How do you stick to it for more than a week?



  • xcarbonix
    The important part for me is being involved at the Y. They have so many classes and different ways for me to burn those calories. Keeping it interesting is a deal for me. Being able to do Pilates, Yoga, pool cardio, machine cardio, and different strength classes and options is what keeps me coming back. I'd say pick a gym where you have a lot of options to explore what works best for your attention span!
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    The results encourage me to keep it up. But i also make sure I do not deprive myself of junk, if I tried only healthy stuff I probably wouldn't last so long. Also finding delicious healthy food and healthier versions of favourites helps.
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    You make small goals and you stick to it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    How do you stick to it for more than a week?

    You do it for one week. Then another immediately after. Set smaller goals until they become habit, then add another goal on top of it.

    It's like remodeling a house that you're already living in. You can't gut the whole thing. You have to tackle it one room at a time.

    Start by packing healthy snacks so you won't go nuts on the snacks at work. Then start eating a healthy breakfast. Then start a healthy lunch. Then a healthy dinner. Set small fitness goals, too, and add to them as you achieve them. For me, it was the ability to run a 5k, but first I had to run 1/4 of a mile, then a half mile, then a mile, and keep adding to my distance until I could complete the whole thing. Then work on endurance. And longer distances. And speed. Then weight lifting. Light at first, then heavy.

    But if I went from being a candy bar snackin' couch potato and tried to eat "perfect" and deadlift my body weight and run 10k... I'd have burned myself out and quit.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Self discipline!
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Do you really only have 9 lbs to lose, like your ticker says? If so, this may not be for you. Most fad diets can get rid of 10 lbs. pretty easily and quickly. This website is about making a lifestyle change.
  • I completely understand where you are, even after losing 170 lbs, it can be a daily struggle to stick to the accountability. But as many have already posted, you have to want it bad enough. It really isn't about being bored, it's about what you are trying to hide from yourself and maybe from others. What is going on emotionally that you don't want to stick to it any longer? I have found that when I don't want to log it is because I am whirling emotionally. It is so important to have friends on here. Being honest with yourself and others, even when you bomb out, is key to getting back on track and doing it quickly.
    Even if you fall off course, your next choice, the healthy one to log your food, is the best choice. Don't stay in a place of beating yourself up for what you didn't do, choose your next move, take back you control and be proud of yourself!!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    How to lose weight and keep it off:

    Don't quit.

    So you were weak and went over on calories.
    Big deal. Go burn off what you just ate.

    Don't quit.

    Ugh, I'm so tired. I'm bloated and don't feel like doing ANYTHING!
    Look back at why you're doing this and rededicate yourself to that goal.

    Don't quit.

    I'm depressed and don't want to look at how much I weigh.
    If you gained weight it's not a failure. It's a new point to work from.

    Don't quit.

    Those cupcakes were soooooo delicious, but my calorie count is TOTALLY RUINED NOW!
    Psht, just log em. Maybe you can still work them off. Anyway, tomorrow is another day.

    Don't quit.

    I was away on business and I'm not sure how many calories I had, and I had a few drinks and didn't log anything for a few days!
    The diary is still there, waiting for you. It does not judge. Go back to it.

    Don't quit.

    Oh wow, this diet is making me fat! The numbers are totally off!
    So, fix the numbers and keep going. Many people know how to fix them if you're not sure.

    Don't quit.

    I've hit a plateau! It doesn't work anymore!
    Sure it works. Open up your diary and ask a few people to check out your profile to figure out how to fix it.

    Don't quit.

    If you quit you may as well have done nothing at all.
    Do you really want to waste all that hard work?

    Don't quit.
  • bastgoddess7
    bastgoddess7 Posts: 64 Member
    Healthy food is crazy delicious, you learn to love it. Also, don't buy junk food. After a while you crave sweets less (I think most things are too sweet for me these days) and can resist the chips a lot easier, because when you do give in it's not as satisfying. Or you find healthier alternatives, like air popped popcorn and kale chips.

