What are changes you've made?



  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't snack on junk anymore. There are no cookies in my house or biscuits, and if I'm craving something sweet I get a piece of fruit.

    I don't drink cafe late anymore, only americano with a little bit of soy milk.

    I work out much more regularly now.
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    Drinking a lot more was definitely one of the changes I've made. Not only for the weight loss but also because I'm diabetic and doctors kept telling me I should drink more. Also, I've switched from Diet Pepsi to water which was so hard for me. Especially because, first I started drinking more and then I ditched the Pepsi. So by the time I replaced it with water, my body was used to 2-3l of Pepsi and it definitely complained at me for taking the caffeine from it. I had a headache like whoa, felt sick, was constantly tired but couldn't sleep. It sucked but also made me realize how bad the pop was for me.

    Another change I've made which was hard for me was not to eat so late anymore. I work on late shifts quite often which means I don't get out of the office before 8 or 10pm. I was used to always eating at home, so I'd still have dinner then. Now, as hard as it is, I'm forcing myself to always eat at work and try not to have dinner later than 7pm. This is working really well but was so hard to get used to since we only have a microwave and many things are horrible when heated up in there.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    Believing that this is an entirety new way of life and not a diet. Making this new way of life permanent through practice.
    1 Giving up eating in restaurants except for very special occasions.
    2 Completely eliminating fast food restaurants.
    3 Eating 6 300 calorie meals per day.
    4 Cardio 6 days per week, minimum 1 hour per day.
    5 Only eat foods that have one ingredient in it. For example skim milk, coffee, beef loin.
    6 Reducing coffee from 12 cups per day to 2 and drink it black.
    7 Use MFP and record every single calorie.
    8 Increase water to 12 glasses per day.
    9 Drink green tea to speed up metabolism.
    10 Buy and use Fitbit.
    11 Prepare good nutritious meals.
    12 Plan meals and snacks in advance.
    13 Never allow myself to get over hungry
    14 Get more sleep.
    15 be more positive and support others.
    16 Volunteer to hep other when ever and where ever I can.
    17 join a church and get involved.
    18 Quit drinking alcohol completely.
    19 Quit smoking.
    20 Measure and weigh every food item every time. No guessing.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    -Watch what I eat with hawklike attn
    -upped my water to at least 144oz a day
    -no juice (never indulged anyway but not it's a rule)
    -dressing is either fat free italian or a vinaigrette
    -i've cut way back on my alcohol consumption
    -eat out way less
    --pack lunch everyday
    -balance my meals better
    -started working out 6 days a week unless im on a break
    --got a nutritionist
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    - Stopped smoking
    - Stopped drinking
    - More water
    - More confidence
    - Stopped eating McDonalds 5x a day and started eating real food
    - Got my fat *kitten* to the Gym
    - fell in love with exercise so decided to become a Personal Trainer to help others change their lives :D
    - oh and the best one of all... Exercise has completely cured my depression! No more antidepressants :D:D:D!
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    I now do the following that I never used to..

    - Eat breakfast every day
    - Eating salads instead of sandwiches for lunch
    - Avoid crisps (potato chips)
    - Drinking water - drinking around 3-4 litres a day
    - Upping the exercise, instead of a 30 minute swim a week I am now doing 45 minute swim 5 times a week\
    - Moving from Full Fat Coke to Diet Coke - but only as an occasional thing with dinner
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    I did all the right stuff: Cut the calorie intake, no nuts, no evening cheese snacking, no alcohol, no bread, rice, potatoes, lots of vegetables, lots of clean, lean meat and fish, very little artificial sweetener. Also I was a lot more regular about working out - riding the bike to work every day, and doing pretty challenging Pilates 2-3 times a week.

    The things is... I have done this before, and it didn't work this well. I thought I had just done it better, you know, or that I might be in better balance by being really restrictive with anything gluten, as well as quick carbs.

    It turns out I am totally out of balance, and currently have hyperthyreosis rather than hypothyreosis - too high metabolism as opposed to too low. Having the inner furnace turned up unnaturally high is what has made my body finally react to the "calories in - calories out" approach. I am still losing slowly though. I'll keep at the diet while I go see specialists and visit hospitals, I will most likely have surgery for this, and afterwards I'll be back to hypothyreosis. I want to come as close to a normal BMI as I possibly can before that.

    I am sorry that this isn't really helpful, as it doesn't give most you guys a helping hand in order to figure out your own choices. That is: unless you really have thyroid issues, and feel unhappy about your weight and lack of loss. For those I can say: A very strict low GI diet has helped me before, and also helped me keep the weight down. It was figuring out the gluten intolerance and telling myself "gluten free is ok" that drove my weight up again.
  • Evelyn2050
    Evelyn2050 Posts: 111 Member
    Over all my plan was "eat less and exercise more". So in light of that, the two biggest changes I've made is portion control and working out anywhere btw 3-6x a week depending on the schedule. I've lost 40lbs this way. Nothing is off limits but I have discovered though that sweets and carbs are addicting, so I do try to limit these. I drink LOTS more water than before, this is a big change. Other than that, not much. Good luck to you on your journey. (PS - for those "eat more to lose weight" folks, I totally understand this concept. and totally agree. When I say "eat less" I mean than when I first started; when I was 200 lbs and eating 3000 cals and was inactive I needed to "eat less" :) Now, I'm active, eating back all my exercise cals and loving the journey. :)