Can someone please help me? I'm stuck!

Hello all,
I'm 24 years old female height is 5,4 my current weight is 180 lbs. my goal to lose 48 lbs. I spent most of my time working on my computer or playing games.I'm not very active so i had set my goal to Sedentary level and MFP had me 1200 calories. I lost some lbs very quickly in the beginning atleast 14 lbs in just 10 days and it was maybe because of water weight but the problem with me is that i am stuck now although I'm still eating way under my goal (1200) and I walk for an hour 6 days per week also doing weight training (lifting 22 lbs dumbbells) 4 days for 30 mints per week. I generally dont eat back my deficit still I am stuck and not really loosing anything for a while. I can't workout more because where i live the climate is typically mostly hot around 52 Fahrenheit. Please guide me whats wrong i am doing?

my BMR is: 1,547 calories/day*


  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    Simply your not eating enough. The 1200 net amount, should be your net! At the moment your eating less than it and further increasing the deficit by not eating cals back. Your body is simply protecting it self you need to eat more to loss weight.

    Start by eating the 1200 calories, pre-logging helps me so that I'm not searching for stuff to eat and making rush decisions at meal times.

    Second eat your exercise, if you know you are burning 400 cals that day then eat 1600 instead.

    Losing weight starts in the kitchen, exercise is there for looking good. Also cardio will help burn lots of cals like your walking, but the weights are just improving muscle and won't really help in any weight loss. But you'll look buff once the weight is lost.
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    Yeah eat, I'm 5"5 they set me at 1260 and I eat them all, and MOST of my exercise calories, sometimes I'm just not hungry
  • drink lots of water and green tea and alpine tea!!! This combination is magic!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Yes You're not eating enough, you should be eating all your 1200 cals plus at least half your exercises cals. Are you measuring your food out correctly? It's surprising how you can guessemate portions of food, also are the cals burned during exercise correct? MFP can overestimate cals by quite a lot .
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    Agree with previous poster. My stats are similar to yours and I eat 1400 plus some of my exercise calories back, don't usually go over about 1600 or under 1300. Currently losing about 1.5lb per week. Try doing some different exercise for a while, this helped me break my plateau. Maybe a dvd? Hope this helps

  • Ditto all of that, and try a harder workout routine. It doesn't have to be longer, just harder.
  • do 30 mins hard exercise instead!

    i was set at 1200 as well but i was always hungry and found it hard to stay at that. i've been at 1347 for a few weeks now. i eat at least half my exercise calories too. your body needs something to burn :)
  • sadeestyle
    sadeestyle Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you, everyone, for all your lovely replies! very helpful indeed
    I will eat my deficit calories hope it will help also i know weight training wont burn lots of calories but i have flabby arms those make me to look more bigger so i will stick with my weight training session also i will try to do some cardio to burn more calories
    Thanks again for the help
  • utter nonsense on the not eating enough.

    first off, at 40 almost 41 im within 10 lbs of seeing my abs.

    if you bother to check and verify this information for me i wont look like a kook and you get to loose weight.
    the 3500 calories equals 1lb is not correct while widely known. if you eat a double quarter pounder with cheese
    please please please pretty please anyone on here please, youll help alot of people,
    wich is a 700 calorie burger, you will gain 1lb per burger.

    it takes me 6 hours sitting down fasting to drop that weight (in 6 hours sitting down i drop 1.2 lbs).

    #1. weight loss 24/7 is not healthy. weight loss causes cardiac exhaustion and fatigue. this is why people die of starvation.
    Its healthy to learn to maintain your weight first and drop a little at a time. cardio should never be done to fatigue.
    yes cardio helps overweight people, loosing weight rapidly is also bad for you.

    this website needs to state this: IF YOU EXPERIENCE CHRONIC FATIGUE OR DEHYDRATION SYMPTOMS STOP YOUR PROGRAM. Check yourself for excersize induced fever, eat, drink, dry off and stay dry (whipe sweat) and keep cool (air condition) until you feel healthy and your bodytemp is normal.

    #2. im told on here i need to eat 1750 calories a day wich is utter nonsense. i drop weight at the rate constantly of .2 lbs
    an hour sitting down. this is equal (already tested) to 140 calories an hour burned or 16 wheat thins. if you eat 16 wheat thins you will gain .2 lbs on a digital person scale per 16. this means thier are 70 calories per .1 on a person scale.

    I MAINTAIN MY WEIGHT AT 1400 CALORIES A DAY. I can weigh myself and weigh on the spot with a simple knowledge.

    WHAT YOUR FOOD WEIGHS INCLUDING FLUIDS is the weight you gain during eating. this includes
    water at 1/2 lb per cup, also verifyable by weighing yourself before and after drinking a cup of water and looking
    at the difference. if you do not give yourself time through cardio or fasting after a meal to loose meal weight
    and fluid weight gained keep stacking on that weight.

    i also drop in 45 min on a stationary bike at 700 calories on the meter 1lb every 45 min.

    weather and activity level/duration/intensity can speed and slow your weight loss.
    people loose weight constantly wich is why we eat and drink to maintain energy levels and heartrate levels.

    your best bet for overweight people is to eat and walk enough to remove meal weight and fluid weight gain
    with each meal, this is also because my beliefe is that
    your food in your stomach takes priority when being lost as it likely digests and breaksdown first.
    food is not burned during cardio in my opinion, water weight is largely lost as you will continue to
    go to the bathroom if you fast over several days.

