Negative feedback after weight loss...



  • PatrissiaLu
    After about 40 or 50 pounds lost I had a very good friend take me aside while she was drunk to beg me to quit dieting before I got smaller than her.

    I'm pretty happy that, at the same weight and height, I now wear one pant size smaller than her.

    Hahaha!! Sucker! (your friend) Take that! Wow, I bet that feels good...
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Yes. I have lost 130 lbs. I am in the best shape of my life. I cycle 100 or more miles a week, my blood pressure is 110/65. My BMI is 22. The only person who truly supports me is my doctor. She is thrilled. Everyone else seems to think I am obsessed or something's wrong with me. Nobody said anything about my weight when I weighed 300 lbs. Now at 170, everybody has something to say. Ignore them and stay with the program. There's nothing wrong with being healthy:-)

    That's an amazing accomplishment! Great job!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    After about 40 or 50 pounds lost I had a very good friend take me aside while she was drunk to beg me to quit dieting before I got smaller than her.

    I'm pretty happy that, at the same weight and height, I now wear one pant size smaller than her.

    Hahaha!! Sucker! (your friend) Take that! Wow, I bet that feels good...

    Don't ever let anyone tell you that revenge isn't a good enough reason to lose the weight! At the very least, it's definitely a satisfying one :)
  • dsweetser
    Are they crazy?! You are gorgeous!
  • jeffreyjording
    jeffreyjording Posts: 67 Member
    Yes. I have lost 130 lbs. I am in the best shape of my life. I cycle 100 or more miles a week, my blood pressure is 110/65. My BMI is 22. The only person who truly supports me is my doctor. She is thrilled. Everyone else seems to think I am obsessed or something's wrong with me. Nobody said anything about my weight when I weighed 300 lbs. Now at 170, everybody has something to say. Ignore them and stay with the program. There's nothing wrong with being healthy:-)

    That's an amazing accomplishment! Great job!
    Thank you it has been quite the journey but worth every ounce of sweat. I just smile at the negative people and keep going harder.
  • 82ale
    82ale Posts: 32 Member
    When I lost a lot in college my family told me I looked anorexic. I was still 140 so not too small but I think they were just used to seeing me fat. I haven't had that problem since though. Lol
  • ThisIsMe_sbd
    ThisIsMe_sbd Posts: 38 Member
    I got this from two people! My sister and my best friend. I was about 60 pounds bigger than both. I lost 50 they each gained 15... Both said the exact same thing. "Wow, I bet you thought you'd never see the day when you were skinnier than me!" What the *kitten*!!! Who says that?? Oh, your best friend and your sister.... I'd say Jealous..
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Yes. I have lost 130 lbs. I am in the best shape of my life. I cycle 100 or more miles a week, my blood pressure is 110/65. My BMI is 22. The only person who truly supports me is my doctor. She is thrilled. Everyone else seems to think I am obsessed or something's wrong with me. Nobody said anything about my weight when I weighed 300 lbs. Now at 170, everybody has something to say. Ignore them and stay with the program. There's nothing wrong with being healthy:-)

    That's an amazing accomplishment! Great job!
    Thank you it has been quite the journey but worth every ounce of sweat. I just smile at the negative people and keep going harder.

    I like this post a lot.

    It's about LIVING better not making other people happy. They will come around eventually, and if not, who cares? You're going to have a better quality of life than you did before. That trumps the opinions others have about what you look like. The people who love you no matter what we cheer you on.
  • greatdanebabies
    First off you look great! Second yes my grandmother was and well still is very mean like that. Growing up she would always say to others (of course I was in hearing range and could hear every word) she is too fat. Then in my 20's for the first time ever I got thin down to 125 pounds and she would tell people I looked sick and must be on drugs! Some people just don't have a filter. I hope you don't let it get to you!
  • Sahara0815
    Sometimes people act like your friend because they feel superior somehow. When that is threatened, then they put you down to make themselves feel good again. Mean people suck! You are gorgeous and you are making yourself healthy. Dump the haters, keep the positive in your life.
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    Its normal! Anytime they see you looking good. Its because it makes them realize how crappy they are and that IT CAN BE DONE! They are idiots. I had one girl tell me I looked like I had the AIDS! Really... and in front of people. I wanted to punch her in the face. BUT... I just smiled and said thank you.. and your fat and ugly! hahahaha
    I am with you, doing it for me, NO ONE else!
    and the girl who said this has all the sudden joined MFP and started walking in the gym..........go figure!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Two people told me today that I should not lose anymore weight. I'm only 7 pounds to goal, I'm just not understanding what the problem is--and anyway, wearing work clothes, you can't tell that I'm just pudgy in my thighs and around my middle...and further--I have to tone up...

  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    My mother gave me the "youre going to become anorexic" speech this summer when I told her I was having trouble accepting that I had dropped almost 100lbs (at that time.) Does that count?

    I am stymied that people can't just be happy for others when they are making positive life changes that keeps them off death's door a bit longer. (Or at least in theory.)

    Surround yourself with people who support you, but most important of all- support yourself. Love yourself, embrace the newly emerging you. If folks feel threatened by what you are accomplishing, that is THEIR hangup, don't invest in it more than shaking your head and then let it go :)
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 348 Member
    they liked you before your weight loss because they are jealous of the new you.

    I would have to agree with this comment. Usually people put others down, because it makes them feel better about their insecurities. Do they need to get in shape and/or lose weight? If they do, it is just pure jealously, that you did it, and too lazy.

    Congratulations on your weight loss. You look fabulous!
  • akgordoa
    My mother got smack from her boss. Said that she was taking illegal substances to lose weight and other hurtful things. The ***** was lucky I wasn't there. Otherwise I haven't experienced that, I just had people assuming I was looking down on them a lot, as if my self confidence was threatening their way of life. Live and let live.
  • brittamh
    brittamh Posts: 137 Member
    You look great!! They are just jealous!
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    And just as bad is the person who reported what she said about you to you...
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Yes...when I first lost my weight the Italian side of the family said I was "too skinny" a matter of fact, they still do! lol How do YOU feel? are you happy where you're at and how you look? Because that's all that really matters!
  • Southern_Belle89
    Girl I wouldn't even worry about them! I have a "workout" friend Jenny & she always puts down my weight loss & how I look but plays herself up! She goes to Taco Bell after our Zumba session so I'm just like whatever. :/ Haters gonna hate so you are doing something right! Rock your new body & screw them!
  • emilyci
    emilyci Posts: 17 Member
    Yes. I have lost 130 lbs. I am in the best shape of my life. I cycle 100 or more miles a week, my blood pressure is 110/65. My BMI is 22. The only person who truly supports me is my doctor. She is thrilled. Everyone else seems to think I am obsessed or something's wrong with me. Nobody said anything about my weight when I weighed 300 lbs. Now at 170, everybody has something to say. Ignore them and stay with the program. There's nothing wrong with being healthy:-)

    wow, you're awesome...a true inspiration!

    and i agree, haters gonna hate.