Negative feedback after weight loss...



  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    they liked you before your weight loss because they are jealous of the new you.

    ^^ This. Keep doing your thing and congratulations on your success!
  • kmoore02
    kmoore02 Posts: 167 Member
    I understand. I've 60lbs since March and people think that great but when I tell them I've got 70lbs to go, thats when they make the crude comments. They've only known me since I've been overweight, not my normal adult weight. Its all coming off, whether they like it or not!
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    After about 40 or 50 pounds lost I had a very good friend take me aside while she was drunk to beg me to quit dieting before I got smaller than her.

    I'm pretty happy that, at the same weight and height, I now wear one pant size smaller than her.

    Wow. I guess it would be easier for everybody else to change so I look good instead of me actually having to work at it.

    Great job on getting smaller than your 'friend' anyway. Awesome reply to this comment. Laughed pretty hard but it's so true!
  • noriri
    noriri Posts: 74 Member
    That's really sad! Not uncommon, but sad none the less. You just keep taking care of yourself. Those that love you need you and celebrate your victory.
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    I get it all the time : / . "Man you are getting too skinny!" "We need to fatten you up!" Etc. Etc. Sometimes it gets to me, but I usually just shrug it off. I like the way I look and I feel great, and that's all that matters.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    the initial phase of weight loss often generates praise, and the later stages sometimes generate concern. i've experienced this myself; "dude, how much weight are you going to lose?" i replied that i chose a weight for my frame in the middle of the Met Life actuarial charts from the late 1940s. this gives me a BMI in the 22 range, which is healthy, assuming you're not extremely tall or a bodybuilder.
  • jeffreyjording
    jeffreyjording Posts: 67 Member
    the initial phase of weight loss often generates praise, and the later stages sometimes generate concern. i've experienced this myself; "dude, how much weight are you going to lose?" i replied that i chose a weight for my frame in the middle of the Met Life actuarial charts from the late 1940s. this gives me a BMI in the 22 range, which is healthy, assuming you're not extremely tall or a bodybuilder.
    I have heard the exact same comments. They call me Skeletor Jefferexic etc. These are people making NO effort to live a healthy lifestyle. I simply reply " Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" giggle and go about my business. :-P
  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    That is a great obsession, you can be proud of! :) I do better on my weight lose when I am obsessed!
  • Girl, that's normal. They're called haters! I got tons. If you got haters you're doing something right! Later, those who criticize you now will come and ask you how you're doing it!

  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    So I've lost a total of 40.4 pounds from the beginning of March to now, although my ticker says 3 pounds because I just recently joined MFP. Well, the other day someone said (about me): "Oh yeah, i don't like the way she looks now that she's lost weight... she doesn't look good. I liked how she looked better before." Well it's a good thing I'm not trying to get fit and healthy for others, I'm doing this for myself :-) But wow, what a mean thing to say huh? Has anyone received any negative feedback after successfully losing a significant amount of weight?

    They are mad because you made this a life priority, so they choose to be jealous, and talk ****.

    :) Enjoy, you look good btw!
  • Yes. I have lost 130 lbs. I am in the best shape of my life. I cycle 100 or more miles a week, my blood pressure is 110/65. My BMI is 22. The only person who truly supports me is my doctor. She is thrilled. Everyone else seems to think I am obsessed or something's wrong with me. Nobody said anything about my weight when I weighed 300 lbs. Now at 170, everybody has something to say. Ignore them and stay with the program. There's nothing wrong with being healthy:-)

    Congratulations on your awesome weight loss!!! They're not the one that were carrying all that excess weight around, so they should just shut it. You must feel so great, and that's more important than even looking great :smile:
  • Are they crazy?! You are gorgeous!

    Awww...thanks! :blushing:
  • When I lost a lot in college my family told me I looked anorexic. I was still 140 so not too small but I think they were just used to seeing me fat. I haven't had that problem since though. Lol

    Ha! That's sooo true... my family and some friends tell me I'm "thin"... but I'm only "thin" in comparison to what I looked like before. But in comparison to the average sized girl, I'm still on the heavy After losing my first 20 pounds, my mom told me to stop because I was beautiful just like I was and said I didn't need to lose more weight, I came to the conclusion that she was having "fatty Patty" withdrawals ;-)
  • They may have not thought that they needed to lose weight until you lost your weight & now they feel bad, that may be why they are lashing out like they are.

  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    congrats on your dedication and your accomplishments. Any negative feedback whether before or after weight loss just keeps that fire burning for me...bring it on
  • xcgirl078
    xcgirl078 Posts: 47 Member
    I got the same response a few years back, after losing weight that, like you, made me HEALTHY. People can be jerks. Just remember why you did it and that they're probably jealous!! :) You are gorgeous, don't ever forget it!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Yeah, it happens. It's especially confusing when it comes from people that are supposed to love you.. family members, etc.

    At this point, I honestly feel that some people actually think that the smaller I get, the bigger they get. I can't control that. I don't have the time or energy to babysit other people's insecurities.

    Congrats on your weight loss!! :) People will always have something to say.
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Luckily I did not get that kind of remark. So far all good. my weight loss is slow though about 40 pounds in one year.
  • My boyfriend has told me, "what are you going to do if you get too skinny and I'm not attracted to you anymore?" :/ It's a real bummer that some people can't just be happy for you.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I'm not sure who is meaner... the person that said it about you in the first place, or the person that felt the need to pass the snide remark along. You look lovely in your picture!

    If you want MFP to reflect all your loss, you can go to the Check-In menu and click "Edit Previous Entries." You can add additional entries such as the date and weight you were at your highest. Obviously don't have to do this, but it is an option.