Who else has a lot to lose?

So about me - I've always been a "big guy". Weighed probably 320-ish when I graduated high school. For a while I improved and got down to about 275 (UPS - crappy job, great workout!), but then fell off the wagon and shot back up to 405 at my peak. Now I'm 28 and trying to get rid of it for good. I'm down about 30 lbs so far but still haven't been as serious as I want to be. I'm back in school and it's tough trying to balance work/study/exercise plus eating healthy when I really just want something quick and convenient!

Looking for anyone in a similar situation or who just wants to share motivation!


  • JaimieJames
    I was about 106 lbs forever until i went to college. I skyrocketed my freshman year from 106 to 145, and it just kept coming. I don't know how it happened so fast but no matter what I couldn't get back under control. The numbers would only get higher. Currently I weigh 195. Which was absolutely shocking to me. I stopped weighing myself about a year ago, so when i finally decided to do this for myself & I got on the scale, I pretty much bawled my eyes out. I'm trying to get down to 120. So I've got a long way to go. & I AM TOTALLY LACKING IN THE SELF MOTIVATION PART! :(
  • spearsall8907
    Ahh, I know exactly what you mean about the balancing act it is being back in school. So far I'm just trying to at least squeeze in 30 minutes per day to at least do something like walk or something between school, studying, and work. I too have a lot to lose...152 more pounds until I'm where I want to be. It seems so far off but I have to remind myself to take it one day at a time.
  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    I started with 70 to lose, which definitely FEELS like a lot. The upside to having a lot to lose, though, is that it seems to start coming off a little quicker - I lost 4 or 5 lbs in my first week. So I guess that is nice, lol, but of course it won't last.

    Good luck! You're going to do great!
  • toughlovexx3
    i also have a bunch to lose. close to 200 lb. we both made a good choice joining MFP. awesome motivators and supporters here! i wish you the best :)
  • amylightbulb
    I feel your pain! I was never skinny but I was average. I was about 135 and all of a sudden within like eight months I was over 200! I have been so down for about the past year now and I am finally motivated and doing good so far. Granted, its only been about two weeks. I was lacking on the motivation side too! I hate exercise and I love food! My sister in law had to basically push me to do better! I wish you luck in your weight loss!
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    I was about 130 to 140 up until my Junior year of high school (at my lowest about 120). I'm currently 208 (started out at 216), and hope to get to 140 then re-evaluate - using my mother for a gauge - she's 120 and my bones are actually larger...so I may get to 150 and be there, but have to get some layers off first :)
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
    I've never been thin/healthy. I was a size 18 in grade 5. I'm now a size 14/16 and I do not recall ever being this small.....congradulations for being on this site, it has been my life saver. Feel free to add me.
  • firstloveyourself
    firstloveyourself Posts: 149 Member
    I've always been a big girl. Except for about 6 months in my sophomore year of high school where I was very sick, my weight has always topped 180. Right now I'm the biggest I've ever been, and I'd ultimately like to lose around 85 lbs. I'm setting the goal to lose about 4-5 pounds a month while increasing my self-image.
  • weepingwillowtrees
    In december I was 334. Now I am 274, still have at least 60 to go. I'm giving myself smaller goals.
    add me as a bud if you want, i'll cheer you on!
  • Jishmeister
    I totally feel you, trying to balance school and a healthy diet is HARD. Especially since I live on campus and live off the meal plan. I always gain weight when I come back to school every year.
  • Echosapa
    Echosapa Posts: 19 Member
    I feel you on the balancing school. I work too so I'm in class, at work, or at my internship for about 65 hours a week and that doesn't include having to do homework. I was heavy in my teens but not terribly so. It wasn't until 2006 when I suffered a severe injury that I hit my highest at 252. I got down to 210 when I got married in 2009 but with my undergrad I went back up to 250. Just started grad school so now I'm really trying. My ultimate goal is 125 but just to be under 200 will be a great accomplishment for me. So I'm right there with you! We can do it!
  • mbc784
    mbc784 Posts: 2 Member
    I was about 106 lbs forever until i went to college. I skyrocketed my freshman year from 106 to 145, and it just kept coming. I don't know how it happened so fast but no matter what I couldn't get back under control. The numbers would only get higher. Currently I weigh 195. Which was absolutely shocking to me. I stopped weighing myself about a year ago, so when i finally decided to do this for myself & I got on the scale, I pretty much bawled my eyes out. I'm trying to get down to 120. So I've got a long way to go. & I AM TOTALLY LACKING IN THE SELF MOTIVATION PART! :(

    Totally know the feeling... when I gained the weight back, probably 6 years ago, I just avoided scales for about 2 years... just didn't want to know, lol. And it's taken this long to get sick of it and gather the motivation to do something!
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I started here at 357. Not too many of my friends are as heavy as I am but I love them all :) Feel free to send a request!
  • aubreyjolley
    I'm right there with you! Got a long way to go but I am realizing this is possible the more I stick with it :)
    PAIRDIZE Posts: 13 Member
    hi i am at 386 and i was 398pounds but i have loss 12pounds thank you jesus for guiding me through it all. but we can all do this and stay strong....godbless you.
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    Me, Me and ME! I originally started at 341 lbs and when I joined MFP in late July, I was 309lbs. As of yesterday I was 294 so I can totally relate. About 7 yrs ago I was 333 and got down to 288 and then went through a horrible divorce and weight went right back up. I am an emotional eater and food addict, carb addict. Food is my drug so it's a daily struggle!
  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    Welcome and feel free to add me....so far I've got 31 lbs gone on a 116 lb weight loss goal.
  • geminibaby78
    geminibaby78 Posts: 8 Member
    I feel the same when i look at the total amount of weight I have to lose it is pretty over whelming this site sems like a great place to get support good luck
  • Cassandrat83
    I started at 108.7kgs (239 pounds). I am currently at 103.5kgs (228 pounds) and my goal weight is 75kgs (165 pounds). I'm 29, 5'10- so just a tad to lose :)
  • kitkiller3000
    I have a lot to lose as well. I'm currently sitting right at 200 lbs, having started my goal a month ago at around 210 (not entirely sure since I swore off the scale ages ago). My goal is to get to 110 by July 1st. It's been a serious struggle for me. I've always been the heavy kid, and the serious bullying I received in school didn't help things. I eventually developed ulcerative colitis my junior year in high school and got down to 175, but while in college I was put on steroids and shot up to 230. After getting off steroids, my weight slowly came down, but my poor diet and absolutely zero exercise keep me from loosing more. I've started exercising a little now, and watching what I eat so it is slowly starting to come off. I am so sick of being the "awkward big girl" that the family doesn't speak of. I'm starting to feel a lot better mentally about myself, so that's what is making things easier for me.