

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Why is an advertisement for InterDry on every page!!! The advertisement stress me out because their picture looks so painful.:frown:

    @Laura - does your fox fur have little fox faces? My mom used to have one that actually had the little heads with noses on it. It was truly creepy. If not, then you'll have to find more fancy places to wear it.

    The scale said 2 pounds less this morning, which brings me down a total of 12 pounds. However I realized that I've only lost 4.4 pounds in over a month. If I only lose 4 pounds in the next month it just doesn't sound like enough. And I know that's the correct way to lose and it really hasn't been difficult so far at all - but I am in such a hurry to get to the other side of the half way mark

    But, 12 pounds is 12 pounds. For that 12 pounds I was able to do the following.

    Put away my super fat clothes.
    Start comfortably wearing my fat clothes.
    Give my husband back his extra large t-shirts.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    I've been getting compliments all day on a suit found shopping in my closet -- quite possibly because spectator suits (black jacket with white trim & white skirt) have been out of style for such a very, very long time. I'm so severely retro it's cycled around to hipster...
  • anjoneill
    anjoneill Posts: 98 Member
    Hello everyone, I have gained 0.9lb this week. Whilst I should be down about this I only have myself to blame as I have not been focussed this week and have eaten far more cake than is good for me. I am just thankful that I did not gain more. I am not working next week so it will be less stressful and I shall be able to take better care of myself.

    Wessecg, don't lose heart. You have done very well and hopefully the slow weight loss will mean that yo keep it off in the longer term. You are already seeing the positive signs of your reduced size it can only get better as time goes by. It has taken me more than a year to get to the weight that I am now but it feels fantastic to be back within a few pounds of my goal weight. I am so much fitter and leaner that all my clothes now fit better than they did before.

    I noticed when I was away in the Lake District, UK, in the summer that I was able to climb those mountains without too much trouble at all where as the previous year it was much tougher.

    Junekaatz well done on your 4lb loss this week.

    Laura80111 I too work only a half day in Friday and it makes such a difference. I am hoping to move to 4 days next year but it depends on a number if fators both at work and at home.

    It is great to read all the motivational posts. Keep up the good work everyone.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Doing the happy dance!!!!!!! :love:

    Happy Friday everyone! Ginny and I weighed in and I lost 1.6 pounds. Woo hoo! That makes a total of 15 pounds which is 20% of what I want to lose. Mani-pedi time! So now I have my sights set on the next 15! I also tried on a pair of grey slacks I have held onto for several years. I can’t zip them yet, but everything else fits fine. I haven’t even been able to pull them above my thighs for a long time, so I put them out as my “motivator pants”. LOL :happy:

    I left work early after 2 power outages and did the grocery shopping, and now it’s only 3:30 so I have a nice head start on the weekend. I am heading for a nap in a bit. I’ll have to work on the book this evening, but at least I’m not rushing around.

    M: what is the spell check typo? I am not seeing it; the first work is supposed to be “patio”. When I went to grad school decades ago, I thought I was so cool because I got a computer and learned how to use it. Very few people had home pcs at the time. When it came time to turn in my first paper, of course I thought I had written the greatest thing since the Dead Sea Scrolls. I used spell check and was just bursting with pride. The next day the professor gave me my paper back without a grade and said “You might want to proof read this.” I couldn’t imagine what could possibly wrong! But when I read it I saw my mistake. I had written a paper on holistic nursing care and spell check had replaced the word “holistic” (and of course I didn’t check the spell check) with “whole wheat”. So my 20-page paper was on whole wheat nursing! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    M: I am interested in your statement about carbs fogging your mind. What does that mean? I haven’t heard that before so I am interested in learning what it’s about.

    Lin: I love Younkers and usually hit their goodwill sale. We plan to take the bikes out again tomorrow or Sunday. I hope your pillow works! How’s dad?

    Cindy: hope your cold goes far away!

    Cathy: so sorry about your knee brace! I hope it gets fixed soon.:flowerforyou: I don’t know anything about the South beach diet, but I think the best diet is eating less than you burn! End of story for me! :bigsmile: I need a simple plan for my simple mind to comprehend LOL

    Michele: your house sounds like a bakery!!! Michele = lazy…..NOT :noway:

    Liz: good luck on the walk! Enjoy!

