I think I'm addicted to ice cream

I am hitting all my calories and goals and doing great until after dinner. Then, all I can think about is the ice cream in my freezer. I've been busting my calorie goal every night because of this. Grrrr! Frustrating!

It's weird..like I can't stand the thought of it being in there uneaten.

A lot of my friends don't even eat dessert. I feel like I have to have it every night.

I need to join icecreamaholics anonymous.


  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I hear you! Maybe at least try to switch yourself on to frozen yogurt. Or buy your ice cream in little individual serve cups. Weight Watchers makes these to die for sundaes. I don't see depriving yourself entirely of it. Wean yourself off and make sure to leave room in your calorie goals at the end of the day for it!
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I have this same issue with chocolate!!! I can't keep it in the house. Just try one day without having any ice cream in your house... you can do it! If you need it the second day, then get one of those little 1 serving size cups and no more. Then try another day without it. They say it takes 17 days to make or break a habbit. you can do it!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Go. Get. The. Tub. Of. Ice. Cream... And run hot water in it and flush it down the sink. What did it cost? 4 or 5 bucks at most? If it's not there, you're not going to be tempted to eat it.

    Trust me, it does get easier. I was/am an ice cream lover (I was eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's every day at work on my half hour lunch-- the whole thing). I now hardly eat any at all. Well, and no ice cream at all (I found out I have milk allergies). Now, I have a pint of tofutti chocolate cookie crunch in my freezer, and it's been there for 3 weeks. It still has a serving left too!
  • newnormal2010
    The Skinny Cow "truffle" ice cream bars -- they come in at least 3 flavors, I think -- are 100 calories and *way* more satisfying than a typical 100-cal pack of anything! I love sweets and hate feeling deprived, but one of these at the end of the day is really satisfying. Knowing that I want to have one, I keep in mind for the rest of my eating that I need to have 100 calories left for my treat after the kids are in bed! I haven't tried any of the other Skinny Cow products, but these are wonderful!

    Even if you won't be satisfied with anything but "real" ice cream, work it backwards. Figure out the calorie content of a reasonable serving, and plan the rest of your day around having that many calories left at the end for your treat. I have a friend from work who lost over 100 lbs. using WW, and she never stopped eating ice cream! She just planned for it as part of her daily intake.

    Good luck!
  • Hopey1994
    I can empathize with you on this one. I found Edy's had a slow churned with 1/2 the fat and is low calorie. Sorry to be an enabler! I have a serving maybe 2x a week, and ALWAYS account for it before hand. Like when I plan my meals for the day in my journal, I'll say, 'I want ice cream tonight, so I'm going to take it easy and add an extra 1/2 mile to my run" to make me feel not so horrible. Sometimes, especially with my husband being on the other side of the world, I need some ice cream.

    I like the idea of the single serve or the WW ice cream. then you won't feel too too bad about it.
  • Mylo301
    Don't buy ice cream.

    I know it's not healthy to deprive yourself of foods...but it's also not healthy to eat tons of ice cream every night. It's your body, your health, and your choice. Choose not to buy ice cream at the grocery store.

    What's your favorite ice cream sundae? Tell yourself you'll have that on Saturday. Don't have ice cream during the week, do a good work out on Saturday, and treat yourself with a decadent, guilt-free sundae of your choice.

  • rvkirk
    rvkirk Posts: 37
    I think subbing is the way to go try frozen yogurt, frozen grapes (they taste really nice) or even making your own ice-cream where you can remove some of the sugar and calories etc. The other option is know your going to eat it and plan for it, eat less cals during the day, run a bit extra at the gym and eat it feeling you have deserve it.
  • PrincessDesiray
    PrincessDesiray Posts: 104 Member
    Most of the time I just don't buy it so I would suggest the same. However, my hubby does love Turkey Hill ice cream every once in awhile.....so that is when my craving hit. I try to do what others have suggested such as Edy's, or 1/2 the fat ones, or the Skinny Cow ones are good. Then on other occasions I just walk myself up to bed and read a book.....this way I am no where near the kitchen and I do not want to leave my nice warm bed.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    im an ice cream addict too:laugh: I freeze my fiber one strawberry yogurt about 30-45min before its time to have a snack, 50 calories. My favorite though is by skinny cow; Chocolate with fudge cone 150 calories
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    Go. Get. The. Tub. Of. Ice. Cream... And run hot water in it and flush it down the sink. What did it cost? 4 or 5 bucks at most? If it's not there, you're not going to be tempted to eat it.

    Trust me, it does get easier. I was/am an ice cream lover (I was eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's every day at work on my half hour lunch-- the whole thing). I now hardly eat any at all. Well, and no ice cream at all (I found out I have milk allergies). Now, I have a pint of tofutti chocolate cookie crunch in my freezer, and it's been there for 3 weeks. It still has a serving left too!

    HOW is this possible!!! Tell me how! I am a terrible ice cream/chocolate addict. Don't even get me started on certain chocolate ice creams... my goodness! I never keep it in the house, but sometimes the cravings get so bad I'll walk miles for it! In the snow!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I actually had to throw some stuff out that was hindering me. I'm actually considering throwing out some pimento cheese that I got the other day b/c I snack on it all the time and it's stuffed with sodium! UGH!
  • Essence320
    Essence320 Posts: 154 Member
    I can definitely relate. Once the kids are in bed I like to watch tv and have a snack. Definitely chocolate...preferably ice cream.:laugh:
    My new guilty pleasures are Yoplait Delights Parfaits in Chocolate Raspberry. They are chocolate lowfat yogurt topped with raspberry lowfat yogurt. Pop em in the freezer and they are soooo good and only 100 calories! Just be sure to plan for it when eating that day.
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    Skinny Cow is your friend. The cookies and cream ice cream sandwich is super satisfying at 150 calories. You have to decide: Are you never going to eat ice cream again, or are you going to come to some sort of accommodation with your cravings? For me, the idea of never eating ice cream again is not realistic.

