Trying to get below 200 by Christmas....

anyone else with me???


  • IvaRai
    IvaRai Posts: 46 Member
    You can do it! I would like to be around 150 by Christmas... and that is 35 pounds from where I am now.
  • retrogal76
    retrogal76 Posts: 40 Member
    I, too, have 35 lbs to lose to get to my goal...good luck!
  • victoriadw84
    victoriadw84 Posts: 77 Member
    I have 43lbs to go....its a bit much but I am going to work my butt off once I am feeling better again!
  • I also hope to be below 200 by Christmas. I just started and have lost 9 lbs in 2 wks. This site has been the biggest help. I don' t have to figure anything out. Good luck to all
  • I am totally with you! I have the same small-term goal! I have 8 lbs to go...
  • I'm with you and we can do it, I'm amazed I've lost 7 lbs since the 7th so anything is possible. Just stick with it, you'll do great, baby steps.....slow and steady is the ticket if you want to keep it off :)
  • That's my goal too but at the rate I'm losing, I don't think I will make it ... I might get pretty close though ... When I started eating right, I weighed 240.. When I joined this site, I weighed 230 .. I just hit the 218 mark but that's after the scales stayed at 221 for three weeks straight.. I had to increase my calories recently because I was feeling weak and hungry all the time...I've found that it's safer to lose it more slowly, as frustrating as that is.
  • This is actually a doable goal for me I think...I am going to try to do this too! I am at 223 currently and have really picked up work outs...lets see how this goes!
  • Tiffany083
    Tiffany083 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm right with you. I have 35lbs to go. If I'm the way I am this week, every week, I might make it.
  • I wish. I have 30lbs to go. I honestly don't even remember being less than 220 and I was 220 when I was 14/
  • There is no way I can be even 200 by Christmas. I am with you anyway. Good luck.
  • tsjourney
    tsjourney Posts: 156 Member
    I would love to, I have 40 more lbs. to lose and it has taken me almost a year to lose this past 40 lbs. It's hard for me to see it happening with me :-(. Wow, what a fabulous Christmas gift to myself that would be! I am going to continue to try! Best wishes to you!!
  • I have 40+ LBS to lose but i too would like to be under or right at 200 for Christmas :)
  • iambuttercup
    iambuttercup Posts: 31 Member
    I'm with you! Hypothyroid is making this weight loss excrutiatingly difficult, so might as well entertain myself with a goal. Had gained 35 pounds in pregnancy, thyroid problem started, never got back to anything less then 200 since then. I've dragged myself back on the weight loss wagon after broken knee cap stopped my active life and I had eaten my frustrations back to 218/220. Motivated, fully involved in rehab to get my life back. Under 200 is the sweet spot! Let's go...
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I would like to be below 200 by my birthday next week and down to my goal of 150 by Christmas. We can do this.
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    With you 100%!! I have 19 more to go to be at 199 and I cannot wait! :)
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 236 Member
    That is already a goal for me. I joined a group that started August 1st to lose 50 pounds by christmas. If I hit it, I will weigh 198!! Such a huge mile stone for me becuse I will no longer be considered obes!! :) So yes, I am with you!! :happy: :drinker: :drinker:
  • retrogal76
    retrogal76 Posts: 40 Member

    I haven't been below 200 in 11 years since I gained 116 lbs on depression and anxiety pills!

    Every year I say I'm gonna get to 199 (my ultimate goal is another 30 lbs below that) and every year I fail myself.

    This year I've lost about 1/2 the hair on my head - still don't know why but I'm convinced it's from the medications I was on from my asthma (which also makes it nearly impossible to exercise) so I'm at my ultimate low.

    I really need something to boost me up and if I can FINALLY get to my short-term goal by the end of this year, maybe I'll feel better about things - although at this rate, I'm thinking I'll be shopping for a new wig in 2013, more so than shopping for smaller clothes!
  • I just got there last week..currently at 198 but good luck to each of you, you can do it!!
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    My Birthday is Dec 1, I am exercising my butt off trying to get under 200 but if I don't I will shoot for Christmas either way it will be a wonderful day.