    Polly: fingers crossed for a loss today!

    Barbie: that crazy cat is back! I just love him and that dancing cat :heart:

    Lila: did I really write tobacco sauce??? OMG I meant tobasco!!!!! Love that stuff! Oooooh, maybe that's the spell check typo M mentioned? I know what you mean about taking longer to train someone….I don’t ever use our secretaries because it takes up to 2 weeks to finalize any document. You have to give them 5 days to do the original then you proof it and if you send it back for corrections, you have to allow another 5 days. Usually they are faster than that, but still. So I just do everything myself.

    Deb: I agree that diets are tough. But on this site I have changed my mindset. I am NOT on a diet (finally!) I am eating healthy and being good to myself. That has made it SO much easier!

    Nancy: It’s a good thing the dog isn’t yellow anymore. He almost died over the summer. He got a cyst in his gallbladder that gave him pancreatitis and turned totally jaundiced (yellow) which is very ugly in a dog! We had to take him to the vet each day, and then because they don’t staff 24 hours a day, we’d pick him up around 5 and I’d do doggy intensive care at night. He was on 5 meds a day, plus I had to keep him hydrated, so if he wouldn’t drink I had to syringe him every 2 hours. This went on all summer. Now he’s much better, in fact is much more energetic than we have ever seen him (we’ve only had him a year), and down to 4 meds a day! None of them are injections, that was the one we could stop. So he still has one abnormal lab value but it was nearly normal, so we will check again in October. If it’s normal, he will be only the third dog known to survive this problem without having his gallbladder out, and most of those dogs die anyway. So you can read about us in an upcoming vet journal LOL

    Jb and mazaron: I used to try to can but everything I canned was horrible. All the veggies were mushy and tasteless. Then I tried freezing and am no good at that too. I admire you for being able to do such things.

    Kackie: OMG a bear in the house! :noway: I guess they freaked out. Did he eat much or destroy anything?

    Kate: wow good for you on that weight loss. Terrific! Good bye 200’s forever!!! Glad your cousin got through the surgery.

    Lynn: I can’t wait to see how your measurements have changed. I switched to doing those every other month so mine will be coming up in October…not that far away!

    Wesssecg: 12 pounds is 12 pounds less you have to haul around and make you unhealthy, so say goodbye to them! It’s hard when it seems so slow, that’s why I changed (after reading what Barbie had to say) to having goals that were not scale related. I pick partial goals for when I have met a 20% mark just to give myself a reward and mark the progress ( one goal done!), but I have been much more satisfied since I quit saying “I’m going to lose 5 pounds this month” or whatever. You are doing great! :flowerforyou:

    Lenitgogirl: I have spectator shoes in black/white, black/black, and black/beige. Wanna borrow some for your suit? I bet you looked great!

    Anj: be kind to yourself and just get back on plan…you’ll do fine!

    Well I know I have missed a lot, I keep getting interrupted with phone calls. But I'm thinking of all of you wishing you a fabulous Friday evening! Take care, meg :drinker:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon ladies:flowerforyou:

    i`m trying to type with my contacts in and I really need reading glasses with them, so I apologize for any typos that may occur now.

    Gail:smile: Yay for 160`s!!!! I`ll be glad when I get there!

    Sue:smile: Welcome to the group:flowerforyou: , come in often and chat with us!

    Kathy:smile::flowerforyou: , sure hope you`re feeling better!!!

    Lin:smile: hope the new pillow will work well for you!

    Jb:smile: did you get soggy this morning? I usually just do a walking DVD when it`s nasty outside.

    Nancy:smile: committed you are!!!! What class did you do today?

    M:smile: hope you have a lovely weekend!!!

    Kackie:smile: Bears in a house:noway: . Stay safe!!!

    Kate:smile: Congrats to you for smashing that wall!!!!!!:happy: Am doing a happy dance for you too!!!!:happy:
    I hope they find out who stole your son`s belongings:grumble:

    Laura80111:smile: Hope you had a fun and relaxing lunch with your friend! You WILL get those last few pounds off, I know you will!!!!!!

