Who's doing Turbo Fire???



  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    @ Amwalcott - I'm in week 3 of Turbo Fire too! I also did Turbo Jam, but only for about 4 weeks, I enjoyed it and am glad I had the experience to prep me for Turbo Fire! Wow, your measurements are really impressive! I wish I would have taken mine. I did take pictures though. I may have to look into one of those mats, because my knees ache and we have plush carpet in the living room, boo! I'm glad you joined us!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    45 EZ class is up tonight after work. This one wears me out, i like the HIIT workouts much better! Hopefully I wont have to rest at all tonight! Where are you guys at?
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I started doing Turbo Fire again this week after 60 days of Supreme 90. I like Supreme 90, but I was starting to get bored seeing the same faces everyday, which was making me lose motivation. I needed to switch it up so I would look forward to working out again.

    I'm following the 90 day schedule as far as the cardio workouts are concerned, but I'm doing resistance workouts daily as well. TF is great cardio, but I've found that I need both cardio and resistance to see good results. I have a wide array of tapes and DVDs and I alternate between upper and lower body each day. If it's a longer cardio session, I pick a shorter resistance workout and vice versa.

    Today will be HIIT 15 followed by one of my 30 minute upper body videos.
  • Helen_Ch
    Helen_Ch Posts: 37 Member
    This is my 2nd time through Turbofire. I love it! The time passes quickly and I really enjoy Chalene. This time around I'm doing a hybrid of Les Mills Pump and Turbofire to change it up a little. Just finished week one and I'm sore!! :)
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Hey guys, what workouts did you do today? I did Core 20 and Stretch 40, here's a little clip of my stretch 40, comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! I know you're KILLIN it!!

  • I did the same - got my husband to do core with me and he agreed it was intense! Just about to do Fire 45 this morning before hopping a plane for a business trip...packing my HIIT DVDs so I can try to squeeze in some exercise in my hotel room
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Heck yeah! Get it, girl!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member

    My attempt at Fire 55 EZ class.
  • abouck
    abouck Posts: 71 Member
    Just started Turbo Fire this week and already love it. I actually did the 5 day inferno last week and lost 3 pounds in 5 days! Today is my rest day and can't to jump back in tomorrow.
  • I'm doing it now. The first week, I did the Inferno Plan. Now I'm on day 3 of week 3. I love it. The only class I can't stand is Stretch 40. So I'm going to replace that with 30DS whenever that workout comes around. I have lost weight & inches.
    I'm not going to lie, I can't do any of the darn kicks, lol. It kills me every time, and I love it!!!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member

    New video of my HIIT 25 - sheesh! Not very graceful!! Fire 55 EZ class is up for tonight, let's kill this!!!
  • amwalcott
    amwalcott Posts: 29 Member
    I did fire 45....I was getting ready to say its one of my favs, but I really like them all!
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Starting two weeks. Always looking for more Turbo buddies! Add me!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Here's the newest video of the core 20 workout, let me know what you guys think!

  • anitamiron
    anitamiron Posts: 73 Member
    I am a Turbo Girl!!! I just became a Turbo Kick instructor, and I love me some Turbo Fire.
  • rach7122
    rach7122 Posts: 1 Member
    On week 3 and I love it! My diet has been really bad so I haven't seen any results. Need to work on that!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    On week 3 and I love it! My diet has been really bad so I haven't seen any results. Need to work on that!!

    It's a process, you'll get there. Just take it one day at a time.
  • Anyone else find the Tone 30 and Sculpt 30 to not be very effective? If I could get the right posture perhaps I'd feel it more but the most burn I feel is that darn band diggin into my arms for any overhear extensions, etc. I think on Scupt/Tone days I'll swap it for a Ripped in 30 or Killer Buns and Thighs workout from Jillian Michaels - those are killer for me, so I might stay motivated and less frustrated! Into Week 5 now - it's going by fast!!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm currently doing the Turbofire/CLX hybrid. Just started.
  • I'm working my way back to the TF/CLX hybrid with MissAngy (hi!). I wrenched my ankle last week, so I'm on the damaged list for now, but back on it as soon as it's better!

    (And no, the injury was not from the workout, I'm just a grade A klutz)

    With the Klutz mention - just DO IT and don't worry about keeping up. I felt like a doofus hopping around and just trying to keep up with the moves, but eventually you catch on. Took me about 4-5 times before I started catching up with one of the sets of moves - but I'm getting closer to nailing it!

    Good Luck!