Broke up



  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    I am so sorry dear. Unfortunately there are no words that will make anything better right now. I do promise you though that after some time you will be okay although I may not seem like it now.

    I swear I remember driving down Pineville Road in Charlotte NC 19 years ago thinking that I would never be over a certain someone and never love anyone else again. Little did I know that there was something way better for me down the road. There is a really good chance this is exactly what is going to happen for you as well.

    I do want to also suggest some nutritional drinks as you may come to a point where you do not want to eat. It is very important that you get some nutrition in you.

    Yes the nutrition drinks are a very good idea. I'm sorry things didn't work out like you thought they would. Put yourself first. You have worked very hard to get where you are. Nursing school is tough which proves you are also:-) You have an awesome future ahead of you! If you can move back home it would be ideal. Then you won't have to focus so much on everyday bills and the like. My sister is going through this now except she was married for 25 years and has five grown kids who all but one ended up hurt by it. It is a good thing he did this now before children came into your relationship. Somewhere is the perfect man for you and when the time is right it will happen. God bless!
  • hawesca
    I am very sorry for what happened, but I just felt the need to let you know that I am in the same situation! My fiancé and I met at Oregon State, we graduated last year, and I got into nursing school in Pennsylvania. He moved across the country with me and told me that he's moving back to Oregon. As you can imagine, dealing with school, working full time, and trying to move hasn't been the easiest, financially or emotionally.
    You will pull through; it's hard initially, but after some time passes, everything will be OK. Make sure that you focus on school though! You've worked really hard to get into nursing school, so don't let your ex-fiance really ruin your life!
    Best of luck!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    Do yourself a favor and remove him from your profile pic! YUCK!!! not you though....

    I so agree with this! It helps so much.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i'm very sorry to hear this. the same thing happened to me in 2007. it's difficult, but it's not the end of the world. the good part is that it's the beginning of your new life.
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    awww no I'm SO sorry to hear that You think when you are engaged to someone that you are gonna be with them the rest of your life to come home one day and he not want to be with you, that's terrible If you need a stranger to talk to I'm here message me Feel free to add me if you want I was with my ex for 10 years before we split We had to separate everything Hang in there It will be better in time It can take a while but keep yourself distracted And talk to anyone who will listen
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    Do yourself a favor and remove him from your profile pic! YUCK!!! not you though....


    Change your "about me" stuff also? Cause now it can be just about you, for you:-)
  • lostinureyes17
    lostinureyes17 Posts: 112 Member
    I am very sorry for what happened, but I just felt the need to let you know that I am in the same situation! My fiancé and I met at Oregon State, we graduated last year, and I got into nursing school in Pennsylvania. He moved across the country with me and told me that he's moving back to Oregon. As you can imagine, dealing with school, working full time, and trying to move hasn't been the easiest, financially or emotionally.
    You will pull through; it's hard initially, but after some time passes, everything will be OK. Make sure that you focus on school though! You've worked really hard to get into nursing school, so don't let your ex-fiance really ruin your life!
    Best of luck!

    Oh wow. I'm sorry to hear that. I am also in nursing school in PA. It sure is tough but I am so close to being done. :)
  • mrs_deg1983
    He may have found some one on the side. Do what you need to do ands one day you will find out why he did this. you got this!
  • Mzfoster0517
    Mzfoster0517 Posts: 83 Member
    First, I wanna say I'm so very sorry for yur heart right now.Please stop,take a deep breath and try to look at this as a possiable blessing ,painful ..yes...but better to hurt now than look back 10 yrs from an unhappy marriage. Pick up yur broken heart and move forward, maybe crying but soon you will be filled w/ anger ,..and the best thing to do is move forward,complete school,hold ya head up mama!,..deep down you know u are strong & can get through this.It will be tuff at first,in 3wks it'll be alot better,keep up the good wrk om MFP,....dont drown yur sorrows in a chocolate cake,do an angry wrk out(running or kick boxing)~hang in there best wishes