    This is a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Go. Get. The. Tub. Of. Ice. Cream... And run hot water in it and flush it down the sink. What did it cost? 4 or 5 bucks at most? If it's not there, you're not going to be tempted to eat it.

    I did that with some left over frosting from cupcakes I made for work. I knew it was there, and it was consuming my mind... and my fingers as I kept dipping my fingers in for a taste... I dumped it down the sink. Problem solved! :wink:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I can definitely relate. Once the kids are in bed I like to watch tv and have a snack. Definitely chocolate...preferably ice cream.:laugh:
    My new guilty pleasures are Yoplait Delights Parfaits in Chocolate Raspberry. They are chocolate lowfat yogurt topped with raspberry lowfat yogurt. Pop em in the freezer and they are soooo good and only 100 calories! Just be sure to plan for it when eating that day.

    Essence, have you heard of or tried Jello's new Mousse Temptations? They have a "chocolate indulgence" and a "dark chocolate indulgence" flavor- they're sold at the grocery store in the refrigerator section with the regular jello puddings. They're AWESOME- and only 60 calories each! If you're interested, give it a try! :flowerforyou:
  • Essence320
    Essence320 Posts: 154 Member
    I can definitely relate. Once the kids are in bed I like to watch tv and have a snack. Definitely chocolate...preferably ice cream.:laugh:
    My new guilty pleasures are Yoplait Delights Parfaits in Chocolate Raspberry. They are chocolate lowfat yogurt topped with raspberry lowfat yogurt. Pop em in the freezer and they are soooo good and only 100 calories! Just be sure to plan for it when eating that day.

    Essence, have you heard of or tried Jello's new Mousse Temptations? They have a "chocolate indulgence" and a "dark chocolate indulgence" flavor- they're sold at the grocery store in the refrigerator section with the regular jello puddings. They're AWESOME- and only 60 calories each! If you're interested, give it a try! :flowerforyou:

    I went to the store specifically to get some yesterday and of course they were out.:grumble: Sales lady saw how disappointed I looked and suggested I try the Chocolate Raspberry Parfait. I was very pleasantly surprised but still would love to get my hands on some Dark Chocolate Indulgence. Thanks for the info, now I MUST trek through the snow to get some.:happy:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Skinny Cow is your friend. The cookies and cream ice cream sandwich is super satisfying at 150 calories. You have to decide: Are you never going to eat ice cream again, or are you going to come to some sort of accommodation with your cravings? For me, the idea of never eating ice cream again is not realistic.

    This is a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    But if it's a trigger food (as in she's blowing her calories every night having it), she might be better off not having it around period. At least for a while, or until she finds satisfying substitutes.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I can definitely relate. Once the kids are in bed I like to watch tv and have a snack. Definitely chocolate...preferably ice cream.:laugh:
    My new guilty pleasures are Yoplait Delights Parfaits in Chocolate Raspberry. They are chocolate lowfat yogurt topped with raspberry lowfat yogurt. Pop em in the freezer and they are soooo good and only 100 calories! Just be sure to plan for it when eating that day.

    Essence, have you heard of or tried Jello's new Mousse Temptations? They have a "chocolate indulgence" and a "dark chocolate indulgence" flavor- they're sold at the grocery store in the refrigerator section with the regular jello puddings. They're AWESOME- and only 60 calories each! If you're interested, give it a try! :flowerforyou:

    I went to the store specifically to get some yesterday and of course they were out.:grumble: Sales lady saw how disappointed I looked and suggested I try the Chocolate Raspberry Parfait. I was very pleasantly surprised but still would love to get my hands on some Dark Chocolate Indulgence. Thanks for the info, now I MUST trek through the snow to get some.:happy:

    I think the Jello website has a coupon for them, too! They did a month or so ago- not sure if it's still there, but worth checking out.
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    Skinny Cow is your friend. The cookies and cream ice cream sandwich is super satisfying at 150 calories. You have to decide: Are you never going to eat ice cream again, or are you going to come to some sort of accommodation with your cravings? For me, the idea of never eating ice cream again is not realistic.

    This is a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    But if it's a trigger food (as in she's blowing her calories every night having it), she might be better off not having it around period. At least for a while, or until she finds satisfying substitutes.

    I can definitely see your point there, and for some people that might work. Speaking just from my experience, that would set me up for a binge down the road. Knowing that I have a skinny cow at home keeps me from buying Ben and Jerry's and going to town. If I banned ice cream from the house entirely, there would come a day when I was down, pms-ing, or just not in the mood to be healthy, and a pint of haagen-daas would be consumed. No one lives so far from a grocery store that they can't get their hands on their drug of choice if they really want it! :laugh:
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    Wow! Lot's of discussion on this topic! It helps to know others are in the same boat.

    My challenge with eating the lower calorie stuff is that I don't like to eat anything with preservatives. I have not been able to find a low calorie or frozen yogurt that doesn't have gaur gum and carageenan and diglycerides in it.

    I'm thinking the solution for me is to make my kids a big milk shake with what's left of the ice cream in the freezer, and only to buy a half gallon at a time. That way, when we have company, etc. I will be forced to share it and hopefully not overeat it.

    Also, my husband makes a delicious lowfat ice cream from scratch but it doesn't freeze well at all. If I can get him to only make a small amount at a time, every so often, I might be able to wean myself off of wanting it everynight.

    I love it when I'm eating it....just not how I feel after.

    Thank you everyone for all your help and tips! I think a lot of my challenge is that I am bored with some things in my life and I'm seeking the endorphin rush from the wrong things.