    This is so true. Healthy fresh food is amazing. There are so many recipes and idea's on how to utilize and be creative with it on this site as well. I am on my second month in MFP, and I have never though there were so many things you could do to vegetables to make them a meal. As part of cutting my caloric intake I had to cut carbs and protein (I was eating wayyyyyy to much) so in doing so I became a flexatarian (mostly vegetarian..I eat meat maybe 2x a week).

    Also, with MFP you learn that you don't need to actually give up all the "junk", you just need to keep it within reason and within your goals. For example, I LOVVVVEEEEEEEEEE adult beverages and appatizers (I'm a social butterfly). Anyone who has been around the site can tell you that most alcohol is a huge caloric hit. So, I've developed plans for outings that include gins and diet sodas ( very low calories in gin), omitting or limiting fried food (we know how many apps are fried right?? LOTS) and finding ways to work off the caloric hits once they happen. I feel like everyone on this site learns as they go.

    BUT back on topic. Healthy food is more delicious than that junk you've been feeding youself, MFP is a great tool, and you need some friends on the site in order to really make it work. These people are all going through the same struggle as you (with the exception of the bodybuilders who are always bulking :P ).
  • jenniferrow
    Consider the alternative to being healthy. It's your choice.
  • jaded011
    well, i don't work.. full time mom- but i sorta have a full length mirror in the kitchen, as well as scales near the fridge.. and stuff like "a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips", "dont care how much it hurts, wanna have control, want a perfect body, want a perfect soul".. stuff like that pasted to my fridge....
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    Decide what's most important to you and go with that
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My first thought...and I mean this in the nicest way possible...but how do you stick to it for less than a week? I mean, once someone reaches that point where they're seriously committed to making a change, it seems they can stick to even the craziest of plans for a few weeks (or months).

    If you're having trouble making it into weeks two, then I question if you're truly committed to the change. If you're having trouble sticking to it past that, I question the long-term sustainability of your overall plan. Don't try and lose it all in a week or two. Set a reasonable goal for a gradual change that slowly, over time gets you closer to your goal.
  • Mommagoose4
    Mommagoose4 Posts: 132 Member
    you know how you do it?
    You just do... and why b'c this is a lifestyle change - NOT A DIET.
    And yes you will have amazing workout days with great food intake
    And you will have lazy days with terrible food - but you log it all - move on & keep going.
  • NaEl1
    NaEl1 Posts: 67 Member
    I would say just focus and think of the end result and how your going to feel when you hit your goal weight. You can do it this is what MFP are here for, find one of your pals and vent a little. Then get right back up and make it happen. If you go over your calories for a day, do some extra pushups. Just remember this is a life style change and it won't happen overnight, its a daily process!! but don't give up you have all these people on here rooting for YOU!!!!!!!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I don't know what your office atmosphere is like but, can you put a sticky note on the door with one reason written on it, WHY you want to eat nutritious food and no junk? Why do you want to stick with it for more than a week? You want to lose weight and be healthy! Or maybe you want to fit into certain clothes or you have a big life event coming up, or maybe you have a health problem caused by obesity. Just sit down and write out the reasons and each day put one on a note NEAR that snack cabinet or on your desk. Take healthy stuff to work to munch on and go for those instead. Reaffirm EVERY day why you want to succeed. Tell yourself that each time you DENY yourself something that is bad and will not nourish your body in a healthy way, you become STRONGER! After doing that several times, it gets easier. It did for me anyway!
    GOOD LUCK! YOU can do this!
  • taterdaisy
    I have the same problem with trying to stick to any diet past a week or two! Hoping to find motivation through others on this site. They say you lose 3x more weight when connected to others losing weight.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Do you really only have 9 lbs to lose, like your ticker says? If so, this may not be for you. Most fad diets can get rid of 10 lbs. pretty easily and quickly. This website is about making a lifestyle change.

    what?!?! So because she has a small amount of weight to lose you'd suggest a fad diet? That's absurd.
  • DevSea
    It really just depends on your determination and such. If junk food is your problem, you can look for ways to make your favorite foods, but in a healthier (And more delicious) way. When I have a craving, I always look for something I can make myself, or something that is low calorie!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I didn't like being fat.

    It was kind of a no brainer.