    Lynn:smile: I love fall too, crisp mornings and evenings and the air just smells so much better!

    Wessecg:smile: That baby possum is cute but I would not want him in the house either, glad you got the little guy outside! Congrats on the 2lbs. gone for a total of 12 that is fabulous!!!! I was going to write what Meg said, listen to Barbie she`s really got great advice. I`m in this for the long haul, I have as of today 49 more pounds to go, I don`t have a clue how long it`s going to take to lose it, I just know it is going to come off, and I`m going to be healthier and happier. I celebrate every ounce that leaves!!!

    Lentingogirl:smile: Yay for retro fashion!!!!! I, too have black and white pumps, and navy and white, and black and camel, I even have pink and white:laugh: .

    anjoneill:smile: good for you owning your cake indulgence, and for getting back on track!!!

    Meg:smile: Congrats on 1.6 lb. gone!!!!! Whole wheat nursing:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: . I saw tobacco sauce and thought what is that:huh: , then I realized it must be Tabasco sauce, I got a good laugh. The dancing broom is a Halloween decoration, it dances and I think it might talk, it`s motion activated, so goes off if you get close to it. I`m already seeing the dog not liking it, I have a witch`s hat that sings and dances and she growls and snaps at it:laugh: , I`m thinking I need the broom to go with the hat:bigsmile: !!!

    I apologize to those I`ve missed. I read all the posts, and you wonderful ladies keep me motivated. I love checking in and seeing how everyone is doing. We are a great bunch of women, the best on MFP!!!
    I`m having baked halibut tonight, wonder if it`ll be magic like salmon? Will let you know tomorrow. Now I have to go take these contacts out, I`ve given myself a headache:angry: , and to think I could have gotten up and put on my reading glasses, yet I was too lazy:embarassed: .

    Hope everyone has a fantastic night!!!!! Until tomorrow....

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Meg, you had "tobacco" for "tabasco." As an English major, I can (occasionally) proof-read other people's writing much better than my own although I've already caught a typo in my last post. I don't sweat it, and you shouldn't either - I was just amused. I try to only comment on them if they're funny or I'm in a snarky mood (ahem, but not here :). I CRACKED UP at your spell-check story - and then had to explain to my husband, who laughed as well!

    Carb fog: have you ever found yourself needing a snack in the middle of the afternoon, reach for something like some crackers or candy, then instantly feel like you need to lay down and take a nap? That's a quick effect of the fog. Here's a little more on it:

    http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/brain_fog.htm (I can't vouch for his overall reliability, but this is a good recap of brain fog, and from experience I can vouch for that).
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Wow! I miss a couple of days and the pages have multiplied again. Reading/browsing through gave me a couple of good chuckles
    -Kate rummaging in the dark of night to cover plants and protect them from the frost. the things we Canadians do!
    -wizzywig getting a urine sample from a cat?!? Seems like a dangerous and impossible task!
    -Meg's image of a pregnant beached whale, and 'tobacco' in her recipe (and she thought the celery soup added interesting flavour!)
    - Kate's husband not noticing her cast was gone until someone pointed it out....men!
    Thanks for the giggles ladies:laugh:

    Barbie - thanks for the inspiring photos. And I loved your strategy of getting rid of ALL the baking supplies. WE do what we need to do!

    Kate - A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on busting through that 200 barrier - and on doing it so decisively. I was doing the happy dance with you! And I will keep working towards that 20 pound goal. thanks for the encouragement! i hear you on the husband noticing!

    Nancy -I totally agree - Life IS more important than laundry - that is my rational for getting out and enjoying these bonus days of summer! Have fun on the Terry FOx run - what a great cause!

    Meg - Love the motivator pants....we all need a pair of those:tongue:

    DeeDee - It is a good transition when we realize that we are actually enjoying this healthier living/eating. I am a bit of a control freak (okay, maybe a lot) so I do like the record keeping and meeting goals. The clothes shopping sounded fabulous! wish I could have joined you for the fun. Wear them with pride - I am sure you are looking great!

    wessccg - I would be ecstatic with a 12 pound loss - good work. I know that eagerness for more, but keep at it - it will come!

