Crazy Cat People Only!



  • shannonlynne67
    shannonlynne67 Posts: 62 Member
    My cats name is Pepino but hubby calls him Keely McAlister. (which I actually like better). He is gorgeous and knows it. I love how as I am waking up in the morning he sits on my chest and purrs and then as my husband comes in to say good-bye for work Keely looks at him as if to say "oh, YOU'RE still here?" When it is dinner time, Keely jumps up into hubby's chair at the table before he can get to it. These as well as other antics show that the cat is most certainly in a power struggle with my husband and it provides us with a ton of laughs.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    I have 3... Fat Ash is a 15 yo, 20lb ash grey Manx with absolutely no tail at all.... Igor is a 10yo, 18lb Main Coon and my snuggle buddy, and Princess (my only girl) is an 8yo, 15lb, poly dactyl, black american longhair. I LOVE my furbabies!!!!
  • lappyd425
    lappyd425 Posts: 112 Member
    I have a 9 month old gray short haired named Rue Rue Snooki and a 3 month old short haired named Cleo Patra......They are both perfect in their own crazy way!!!
  • emfischer90
    emfischer90 Posts: 42 Member
    My kitty's name is Angel. I love her very much, but we have been fighting over the middle of the best the last couple of nights. does anyone else ever have this problem?
  • suckerlove
    We had 4 our sweet Siamese mix Georgie passed away a few months ago. But we still have the love of Sebastian who needs to be next to my hubby as much as possible, Snickerdoodle, our sweet orange boy who we adopted from abusive neighbors. He has always been a bit skiddish but he is starting to come around, he spends all his time under my hubbys computer chair and finally my little fat girl Alice who lays all over my flash cards for school and has to sleep next to my head all night every night. We are pretty blessed.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    You are all my kind of people! I currently have a 4 year old grey cat named Miss Scarlet. Some people think she is a a Russian Blue but I rescued her off the street when she was a kitten so I have no clue. (I bet she is just a domestic shorthair!) She is pretty much a one person cat. She loves and adores me but is frightened by most people. (If you are calm and ignore her when you enter her space, she'll be your friend. If you come up and try to pet her, she will hide from you.) My favorite thing about my cat is that she cuddles next to me at night. She wants to be tucked in right next me. In the morning I wake up to her sleeping on top of me.
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    We have three kitties! Don't have kids so they're like our children. Sweetums is a grey tabby and she is 5. We have a chubby black 5 year old cat named Pudge. (He is also losing weight with We also have a 6 year old cat named Magic. Magic was neglected and abused and found abandoned in an empty house almost near death. The vets nursed him back to health and gave him to us. After several years, he is finally at ease in our house and starting to warm up to people that come over to visit. Don't know what we'd do without our kitties. They bring so much joy and laughter to us!

    OMG its like looking at my kitty as a baby!!!! SOOOOOO CCCUUUTTEEE!!! :D:D:D
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    My cat is Toby. He's so cute and has a teeny meow. He's licking all of his fur off, though.
    I guess I have to chime in here. What food does he eat? Licking to the point of losing fur usually points to a food allergy. Look for a high quality food with no wheat, corn, by products, or fillers. Also, chicken and beef can be allergens. There are lots of good foods available.
    Fish can also be an allergen (and is in most cat food). My cat Sweetums has an allergy to fish.

    Licking fur off is often a symptom neurosis, much like birds plucking their feathers. The cat can be bored or stressed. More likely this than a food allergy.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I have 2 year of chartreuse/russian blue? [she's full grey] kitty named Sookie. [yes, stackhouse. :B] She's my cat-dog and fetches me random pieces of plastic to throw for her. <3
    Oh, and she says 'herro' like a question when she meows. :3
  • trmndsblndtte
    trmndsblndtte Posts: 82 Member
    I'm currently covered in cat.

    I have 3: Gracie (8 yrs, DL, tiny and fluffy), TB ("Teebsy", 4 yrs, black cat - smart and cuddly), and Oliver (black and white like a cow, 4 yrs, kind of a clown and very talkative - his mom was a siamese)

    I got "my boys" because I thought Gracie needed companionship and the rescue said it would be better to get 2 kittens so the kittens would play together and be less annoying.

  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    My 2 toddlers are in my ticker below....Sheldon and Chewie.

    We rescued Sheldon (the gray one) in January from a no-kill shelter, when he was about 7 months old. We rescued Chewie (the orange fluffball) at the end of July from another shelter, when he was about 4 month old. Fortunately they have gotten along almost from the minute we brought Chewie home (and found that Sheldon had somehow trapped himself in a suitcase).

    They both sleep with me and my husband, and Chewie will snuggle right up into my neck if I let him. I think he's part Maine Coon, he's so big already for less 6 months. He also follows me around like a dog, 'chirps' all the time, and if I could harness the volume of his purring I could power my house.

    Sheldon is part Savannah (according to the vet) and likes water...almost to a fault. He will come into the shower with us and plays in his water bowl. Tonight he figured out how to open the cupboard above the fridge and I found him in there after I heard the cupboard door shut.

    Just like little kids, and so much fun :smile:
  • I have a 3 year old kitty that I got for a birthday present when I first moved and knew no one so I was super excited! His name is Wilson (yes like the volleyball *ahem awesome Halloween costume ahem*) and he is the silliest cat.

