically high blood sugar creates heart disease. That is why diabetics have a much higher rate of heart and vascular disease.

    True Statements. but less money would be made if they promoted the truth!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    this is a great post. it's good to get some real life numbers. thank you for sharing this information. i have been going paleo and upping my meat, a bit concerned about my arteries, but your numbers give me confidence i'm making the right decision.
  • Melthrash
    Melthrash Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks a ton! I have to eat gluten until I have my celiac test and then I think I'll give it a go :-)
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    Congrats on your good numbers. I am glad to know that you have found something that works for you. :smile:
  • Irish_eyes75
    Every night before I go to bed I eat 4 girl scout thin mints and I consistantly lose about 2lbs a week, thank you thin mints!

    I'm going to go shake down some girl scouts right now - I'll share my stash with ya
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Great job on your improvements glad you posted this! Great job and ignore the critics.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    I'm sure losing weight didn't do anything for better results, it's all the Paleo diet

    I don't think a loss of six pounds, on its own, would account for the numbers changing as much as they did. I also don't think it's as simple as "it's all the Paleo diet" -- even though you were being sarcastic, some people may actually attribute the changes purely to one diet vs. another diet, which I also don't think is really fair.

    I was on Atkins and saw all my numbers improve... but I know other people who were "on Atkins" who didn't, and that was probably based on the choices they made, NOT the guidelines. Big difference there. People used to say to me all the time, "Oh, you're on Atkins? Yeah my (relationship word here) was on that. Ate cheeseburgers and bacon all day long." *eyeroll*
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Good for you for improving your health, although you do realize that one persons results won't represent everyone correct? Also, you are not telling us what you were eating before and what you eat now. I'd be interested in see how much the nutritional value of your food changed. For all I know you ate gobs of pizza before you went paleo. Besides it wasn't huge jumps you saw overall, just a few points here and there, it's not like you lost 50lbs or lowered your cholesterol significantly. You probably could have lowered your cholesterol further, had you actually tried. I also didn't see a time span between, it just said 2011-2012? When?
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    I have nothing against paleo, but I would like to ask a question I seldom hear addressed when people discuss paleo. It is my understanding that this planet is unable to support the current human population on a paleo style diet; if this is not currently the case, it will be within 20 years. Assuming that paleo is truly the optimal diet for humans, how do those of you who believe in the paleo diet propose we accommodate the population? Are you comfortable knowing that even with zero population growth, we will never be able to achieve a distribution of the world's resources wherein all people have access to good nutrition? Do you acknowledge that the world has too many people, and support an organized plan of population reduction, such as China's one child policy? Like I said, I have nothing against the paleo diet, but every time it comes up, I wonder how people reconcile this conflict, and if they actively support reducing the world's human population.
  • DaBigChief
    Same directional results for me too.
  • georgie181
    I tried the anabolic diet and couldn't stick it! But really want to go back to eat again someday next year probably. My workout schedule is just so extreme atm that I am currentl;y sticking with a 50-30-20 diet and its working as it gives me the energy I need for bootcamp etc. next year I intend on leaning more towards strength training and thhat when I will go back to the anabolic diet. well done you and I agree with it being down to diet, any professional will tell you weight loss is 60% diet. so well done you!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    congrats!! It's really awesome to see results like this!

    and most people are missing the whole point of the post!!

    You ate a ton of fat, saturated fat, and your numbers got better, not worse. Just more proof (like we need it!) that fat does not cause you to get fat, (low fat gimmiks and sales is a load of crock) and it's actually starches and sugars that cause all the bad stuff!
    and I'm sure on a vegetarian diet you were eating plenty of sugar and starches.

    everyone I know that switched to paleo/primal and had their numbers done had similar results to yours. amazing, eating tons of eggs, nuts, animal fats, etc is good for you!
    She was eating sugar and starches, AND WAS STILL PERFECTLY HEALTHY. You pretty much disproved your own statement. There's absolutely no way to know whether her slight improvements in blood work wouldn't have happened anyway, due to the fact that she already lives a healthy lifestyle.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Thank you to the OP for posting this topic. I too am enjoying AMAZING health benefits from eating a fat/meat/veggie based diet. A huge list of health problems have vanished and, bonus, I'm losing fat like crazy. It's amazing to me that people are posting trying to refute your personal experience. If I hear one more time that eating a diet based on healthy meat/fat and veggies is a "fad" I think I'm going to scream. Forget the names "paleo" and "primal"; it just makes sense to eat as close to what our ancestors were eating (and I don't mean 50 years ago). Since I live in an Inuit community the difference between a grain-based diet and a fat/meat based diet is so very obvious because the change is happening right now. The health differences are absolutely alarming but the government is still telling Inuit to eat bread and Crisco. (BTW most Inuit can't eat legumes, it makes them sick. I'm Caucasian and they make me sick, but legumes are supposedly healthy?!)
    Our ancestors ate a higher carb (50%,) moderate fat (30%,) moderate protein (20%) diet. Not anything like the supposed "Paleo" diet being pushed by these books lately. The Mediterranean Diet is much closer to how our ancestors ate.
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    congrats!! It's really awesome to see results like this!

    and most people are missing the whole point of the post!!

    You ate a ton of fat, saturated fat, and your numbers got better, not worse. Just more proof (like we need it!) that fat does not cause you to get fat, (low fat gimmiks and sales is a load of crock) and it's actually starches and sugars that cause all the bad stuff!
    and I'm sure on a vegetarian diet you were eating plenty of sugar and starches.

    everyone I know that switched to paleo/primal and had their numbers done had similar results to yours. amazing, eating tons of eggs, nuts, animal fats, etc is good for you!
    She was eating sugar and starches, AND WAS STILL PERFECTLY HEALTHY. You pretty much disproved your own statement. There's absolutely no way to know whether her slight improvements in blood work wouldn't have happened anyway, due to the fact that she already lives a healthy lifestyle.

    Clearly, your parents never talked to you about the dangers of science, and now it's too late. Look at you, demanding logical consistency, instead of just accepting an argument without even analyzing it. What is this world coming to when people will suggest that anecdotal evidence that actually disproves the hypothesis offered in a more or less anonymous post on the internet isn't sufficient proof to support a broad and unqualified claim?
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I'm sure losing weight didn't do anything for better results, it's all the Paleo diet


    I wonder why would you go from Vegetarian to Paleo... such a big change
    are you the kind of person who just cannot eat "normal" jumping from one diet/lifestyle to another?

    I went from 12 years vegetarian to paleo and I'm not the kind of person to jump from one lifestyle to another. i did it for compellign health reasons and feel much better for it - although I still struggle with eating meat as i don't much care for it. Cutting out all grains and most dairy has worked wonders for me.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    First off, you know that Starbucks can do you a Soya milk based drink? (Or they certainly did in the UK when I worked there ten years ago.)

    Also; I'm not surprised your 'stats' got better if you were allergic to what you were previously eating! Your body was, it would seem to me, working at far from optimum with those symptoms!

    Diet is just one part of a lifestyle unsustainable for the entire world population.
    Quite a lot of the rest of our Western-consumption life style is to. Our reliance on motor-vehicles, expensive technology generally and the like.