Anyone else exercise like crazy but still can't lose weight?



  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    You are doing great but for greater results and fast fat loss try more cardio workouts instead of just jogging and running. Cardio workouts gives you an afterburn. So if you are on a treadmill instead of running 5 miles straight. Try doing 2 minutes fast run and 1 minute walk...


    TRUST ME. I've been trying cardio workouts and HIIT training and although I'm not losing a lot I'm losing a 1 lb per week.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    With a closed diary, it's really hard to tell, but I'd wager a guess that you aren't eating enough. MPF sets most people's goal to 1200, which is honestly already too low, and then there are a lot of people who still eat significantly under that. If you eat too little, you also won't see the results you want. Your body evolved the way it has during hunter-gatherer times, so it's resistant to times of food shortage.Try eating closer to 15-1600 calories for a bit and see what happens.
  • Maby this long, slow pace cardio is not the best idea? try to mix it up with something more challenging like heavy weights for example, or do interwal training.

    I go for a 5 mile run almost every day as well, but every second time I jog the first half, and the second half I do interval training (jogging-running fast intervals).

    You need to give your body some kick, vary your workouts and push yourself. Otherwise you'll see no results.
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    How many calories do you eat a week? Even with exercise, if you are losing 0.15lb a week, then you are only 75kcal a week under your tdee. Have you calculated your goals correctly?
  • Oh girl, cut that cardio in half, add some weight training and I'm only going to assume you don't eat enough so eat enough to fuel your body. Don't do anymore then 45 mutes of cardio or else your body is going to eat your muscles. DO NOT weigh yourself every day, pick once a week, same day, same time and take all your measurements. Don't depend on the scale it's a lying sack of ****. I weight 155lbs but fit into a size 5 and I eat almost 2000 calories a day. You weight 160lbs, not 300, you don't need to starve you need to train. Also if you make your diary public more people will be able to help you.

    Finally, the voice of reason!

    I threw my scale out. I only go by how my clothes fit and how I look. Also, weight loss that is too exercise dependent often doesn't last. IMHO, balance is the most important thing. I now do a combination of weight training and cardio, and it's not over-the-top cardio. People who become too diet and exercise obsessed, risk losing the ability to just enjoy life. This site is a great tool to monitor your progress, but many people on here are obsessed with weight loss and fitness.

    I have been a certified fitness instructor and am currently working at getting re-certified but, I still go to Friday night happy hour, drink beer and yummy appetizers. You don't have to run 5 miles a day to be physically fit and a healthy weight. MODERATION!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    Exercise is only half of the equation..

    What you eat is the main part of it. and since your diary isnt open,.. we cant really help you.
  • it took months for me to notice my clothes getting too baggy to wear, but the feeling better took a few days, and I loved that feeling! I have been and still do get very discouraged, especially since I'm working out for 2+hours a day and nearly not eating some days, but it's still worth the "feeling" for me :)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My scale hasn't budged in months. But I can wear a size 6 now, and I couldn't in the spring. Turning the fat into muscle is making a big difference, even if my scale hasn't caught up.
  • Jacqadactle
    Jacqadactle Posts: 62 Member
    I run 5ks and lift weights every week, and nothing was coming off. I changed my calories from ~1500 to ~1800, and now I'm shedding. You need to eat more since you're exercising so much, or else your body will hang on to the excess fat and lose muscle. Also, check out start eating clean, it WORKS.
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    Sorry i meant 75 kcal a day under!
  • That was ME for 15 years. The only way to lose weight is to eat less. My full story here -->

    Seriously, I ran marathon after marathon after marathon thinking this time would finally work. Nope.

    Eat Less to lose (Eat less when you are fat, Eat more when you are lean << that's where starvation mode happens)

    Exercise to look good when the fat is gone.
    Amazing and thank you, you have giving me hope, inspiration and ideas!!!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    your not exercising long enough.... make your workouts 30-45mins long and you will start to see results, also what do you have you calories set at?

    5 miles at 10 mph = 50 minutes.

    What am I missing here?

    5 miles at 10 mph would take 30 minutes
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    your not exercising long enough.... make your workouts 30-45mins long and you will start to see results, also what do you have you calories set at?

    5 miles at 10 mph = 50 minutes.

    :laugh: Math FTW!
  • I work out for 45-60 mins, 4-5 times a week and burn 450-600 cals per workout using my HRM and have lost 1.2lbs this entire month. i'm always under my calories too - SO frustrating!!!

    Go Michigan!!!! sorry just had to say that. :bigsmile:
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    That was ME for 15 years. The only way to lose weight is to eat less. My full story here -->

    Seriously, I ran marathon after marathon after marathon thinking this time would finally work. Nope.

    Eat Less to lose (Eat less when you are fat, Eat more when you are lean << that's where starvation mode happens)

    Exercise to look good when the fat is gone.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thanks for replying! But I think maybe you are replying to the wrong post...65 minutes a day is not nearly enough exercise? And my diet is low carb/no sugar...maybe you misread something. I know you mean well though! :)
    Not nearly enough exercise. How is your diet? I would recommend very low to no sugar (no refined sugar), moderate carb intake - complex carbs. Eat your body weight in protein meaning, say for instance you weigh 130lbs; you need to eat 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
    I would put all your exercise into one routine. Start out with a light walk say 10 mins, then a 10 min light jog to warm up. Then stretch. Never "cold stretch" before you work out, you will end up making yourself weaker, also putting yourself in higher risk of injury.
    Exercise for at least 1 hour, DO NOT lift heavy weights. If you’re not use to it, i.e. your ligaments and tendons you will severely injure yourself.
    Do cardio routines such as stationary bicycle, treadmill, elliptical and Stairmaster. Try interval training such as walk 5 mins sprint 2, jog 3, and then walk. Do this for 20 mins.
    You can add some weight training in but after your cardio, since you goal is weight loss. Do "Light" reps with moderate light weight to max out at 12-15 reps for about 4-5 sets. When you start with weights do a whole body routine to condition your body to the stress of lifting, say about 2 months and no more than 3 workouts a body part. Doing this you will tone your body.
    It's all about diet as well; if you have further questions or comments you can message me.

    It isn't about the exercise. It's about the diet. I don't exercise near as much as that, but I'm losing weight because I watch my food intake. You can exercise four hours a day and still not lose if you are not eating right!
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 342 Member
    your not exercising long enough.... make your workouts 30-45mins long and you will start to see results, also what do you have you calories set at?

    5 miles at 10 mph = 50 minutes.

    What am I missing here?

    5 miles at 10 mph would take 30 minutes

    I think she meant 10 minute miles.
  • rabbittac
    rabbittac Posts: 6 Member
    Don't go by weight alone. How do your clothes fit? Also, I was told to eat more protein when I excercise by my nutrition coach. Your body tends to go into starvation mode if you don't eat enough and does not allow you to lose weight. I have the same problem.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    You can't out exercise poor diet people. I don't know what you eat but you certainly don't need more than 35-45 mins to be fit. I know that for a fact. Male and Female. It's your eating that it's keeping you there. I don't know your speficis but that is all you need to look at. Oh and drop the cardio. You need strength training in your life too.
  • Hi I recommend switiching up your exercise routines.... to shock your body. Remembering that you loose weight in the kitchen and get fine in the gym. Weigh training is important for women, it will help you to burn more fat .. so incorporate that into your work outs. I would measure your sucess by inches lost rather than lbs lost... just my 2 cents.