    Jane - Ah, Playa Del Carmen - beautiful spot!! I have joined a friend there the last three years and have learned to love it. We are not at an all inclusive so do our own lunch and breakfast and eat 'Mexican' for dinner. And you are right - lots of walking (hopefully more now that I am sporting the new hip:happy: )

    Okay, have to go - had company all week and workshop all weekend. I will be glad to get back to some routine and balance on Monday!
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    TGIF! We were supposed to have a weekend with friends at the lake, but our friends dad had an episode (maybe a stroke, maybe not) and was admitted to hospital..:sad: ...hopefully dad is ok, but mid eighties..not looking good....so dh and I are staying home and hopefully can get same friends to come over for dinner tomorrow anyway...we live near hospital. The up-side is dh can go to an all British car show in Woodstock...yeah THE Woodstock.

    Played tennis last night with my sister and eldest brother...he is a really good athlete and I always feel pretty inferior but we had a great time and he even said he was sorry he was starting with us so late in the season...so maybe we will get the sibling doubles in yet....I also had a couple of nicely placed shots last night that he could not return...good for the ego/confidence even though he beat us a bazillion to two....we did our happy dance with both wins!!!:laugh:

    Not sure what my exercise plan will be this weekend...my middle back went out on me while I was flossing my teeth this am...long day at the desk but it is feeling better tonight...maybe a walk and gentle stretching...we'll see.

    Meg - your posts always make me laugh...I could not figure out what or why you put tobacco in anything...Tabasco..ok got it lol!:laugh:

    Barbie - thanks for the insights about your journey and what has worked and the trial and error...i should probably be an abstainer on certain foods but I am fighting it every step of the way and want to learn to be a moderator...I am definitely in a better place health-wise than I was but still have improvements to make. I have not given up baking but bake much less than I did and I am learning to make tasty healthy soups to fill in the need to play in the kitchen.:bigsmile:

    Have a nice weekend all..hugs, high fives and prayers!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I am so impressed with you gals who are encouraging me while you're on your own journey. Thanks. I'm not really discouraged over having just lost 12 pounds so far, just frustrated at how much I'd let myself gain.

    On a plus side, I was able to mute that ad that kept popping up on every screen. Now I am seeing healthy foods advertised instead of a belly with a rash (which I found disturbing.)
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Enjoying catching up on all the posts this evening...just trying to hang in while suffering through the usual bad cold that sweeps through the school each fall. Glad it's Friday!

    (Never saw a picture of a possum before--I always thought they were tiny cute little critters...that was bigger and meaner looking than I'd expected! Still, probably better to have one of those in the house than the bear...)

    Time to snuggle back into the comfy chair with my blanket and hot water with lemon...

    Have a healthy, happy weekend, everyone!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well we are all set up at the arts and crafts fair, ready for tomorrow. I am very tired so I will be brief. I ate good at dinner, I had a lobster bisque and a caesar salad, lite on the dressing. So I stayed pretty good. Time for bed , tomorrow all. Tigress
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Friday to all this week's "Losers" (of pounds and/or inches),
    Thank you, friends, for all the encouragement. I actually lost a pound this morning! I was in such disbelief that I stepped on the scale twice to make sure! So now I'm 15 lbs lighter than I was at the beginning of July. I'm happy!

    I was going to treat myself to a little shopping expedition this weekend since most of my work pants don't fit, but I like the idea of "shopping in my closet" first. I forgot that I've probably got several pants in the next size down -- it's been so long since I've been able to fit into them. I can save up more for the NEXT shopping spree. :bigsmile:

    Talked with the new trainer about being in pain most of this week after our session last Saturday. I'm willing to be uncomfortable for one or two days, but if I hurt too much I just get discouraged and want to give up. (I'm a big baby!) I know it took me 20 years to get this out-of-shape and so I don't expect to reverse all those years of neglect in a few months. I'm willing to go at a more gradual pace, especially if it means doing it relatively painlessly. He said okay, and we worked hard tonight but dialed it back from last week. I'm sore now, but I feel like I will be able to do all my weekend chores without wimpering. :tongue:

    Planning menus last weekend really helped this week, so I'll start with that in the morning, then shopping my closet and putting away the summer clothes and dragging out the fall/winter stuff. I usually hate that job, but this time I'll pack up all the "fat" clothes to take to Goodwill and that will feel great.