    She took the words right out of my mouth....In my book you dodged a bullet, that would hurt more after marriage than finding out before. When this happened to me I was pregnant with our second child and married. It darn near took the life out of me. I survived and I'm happier now than I ever was. I honestly believe women are just built to survive pretty much everything thrown at us :)
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    sorry to hear that. I've had the sudden thing happen to me before as well. Hugs to ya. You'll bounce back stronger and tougher then ever and yeah...better now then later cause it potentially could be worse
  • Shamroxx81
    I've actually been in a similar situation before in my life, but I was on the other end of things. I was once dating a girl for five years, and over the course of the relationship we too had become engaged. During the last two years of our relationship, there were several things that I noticed that had started to change in her. She began to let herself go physically, which soon led to resentment for my desire to stay in shape. On top of that, she began to get overly jealous of anyone that I would give attention to other than her (even family members). Eventually, I ended the relationship, and was surprised by all of the mixed emotions that came with the decision. I felt guilty for giving up on someone I'd been with for so long, and yet unsure how I'd get used to her not being around. Plus, I was confused on how things that once seemed so perfect ended up taking such a nose dive in the end.

    Now, that I look back on the situation, I've realized that a situation that once felt entirely negative ended up being a blessing in disguise. It was a chance to take certain aspects of my life, and start fresh. I would eventually go on to meet new people, pursue new-found interests, and ultimately leading a happier life in general. After all of that, it would've been easy to look back on things, and think that I wasted five years of my life. Yet, I don't have any regrets about it at all. I learned a lot through that relationship, and may not be who I am today without that experience under my belt.

    I know that every person is different, but I think you'll eventually find that a lot of the old cliches are true. Everything happens for a reason. Time truly can heal all wounds, and when one door closes...another opens. Things like this are never easy to go through, but keep your chin up. Keep smiling, and I think you're going to be just fine. I know that it can sometimes help to talk to someone outside of the situation, and if you ever feel the need to do so - feel free to drop me a line on here anytime =)
  • vintagekelley
    Congratulations on finishing your nursing degree soon! You are on your way to a wonderful career.

    You know things happen for a reason (I'm sure someone has said this already- I didn't read all other replies) and yes, better before marriage than after.

    Also, your new career will afford you the opportunity to meet new people; maybe your perfect match who will appreciate you for all that you are!
  • lostinureyes17
    lostinureyes17 Posts: 112 Member
    Everyone on here is awesome! I really appreciate all the support and encouragement everyone is giving me. It helps me to know that others have been through this. Even though I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Heartbreak is a part of life and I will move on and probably be better for it. If anyone wants to add me...feel free! I need all the friends I can get right now.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    It's really sad that this happened. I don't know how I would handle it, but one suggestion that I would try is be thankful he figured it out now instead of after the wedding happened. I know it's probably not the greatest advice, but that's what I would try to do.
  • misspastry
    misspastry Posts: 109 Member
    I'm so sorry. But if he isn't sure then maybe you will be better off and meet your soulmate. I say his loss.
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    I'm so sorry for your heart break :(

    I went through the same thing a week before I was supposed to marry him...3 years later, I got married to a wonderful man:) The sun will come out, I promise :)
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    The important thing is to realize that your happiness depends on YOU and YOU only. You don't need a man or a woman to make you happy. They are a complement to your happy life. During break ups we tend to feel miserable because we think that our happiness depends on them. False.

    Also, choose to be great despite the circumstances. The other option is to be miserable because of the circumstances. Time to look in the mirror and love yourself!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,165 Member
    Although it might be a bit early for this piece of advice, get better rather than bitter. Recognize that the failure of the relationship is not a personal failure. Take time to heal yourself and look to the future, not the past.
  • jensauce
    jensauce Posts: 150 Member
    the one piece of advice i will give you is to stay classy. you're probably pretty emotional right now, which is completely understandable...but dont lash out at him, or do/say things that you will regret. you want to walk away from this with your head held high, and five years from now, you dont want to look back and think "wow i handled that really immaturely."
  • Vicks1978
    Vicks1978 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm going through the exact same thing right now. We are from the UK but we were living in NZ.
    He basically doesn't want me anymore and there was no love shown my way anymore. Everything else was more important.
    I have flown home, sorted a job, and just waiting to move into my new home next Monday. So my whole life is changing.
    I have been living with parents for 2 months in limbo and it has been so stressful, in everyones way..
    It is extremely heartbreaking and sad, but I know it is for the best.
    I have been strong, but know that when I move next week it is going to hit me, and hard. :-(
    This site is a blessing for me, because it is something to take my mind off things. Thats what you need, try and be strong each day, life will get easier, it is hard and upsetting, but now you will be moving on to the next chapter of your life, good things will be on their way :-)
    If you need a friend, please add me, I need all the friends I can get myself right now