Went to Subway for lunch and Jarod would NOT be proud!



  • 6" Italian hearty bread with turkey and ham with all the veggies and no dressing. No cookie. 280 cals. BOOM!!!!!!

    It's a learning curve - we've all been there :blushing:

    You know it took me a long time to realize that the italian bread was better for you than the flat bread. My little brain was telling me flat was better but NOT....
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    In what way does THREE cookies sound ok? LOL

    If I'm going out, I always look at the website ahead of time!

    Until you start learning about what is in foods you don't think 3 cookies are going to be that much. Before I started this I didn't think eating 2-5 cookies in one sitting was a big deal.

    I used to looooove eating a handful of oreos with a glass of milk.

    Not anymore, lol.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I don't know what they put in their cookies, but they are amazingly high in calories.

    I like the 6-inch ham, w/mustard, pepper jack cheese, & lots of veggies. And depending on my other cals for the day either BBQ Baked Lays or apple slices.
  • I eat Subway 5 days a week for dinner. ( I work there, I don't have some weird sandwich addiction.) NEVER skip cheese or light mayo. I do scrape the inside of my bread out some just because I want to taste what's on my sandwich and not just the bread. Plus I feel like it gives me some wiggle room if I want to be a little more liberal with the light mayo :happy: But I rarely go over my calories and if I do it's generally on my day off when I'm sitting around the house, not because I ate a 6 inch steak and cheese!!! I just decide what I'm going to have that night at work and log it before I leave for work.
  • superchunk17
    superchunk17 Posts: 36 Member
    Subway got me last week too. Skipped the cookies and went with baked lays but still a 1200 calorie lunch. Stupid Subway!!!!
  • K2ofCU
    K2ofCU Posts: 22 Member
    But that is the beauty of logging your food! The biggest part of the process is the education. I think all of us did the same thing at one time or another. I used to go to Frisch's for a Big Boy, onion rings and a chocolate shake. An entire day's worth of calories in one sitting!

    Now the next challenge (which I typically fail at) is to look up the food *before* you go out to eat!
    ^^Exactly! I purposely didn't change my normal routine for the first 2 days I was on MFP just so I could get a sense of what I was actually consuming in a day. It was DEFINITELY eye opening! I was easily eating close to 3000 calories a day on most days, and it wasn't necessarily junk food--it was just a lot of food! I had gotten used to feeling stuffed all the time. I've learned I don't need to feel stuffed to feel satisfied. I congratulate the OP on looking at this as a learning opportunity! And yes, looking things up ahead of time is seriously helpful! Good luck!

    SO illuminating!
    A terrific exercise- IF you don't beat yourself up too much about it!
    So you ate what you ate- now you know!

    I did something similar- I just got into the habit of tracking BEFORE modulating intake, increasing exercise.
    The weight didn't go on in two weeks.
    As such, it's not coming off in two weeks- so baby, but REAL, CONSISTENT, SUBSTANTIVE steps are my m.o.- and it's working!
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    "Went to Subway for lunch and Jarod would NOT be proud!" LOL.. made my day >:D
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
  • I have the 9 grain wheat, turkey, pepperjack cheese, toasted and then lettuce, onions and salt and pepper. I have learned that by having it toasted I don't need the mayo or the oil on the sandwich as the cheese provides enough "wetness". I don't really care for mustard all that much so I would just rather not have it.......

    Having a BMT.....the first hint that it's not good for you in calories is the pepperoni and salami!
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member

    That's gonna leave a mark.............
  • Tarin626
    Tarin626 Posts: 101 Member
    OP - Please keep going with the logging of your calories - if nothing else it will help you learn what portions and calories are in the foods you normally consume and help make the connect of why you are not at an ideal weight for your size/age/height. Keep logging, try to make better choices and see how the calorie count comes down and hopefully your weight too :-)

    Not sure what is available in your area - but how about this - not eating at Subway! There are WAY better sandwich shops out there with higher quality ingredients, Subway is just like McDonald or KFC - profit line - which means low quality ingredients to get the most money. I've also heard the horror stories of changed expire dates and friends getting sick after eating there. Avoid it and most fast food places if you want to lower your calories and salt intake. I believe in calories in/calories out too, but I also believe that its the quality of the ingredients that helps the efficiency of your body. Just my 2 cents.
    MKLAMAN Posts: 84 Member
    I usually go with a Footlong Black Forest Ham on Italian with lots of lettuce, tomatoes, and honey mustard. I skip the cheese. Fills me up and is only 610 calories. I also skip chips and cookies and drink water or Diet Coke. I'm sure you could also add in all the veggies you wanted without adding many calories. I don't miss the cheese at all and realize that I really couldn't taste it anyways with all the other stuff in there!
  • rmojo13
    rmojo13 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks to all of you and your helpful suggestions and words of encouragement! Much can be learned from the message boards and from listening to others who have already dealt with the same issues that we may be dealing with. I think that logging food before going out sounds like a good idea. However, in today's case, I wasn't planning on even eating out but when I was out trying to complete my to do list I got that "waaaay past hungry" feel and was almost shaky when ordering which may explain the 3 cookies?

    I don't do mayo or most sauces that they offer but I have a weakness for sweets which I need to better prepare myself for. I will learn from this and treat it like a bump in the road that will make me better going forward!

    Thanks again to all of you.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Wow, that's crazy! I can't believe the amount of cals that are in that. My favorite subway sandwich is the marinara meatball sub and after looking it up with what I usually ordered it's like 570 cals for a 6". I guess next time I order it, I will get no cheese or let someone else have a bite lol... I don't eat there often (about 2-3 times a year) so I guess I can indulge sometimes.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Why do people hate cheese? :frown:
  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    I love people.. no cookies, no cheese, no dressing, no bread...

    This guy ate subway sandwiches damn near every day and lost over 80lbs. Footlongs, with cheese, and dressing.

    Eat what you want so long as you meet your calorie requirements. There is no reason to cut out entire groups of foods if you don't have a special condition.

    Yeah I don't understand why people are saying this!? Why not eat what you want with the topings you like but make it fit into your goal for the day!!!

    I dont think we are suggesting that people never eat these but she is asking how to cut down on the calories in the food she eats. Therefore, that equals less mayo, high fat dressing, etc. I eat cheese, I eat bread, I eat buffalo chicken but if you go to burger king and eat a huge meal, that will fit into the calories for the day but you will have to eat nothing else. We are trying to give her suggestions on how she can cut down on the calories in her favorite meals. They are suggestions just like everyone elses so dont knock them. Thanks.
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    Just because Subway is a "healthier" option of fast food places, their cookies are still not going to be good for you! Cookies are ALWAYS going to be high calorie :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Don't take away the cheese and mayo! Instead eat a six inch and lay off the cookies! :bigsmile:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Why do people hate cheese? :frown:

    Cheese doesn't deserve it. It has plenty of nutrition for the calories.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    IDK been eating at Subway the last 3 years and usually get Turkey and bacon Melt on Flatbread loaded with Veggies and honey Mustard.. If not that then the Buffalo Chicken on Flatbread loaded with Veggies and have lost a few pounds... Its all about fitting things into your caloric intake and Macro's even if you want that cookie..... Best of Luck