    Happy weekend to all. Stick to your plans. If you got off track this week, shrug it off and start fresh. Every day is a chance to do it differently. And smile. :smile:

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Oops -- just saw my ticker and realized I forgot to log my weigh in! Duh.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Liz - good luck on the 3K

    Today has been an intersting day. Got up-, had a clementine while I was getting dressed, then went to the Y to use the Stairmaster, went to one store to get a few items Jessica wanted, came home and four guys were here to work on the retaining wall. Seems they won't be here tomorrow (I thought they might) but they'll be back Monday. Then a friend called asking me to come play mahjongg. I honestly thought it was too late to leave, but she said they'd wait. So I went. Had lunch at the place, it was good!!!! Got a turkey but got it on rye bread instead of the croissant, got these grilled veges on the side. I could only eat 1/2 of the sandwich! Brought the other 1/2 home and the veggies. Then stopped at one store to get Vince his soda and had to go to the Y since a lady who had made a pillow for me (I latchhooked it) left it there so I picked it up. On the way home stopped and got babyfood jars. Got home and shortly afterward they left so Vince and I started to try to clean the pool. It really is a mess, mainly because we don't have the decking and the other night we had a huge rain storm. Lots of the red clay got into the pool. Didn't get it completely cleaned. Jessica came here, made dinner for her and us, now I'm on the computer.

    Tomorrow I'll go to yoga and then stop at the pharmacy to pick up insulin needles for Jessica's cat

    Lila - so sorry you lost your parents when you were young. My mother passed away when I was 9, so I know how hard it can be

    Deb - I like to plan out what we're going to have for dinner late the week before, then I can shop for what I need and do most of the cooking on Sunday. This way, I only have to heat it up. I also found that I log what we're going to have for dinner ahead of time. It DOES make it so much easier -- plus you don't wind up having something that you hadn't planned for. You will get into those smaller pants in no time at all

    Jessica said that she's lost weight with MFP. I'm so happy for her. Not that she's been on here for very long, but losing is good. She's also starting to see that it's not so much depriving youself, but that you really can have whatever you like -- just in moderation. I've been trying to tell her this, but you know where that went!

    DeeDee - wonderful going shopping and seeing yourself in smaller size! What a NSV

    Sue - welcome! Just jump in anytime at all

    Kathy - I find that I'm more flexible when I'm in the water. I'm one of the most inflexible people on the face of this earth, but not in the water.

    Lin - glad the pillow seems to be helping

    kackie - *I* would really freak out if I came home to a bear in my house!!!! I hear you about wanting to leave things looking nice. Whenever we leave the condo, I also do a clean up of it. Heaven forbid someone come in and see it a mess! I'd be mortified!

    kate - keeping fingers crossed for good results from your doctor. Woohoo on the loss, I KNEW you'd smash thru that wall. How horrible for your son! Hope they get that person.

    wessecg - Don't be hard on yourself. Slow weight loss is good.

    Meg - great on the weight loss

    Jen - prayers for your friend's dad

    Polly - glad your trainer understood. They don't want you to get frustrated.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    Sept. has been a challenging month. but it's almost over and i bought a dress in size 10 yippee! i have made some awesome friends and started "trotting" can't say jogging, certainly not running but quicker than walking, and hitting my bike like a happy women, now to tackle the stupid hot flashes...life is good.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    every day I think that this will be the day that I can reply to everyone and then suddenly it's bedtime:ohwell: I respond to all of you in my heart :love:

    :flowerforyou: I taught more than half the line dance class this morning including a request for a dance that I know but have never taught.......later in the afternoon I practiced for an hour and a half with the performance group :bigsmile: when I got home at 6:30, the dogs wanted to go for a walk...:bigsmile:

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Everyone, I have come to realize that I can’t keep up with this tread unless I check in everyday! LOL! It is a very active and motivating place.