    He will lay obediently in the tub when he gets dirty and needs a bath, and if I happen to be in the tub, he'll sit on the edge and try to drink the tub water. HAHA! He also does this hilarious "monkey walk" where he will run sideways and hunch his back and his hair stands up, he's usually startled when he does this or if I accidentally trip on something and scare him TEEHEE.

    He sleeps on one couch cushion that has a permanent dent in it, he comes when called, well, about 90 percent of the time, loves human food that he only gets sparingly (he has stolen chicken off my plate before the booger lol) and when you are in the kitchen, he'll stand up on his hind legs, mew really loud and put his front paws on my leg and reach as high as he can. Sometimes he'll do that anyways if he wants to be held. I can hold that cat any which way and he'll just lay there :) He will lick you and will nudge your hand if he is upset you aren't petting him. HEHE.

    He sleeps on my pillow or my bed next to me at night and he's there when I wake up and he's at the door when I come home. I LOVE MY CAT!!!!!
  • angelgracestanton
    I have a one-year-old tortoiseshell cat named Zoe. (That's her on my ticker.) She is the absolute definition of "tortitude." As a total kibble addict, she will not eat anything that doesn't crunch-- and she is not afraid to make her opinions known! She won't play with anything if I'm not moving it, with the exception of paper; she loves sitting on ANY kind of paper. She will also play hide-and-seek/tag with me. (She catches my attention, then does the whole fluffed tail, crabwalk cat thing. As soon as I take a step towards her, she takes off into the other room and hides. I follow her, she jumps out at me, I take off and hide in the other room, she walks through the door, I jump out at her, etc.)

    She has a bit of separation anxiety if I leave the house for more than a day. She is also nervous around anyone new, and will hide for at least 5 minutes when they come in; however, she can quickly adjust to a new person. We even dogsat a small dog for a week... for the first day or two, the dog had free reign of the house. After Zoe got in a few "test" slaps on her nose (none of which drew blood, but were followed by a lot of yelping/whimpering from the dog lol), the power quickly shifted.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    <- This is my baby, his name is Mao.

    Awwww! Beautiful!
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member

    Sheldon is part Savannah (according to the vet) and likes water...almost to a fault. He will come into the shower with us and plays in his water bowl. Tonight he figured out how to open the cupboard above the fridge and I found him in there after I heard the cupboard door shut.

    Just like little kids, and so much fun :smile:

    Charlie loves playing in his water bowl, too. It gets Bailey so mad! LOL She demands new water every time he does it, but as soon as fresh water goes down, he is in it! I have a big water bowl too because I also have a dog (named Sedona, I saw someone has a cat named Sedona too!). So Charlie will put both his front paws into the water and splash around.
  • pglassnnp
    pglassnnp Posts: 6 Member
    ha..I can see the orange tabby (huge) likes to sit with his butt in my face...or on my shoulder...or on my hair....but only when I'm awake to "enjoy' it....when the light goes out...he goes to the end of the bed.....
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    You have never been truly loved, until you have been loved by a rescued black cat!!! I love my black beauties...Johnny Cash and Storin! :heart:

    Lol, I have two rescued black cats as well, but I don't think I'm loved by one of them...

    Kira is 4. My friend found her in the middle of some back country road when she was a teeny kitten that had just opened her eyes. His landlord didn't allow pets, so I offered to take her (never having owned a cat in my life!). When she was about 2 months old, I noticed a white patch of hair right above her tail on her back, and over the next month or so it grew all the way up to her shoulder blades so she looked like a little skunk! The vet had never seen anything like it. She eventually greyed out all over and then turned all black (and she's remained all black). I've always been a little disappointed her stripe didn't stay lol. But anyway, I think she must have been feral, because she's never been a cuddly cat lol.


    And then Oscar is a little over a year old. I adopted him when I was going to school out in Spokane and brought him back home with me. He is the sweetest, cuddliest little guy I could ever imagine!


    Edited to add: I couldn't get that last image of Kira to shrink down to a normal size, sorry!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Who else saves the plastic rings from milk jugs for their cats? BEST toy EVER.

    And holy cow, my 2 did the funniest thing the last time I emptied and refilled the litter box. First I had to shoo them away while I was refilling it, then the second I snapped the lid on it, they BOTH got in and used it at the same time. It was hysterical to see them both vying for space.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    My cat is Toby. He's so cute and has a teeny meow. He's licking all of his fur off, though.
    I guess I have to chime in here. What food does he eat? Licking to the point of losing fur usually points to a food allergy. Look for a high quality food with no wheat, corn, by products, or fillers. Also, chicken and beef can be allergens. There are lots of good foods available.

    Ugh, my cat licks all her fur off too. For years. Now she has a bald belly and hind legs. Vet thinks it is anxiety. We switched her to grain-free food - helped at first but now it's worse than ever
    My calico has IBD and gets diarrhea from almost everything. For a long time, my vet and I thought it was a food allergy. I tried EVERYTHING, and then I finally put her on Wysong Epigen 90 out of desperation. It's 90% meat (hence the name). Her diarrhea stopped almost immediately, like within about 24 hours of eating the food. And she still eats a variety of high quality canned foods in addition to it. The food has prebiotics and probiotics in it. The way it is "cooked", cold-processed I think, the biotics are still alive when the food is eaten! It helps the tummy process the food. I'd recommend it very highly... for IBD, allergies, general health, you name it. The only problem is it's pretty expensive. $9.99 for 2 pounds. And I feed it to 3 of my cats, so I'm basically in the poor house. But it's worth it to me. I get it from Chewy dot com. But you can also order it direct from Wysong. Chewy has free shipping over $50 though.