    I keep my meals under 1lb for actual weight gain and walk about 45 min or so.

    Also keeping cool will help you remove dehydration symptoms and binge drinking as much of weight gain is caused
    by fluid drinking. if you want to watch yourself gain weight speedily, sit and do nothing and drink about 3 cups
    of water/fluid an hour.

    advanced cardio is not recommended by me because it often causes dehydration and binge drinking and fatigue.

    I hope this helps someone and someone will re-check these figures.

    for eating an orange or an apple you will gain about 1.2 lbs per if you weigh yourself before and after.

    low caloric foods especialy foods that add water are also incorrect in thier weight gain yeild for example
    green beans and water products like popsickles wich say 50 calories yet your actualy gaining more
    do to water weight gain.

    please check these figures, please i beg someone on this site to simply verify and eat a 700 calorie double quarter pounder with cheese, youll gain 1lb per burger, wich is what the burger probably weighs. im not nuts, i promise.

    a food scale will likely help give correct values of what you gain from eating, enough time after the meal through fasting or cardio needs to be given + extra in order to loose weight. I also safely incorporate a 12 hour fast by giving myself 2 hours before and after my 8 hour sleep of not eating.

    loosing weight rapidly is unhealthy yes, but not if you do it properly by eating during excersize or before to increase endurance and remove fatigue and dehydratoin symptoms.
  • fyi. if i drop .2 lbs an hour in order to maintain that weight i need to eat .2 lbs worth of food wich is equal to 140 calories (proven
    by eating 16 wheat thins and weighing yourself before and after).
    this means a digital person scale 70 calories = .1 for a total of ten, 70 x 10 = 700 calories.
    in order to drop that weight i need to do enough cardio to burn 140 calories or .2 lbs or put time in.
    weather can speed and slow your weight loss progress. if its hot youll loose weight more quickly through
    evaporation and sweating. much of weight loss is through waterloss wich if you have symptoms of asphixia, fatigue, etc.
    you need to rest, eat and hydrate.
  • drinking cold fluids like slushees help with dehydration and reducing excersize induced fever symptoms and fever in genreal, enough to replace weight lost if your bad off.
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    Gotta be a troll...
  • Gotta be a troll...

    Hope so
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Follow the link - do the math you should be eating more.
    When you eat less than BMR your body produces hormones that tell it to hoard energy as in hold on to fat. To lose weight you need to be in calorie deficit but not enough to ramp up these hormones. There is a sweet spot between too many calories and too little calories where you willl lose weigh. Less is not more when it comes to sustainable loss. Remember you need to be able to sustain you calorie intake for the rest of your life. do you see yourself eating at this level forever?
    Give me a shout if you wan;t a double check on your numbers.
  • sadeestyle
    sadeestyle Posts: 26 Member
    utter nonsense on the not eating enough.

    first off, at 40 almost 41 im within 10 lbs of seeing my abs.

    if you bother to check and verify this information for me i wont look like a kook and you get to loose weight.
    the 3500 calories equals 1lb is not correct while widely known. if you eat a double quarter pounder with cheese
    please please please pretty please anyone on here please, youll help alot of people,
    wich is a 700 calorie burger, you will gain 1lb per burger.

    it takes me 6 hours sitting down fasting to drop that weight (in 6 hours sitting down i drop 1.2 lbs).

    #1. weight loss 24/7 is not healthy. weight loss causes cardiac exhaustion and fatigue. this is why people die of starvation.
    Its healthy to learn to maintain your weight first and drop a little at a time. cardio should never be done to fatigue.
    yes cardio helps overweight people, loosing weight rapidly is also bad for you.

    this website needs to state this: IF YOU EXPERIENCE CHRONIC FATIGUE OR DEHYDRATION SYMPTOMS STOP YOUR PROGRAM. Check yourself for excersize induced fever, eat, drink, dry off and stay dry (whipe sweat) and keep cool (air condition) until you feel healthy and your bodytemp is normal.

    #2. im told on here i need to eat 1750 calories a day wich is utter nonsense. i drop weight at the rate constantly of .2 lbs
    an hour sitting down. this is equal (already tested) to 140 calories an hour burned or 16 wheat thins. if you eat 16 wheat thins you will gain .2 lbs on a digital person scale per 16. this means thier are 70 calories per .1 on a person scale.

    I MAINTAIN MY WEIGHT AT 1400 CALORIES A DAY. I can weigh myself and weigh on the spot with a simple knowledge.