    Sasha4427: Yeah I can see where someone would be cranky on the South Beach diet…especially the first 2 weeks!

    Kathyszoo: I am trying to stay positive about this “knee” situation and it really helps to be in this group. To realize that there are other people out there going through similar situations. And also to be able to voice how we feel and get positive feedback. That’s why I feel that being a part of MFP is better for me than any group I have ever belonged to where you go, get weighed, say a few polite words and leave. Here it’s like having a “free” therapist!

    I love fish, but don’t eat it as much as I should. When I do salmon or Halibut I put it in parchment paper or tinfoil in the oven. (salmon with a bit of onion and dill, halibut with just onion and salt & pepper) I don’t eat the onion as I only like it for flavour

    Linder4866: If you find a pillow that works for you please post it, my daughter must have 6 pillows and still has issues with her neck and head. My daughter in law uses a “water” pillow not sure how that is but I know it’s heavy!

    Jb-2011: We moved from the country (with nothing growing) to close to the city with apple, pear, peach and plum trees as well as concord grapes and a beautiful garden bed plus perennial gardens! Problem being we really don’t have the knowledge to deal with the work that needs to be done to bring these trees etc back to health. ( the man who “loved” this property was sick for awhile before we bought and so everything was overgrown and neglected before we took possession of the property) I preserved some peaches this year and wanted to make some grape jelly but the racoons beat me to it! They are eating the grapes and also were stripping the peach tree before they were ready to pick!

    Mazaron: I agree about the paying for the “privilege” of the information.

    Mwheatcraft54: You’re right! This is why I love this site…inspiration from people who are dealing with the same issues as me, not from some generic…step 1,2,3 etc guru who tells you what to do but doesn’t deal with the same issues…all theory , no practical! Thanks for the information on the South Beach diet, that’s what I am looking for is info from people who have dealt with it themselves or know someone who has.

    Megblair1: I agree, I think the only way a person can truly lose weight and keep it off long term is to eat healthy, and burn off more calories than you take in.

    Well,it is late and I have to go to bed...goodnight everyone...thanks for being here.

    Cathy in damp Nova Scotia
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Just a quick check in. :bigsmile:
    Had a NSV. I stayed the same weight this week, but today when I put on my new size 20w jeans, they were not so tight that I couldn't breath! They are still a little tight in the waist, but they felt comfortable! This made me feel really good! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I just finished 4 hours of work and now I am too exhausted to read or write tonight. :yawn: :yawn:

    I hope that you all will have a good weekend, filled with love and strength to stay on track! :drinker: :drinker:

    Eat healthy, Drink water, play hard and have a fun weekend! :tongue: :tongue:
    Hugs, Linda :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Barbie - I could watch your dancing girl graphic all day! Love it!

    Yesterday I took my dad out for the day and gently told him that my cousin is having a quintuple bypass tomorrow. I wanted to tell him face to face rather than over the telephone as these things sometimes bring back memories of his own quadruple bypass when he very nearly died (in fact he did die for a short while but was thankfully brought back). Anyway, I took him to a lovely place in Richmond Park for a pot of tea and broke it to him gently. His only response was, 'that's because he's so fat!'. I am often surprised at how 'fatist' my father is!!

    Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well today - no matter if you are plodding or racing - just don't stop!

    The server in the gallery is just about to be updated, so I'm going to be kicked off my computer now, will be back later.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I finally faced the scale hoping for maintenance but lo and behold I was down #1.

    I was reading a magazine yesterday and it was talking about 10 minute walk breaks and how that is as good or better than working out for 30 minutes or more at the time. I'm going to try it and get on my elliptical for 10 minutes 4 - 6 times a day and see what the results are next week.

    I also need to up my water intake seeing as I haven't been good about that.

    One of the things my sister told me is that low carb is good for reducing belly fat which is where most of mine is located . Has anyone had success with that?

    My daughter is moving into her new house this weekend and my son will continue to work on the flooring in the hallway so busy weekend.

    I hope you all have a good day and make good choices!
