Flavored Water! Good Or Bad?

This is a continuation from this post

You all gave me your thoughts about the Clear American Sparkling Water
but what do you think about Nestle Pure Life Splash flavored water? :indifferent:

This is also a Zero Calorie drink; Contains no juice; & is NOT sparkling unlike the Clear Water brand.
Would you say its BAD or a good alternative when I want some FLAVOR in my life aha ( I drink alot of water )



  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    100% juice watered down with soda water. GET ON IT
  • ashleybr1980
    ashleybr1980 Posts: 70 Member
  • RedWeb
    RedWeb Posts: 108 Member
    Sounds good to me. However, someone, somewhere will get upset by artificial sweeteners and will say don't drink it. On the other hand the millions of people who don't have a problem with artificial sweeteners will say drink away. It's up to you and your body what you put it in it. What other people think is only relevant to them.
  • I love this stuff. Expensive to drink only that, though.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Just add a little bit of juice to tap water (assuming tap water is safe where you live). No point in spending money on fashion water.

    I normally add a bit of cranberry juice, or squeeze some lime.
  • Vicks1978
    Vicks1978 Posts: 81 Member
    I am same, I cant drink plain water its horrible.
    Try ice cold water with fresh lemons and ice.
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    i add chunks of lemon to my water occ.
  • I drink the carbinated flavor water too. It beats soda. I say drink away. However I don't drink the other flavor water if there is sodium in it. That will bloat you. Try to stay away from any water that say it has a small amount of sodium in it.
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    I like Vitamin Water Zero and also Propel Fitness Water, but agree it gets very pricey to drink this exclusively. I was lucky to find 8 oz. bottles of Propel at Big Lots last week....only $4.50 for a 12 pack. But Vitamin Water is $17 a case at my Kroger. CRAZY! They do have a store brand that is cheaper, but still expensive when you figure you want to buy a dozen. You can freeze 100% juice in ice cube trays and throw one into a glass of water. Same effect, lots cheaper. :)
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Lemon or lime squeezed into water. Cheap and delicious.
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    I dont do flavored water much. if its toooo sweet it triggers my sweet tooth and then i have to fight with myself to stay away from something i probably shouldnt have. :p Try some of the suggestions above and add some lemon or a splash of juice. :)
  • I prefer Hint.
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    I love plain, ice cold water. Flavored water almost always tastes artificial or odd to me... I dunno, maybe my taste buds are weird but I don't like most flavored waters. I occasionally treat myself to some coconut water, because I think it tastes very natural and yummy.

    Nothing beats the purity and cleansing feeling of plain ice water (to me).
  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    I can't stand to drink plain water either. I use Mio quite a lot. I know that the artificial flavors and sweeteners are not the greatest thing for you, but I use just enough to add a little flavor and think it's better than the 2-3 diet sodas I used to drink every day. Adding a little 100% fruit juice, as others suggest, is also a good option and one that I use from time to time.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I am hooked on Vita Rain from Costco. 24 20oz bottles is about $12. Sometimes on sale for $10.
  • just get crystal light or mio . and it is great for you . no calories of anything
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    it isn't really any different than diet soda in my eyes. Why not just water?
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    I like it. I tend to drink the fizzy ones though, they just seem more interesting to me, and if I want flavoured still water I have a bottle of lemon juice in the cupboard and use that with tap water.

    Some people don't like the sweeteners/artificial flavour/sodium/whatever from flavoured water. But it's water all the same. If you like it, I would say go for it. My nearest supermarket has their own brand, and you can buy 4 1l bottles for £1.50, which will last me about a week as I drink a lot of different things too, so you don't necessarily have to pay loads for them to taste nice!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It's fine. You are overthinking this, and getting caught up in minute details.
  • I love flavoured water! I don't mind plain water either though it just gets a bit boring drinking it all the time so I have some flavoured water every now and again. Always remember to check how many sweeteners and things are added to it though.