    WHAT YOUR FOOD WEIGHS INCLUDING FLUIDS is the weight you gain during eating. this includes
    water at 1/2 lb per cup, also verifyable by weighing yourself before and after drinking a cup of water and looking
    at the difference. if you do not give yourself time through cardio or fasting after a meal to loose meal weight
    and fluid weight gained keep stacking on that weight.

    i also drop in 45 min on a stationary bike at 700 calories on the meter 1lb every 45 min.

    weather and activity level/duration/intensity can speed and slow your weight loss.
    people loose weight constantly wich is why we eat and drink to maintain energy levels and heartrate levels.

    your best bet for overweight people is to eat and walk enough to remove meal weight and fluid weight gain
    with each meal, this is also because my beliefe is that
    your food in your stomach takes priority when being lost as it likely digests and breaksdown first.
    food is not burned during cardio in my opinion, water weight is largely lost as you will continue to
    go to the bathroom if you fast over several days.

    I keep my meals under 1lb for actual weight gain and walk about 45 min or so.

    Also keeping cool will help you remove dehydration symptoms and binge drinking as much of weight gain is caused
    by fluid drinking. if you want to watch yourself gain weight speedily, sit and do nothing and drink about 3 cups
    of water/fluid an hour.

    advanced cardio is not recommended by me because it often causes dehydration and binge drinking and fatigue.

    I hope this helps someone and someone will re-check these figures.

    for eating an orange or an apple you will gain about 1.2 lbs per if you weigh yourself before and after.

    low caloric foods especialy foods that add water are also incorrect in thier weight gain yeild for example
    green beans and water products like popsickles wich say 50 calories yet your actualy gaining more
    do to water weight gain.

    please check these figures, please i beg someone on this site to simply verify and eat a 700 calorie double quarter pounder with cheese, youll gain 1lb per burger, wich is what the burger probably weighs. im not nuts, i promise.

    a food scale will likely help give correct values of what you gain from eating, enough time after the meal through fasting or cardio needs to be given + extra in order to loose weight. I also safely incorporate a 12 hour fast by giving myself 2 hours before and after my 8 hour sleep of not eating.

    loosing weight rapidly is unhealthy yes, but not if you do it properly by eating during excersize or before to increase endurance and remove fatigue and dehydratoin symptoms.

    Im sorry but I almost didn't get a single word of what you just said i stuck again :P
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    you arent eating enough. if you are working out your TDEE is probably like 1800 or 1900 or something, take 20% off of that and that should be the amount your eating. not eating enough causes your body to cling on to the food it does get. not to mention that you are probably losing muscle mass :/
  • when i started my weightloss in march, i was 174 i'm 5'3''. i'm down to 136 now, i started eating 5x a day small meals every 3hrs. A bodybuilder friend of mine gave me a meal plan to follow and i did. I eat no more than 3-4oz of a lean protein a serving, 30-40g of carbs ( the good ones ie, old fashioned oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, fruit) a serving and all the veggies i want. i'm almost always below my 1200 calorie goal, and i don't usually eat my exercise calories back. i drink plenty of water (which i don't log) and when i do eat something that i really shouldn't i just portion control it (eg. instead of a large piece of cake i'll have a small slice, or instead of a 1/2 pint of ice cream i eat the actual serving size of 1/2 cup). I also make sure to drink a protein shake right after i work out to help my muscles as i do weight training 4 days a week and cardio 6 days a week.
  • Change up your routine!!! You need to reset your body as it is used to the same routine whether it be food intake or exercise. Do something different with your exercise routine for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference. Interval training is the fastest way to see results and it keeps your body guessing on what is next.
  • MistyAnneK
    MistyAnneK Posts: 68 Member
    DO NOT listen to nightgamer... it is rubbish, utter and absolute rubbish.

    Bottom line, eat your net calories. If you are at 1200, then eat 1200 and if you work out eat those calories too...or at least most of them. 1200 calories is the absolute minimum any female should eat in a day and stay healthy. Anything less than that and your body will go into "starvation" mode and save everything as fat.

    If you are worried about the fat in food, try making sure you eat 1 pound each of raw veggies and fruit a day. I know it seems like a lot, but when you sit down and weigh it, it isn't so much. Not saying you should live on this because you need more than just this, but it will help you get your caloric intake up to where it should be without the added sodium and fat content.

    As for the workouts. If you worry more about the cardio, the "flabby" arms will shrink as well.
  • Chrissiecurit
    Chrissiecurit Posts: 74 Member

    Follow the link - do the math you should be eating more.
    When you eat less than BMR your body produces hormones that tell it to hoard energy as in hold on to fat. To lose weight you need to be in calorie deficit but not enough to ramp up these hormones. There is a sweet spot between too many calories and too little calories where you willl lose weigh. Less is not more when it comes to sustainable loss. Remember you need to be able to sustain you calorie intake for the rest of your life. do you see yourself eating at this level forever?
    Give me a shout if you wan;t a double check on your numbers.

    I second this! I took the time and read the post mentioned above. I didnt have a clue about how BMR & TDEE worked until i read then. Lol Once you figure out YOUR numbers, you will have a better understanding of how many calories to eat. MFP had me on 1200 as well. I,too, would eat less than that on some days and thought that was helping. It wasn't since I wasn't losing any weight.

    Def take the time to read the In Place of a Roadmap post. :smile: