Isanity 3 week

Hi everyone,

I am new to this site and I have nearly finished insanity week 3 and was just wondering if i am the only person not losing weight on it, I took my body measurements in week 2 but haven't noticed any changes, I am also eating healthy I am just trying to budge this last 7 - 10lbs...

I anyone is having the same issue or has any help to offer i would appreciate it greatly.



  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Stick with it most people who don't have a lot to lose see the most results in month 2 of insanity. just make sure you keep eating right (and enough!) and stick to the schedule and you will see results!
  • I also did not lose any weight from it :(
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    I am in month 2, day 40. Trust me if your not losing now, you will be as long as you follow the diet plan too. Good luck! :O)
  • Stick with it! Although, I'm on my last week with one inch loss and no weightloss to record. I feel great and my cardio is getting amazing.

    Try to stick to the meal program that came with your insanity.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    I'm in the same boat, but I've heard that you see the biggest results in Month 2 and I have friends on here who have only the last 5-10 to lose and their results have been incredible at the end! Stick with it, we've come this far! Good luck!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Keep with it. your body is probably just holding on to water and adjusting to the new workout. I'd say if after 6 weeks you don't see the beginning of a difference then reevaluate your diet.
  • kittyquick55
    kittyquick55 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to this, just joined....what is insanity? A diet program you are following? Can I have more information?
  • It could be possible that you are gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat so you might not be seeing any pounds lost yet.
  • Alyxander100
    Alyxander100 Posts: 9 Member
    Usually you will not see results on ANY work out no matter how hard it is until week 5. That is why so many people give up on working out...they dont see results fast enough for the "have it your way", "On Demand" type of world we live in...I am by no means saying this to discourage or talk down to you...much the opposite. I am saying hang in there, give it a few more weeks and you will see great results.

    Your body is like an engine...and I am sure you have heard the tired old analogy before, but when you push on the gas of your car, it takes it a little while to get up and move. your body is the same way. You have to wait for the car to catch up with the engine. The cool thing is that the more you do it, the faster the body responds to it. KEEP working and the body will get faster. change up your work outs too so your body does not get accustomed to the same routine as it will build up a resistance to it.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I'm on week 3 too, and haven't seen too much of a loss. However, I did notice that when I ate most of my calories during the day and had a light dinner (well, dinner of veggies and protein) I did lose up to three pounds and that was in the second week. My dinners have not stayed like that and now I'm not showing much of a loss.

    Even though the number on the scale hasn't moved much; my clothes are fitting better. I was so excited yesterday when I put on a pair of pants that were tight and digging into my stomach just a few weeks ago and now they fit well and even a little loose.

    I do agree with others that have mentioned that month 2 will be better regarding weight loss.
  • I do have a very busy lifestyle with a job and an 8 month old so i don't follow the insanity nutrition guide mainly cause i cant eat 5 - 6 times a day and the food prep is crazy but i am now calorie counting and eat 3 meals a day so hopefully i will see a difference, i was speaking to a nurse at the doctors the other day and told her i was doing insanity and she said i would more likely lose inches than weight, she recommended a 1200 calorie diet to lose the last of my weight.

    I enjoy working out and i was going to the gym 3-4 times a week before insanity and will go back after i just thought if i changed up my exercise i might kick my body in gear to lose this 7lb... but shall see.

    just to give an idea im 5ft 5.5inches and weight 11st 1lb and i want to be around 10st 7lb.
  • Insanity is a 60 day body conditioning workout program if you google it, it will give you loads of information
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Also another way to measure progress is by the Fit Test. I, personally, was amazed at how many more reps I was able to do on the second Fit test than the first.

    One thing to keep in mind is you aren't just losing weight, but your getting stronger and more fit!
  • Calories in vs calories out :) Make sure you have a deficit in the required calories to keep you at your weight and the calories you are taking in. The tool here on mfp helps you with that. sometimes people think they can eat more because they are working out. To lose weight...this is just not true. But 3 wks into Insanity is awesome...keep it up...check your calories and you WILL get to your goal! :)
  • I do have a very busy lifestyle with a job and an 8 month old so i don't follow the insanity nutrition guide mainly cause i cant eat 5 - 6 times a day and the food prep is crazy but i am now calorie counting and eat 3 meals a day so hopefully i will see a difference, i was speaking to a nurse at the doctors the other day and told her i was doing insanity and she said i would more likely lose inches than weight, she recommended a 1200 calorie diet to lose the last of my weight.

    I enjoy working out and i was going to the gym 3-4 times a week before insanity and will go back after i just thought if i changed up my exercise i might kick my body in gear to lose this 7lb... but shall see.

    just to give an idea im 5ft 5.5inches and weight 11st 1lb and i want to be around 10st 7lb.

    Sorry- I am no good with anything but lbs-- can't convert stones-- ignorance is bliss here. Anyway, 1200 sounds low for somone with only a little wieght to lose-- but I don't know not knowing how much 11st 1lb is. Also-- are you at least netting 1200-- meaning you are eating back all those cals you are losing doing insanity?

    11st 1lb is 155lbs. i have only been calorie counting this week and have been eating the cals im losing doing insanity should i be doing this, as yesterday i ate 1200 then worked out in the evening so didn't eat what i burnt.
  • I just finished week 4 of insanity and was asking the very same thing 2 weeks ago. I was told that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. That is when I signed up on my fitness pal and started tracking calories. I have stayed under or at my calorie intake every day and the first week I lost 3.5 lbs. It's all about your calories.. Start tracking your calories and you'll start seeing the weight drop. Good Luck!
  • Also another way to measure progress is by the Fit Test. I, personally, was amazed at how many more reps I was able to do on the second Fit test than the first.

    One thing to keep in mind is you aren't just losing weight, but your getting stronger and more fit!

    yea i did the fit test on monday and have improved from the first one.
  • Calories in vs calories out :) Make sure you have a deficit in the required calories to keep you at your weight and the calories you are taking in. The tool here on mfp helps you with that. sometimes people think they can eat more because they are working out. To lose weight...this is just not true. But 3 wks into Insanity is awesome...keep it up...check your calories and you WILL get to your goal! :)
    I was told the same on monday and signed up to this tuesday, i have always watched what i eat and stayed away from bad food but i never calorie counted i lost 3st just be excising and cutting out bad food, but that hasnt worked with this last 7lb so going to give the calorie counting ago.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I didn't lose any weight on Insanity. You have to tweak your diet to lose weight on the program, which I did not do.
  • Nachitifriti
    Nachitifriti Posts: 8 Member
    The last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose, as your body clings to your weight, the reason being as every 200 calories x 8 your weight.. = how much you burn your energy, so if your eating a certain amount of calories say 1200 to lose weight, you need to consume 1500 in order to shift the last few pounds.. Try eating fat burning foods such as spinach linseed's, nuts and oats... super foods. and zero white carbs and flour.. just until you reach your goal then you can resume your normal 2000 calorie diet..