My W/M Nurse has told me to eat 1000kcals a day?



  • Isileo
    Isileo Posts: 13 Member
    The last thing I would remove from my diet would be meat. It's not high in calories, and your body really needs it. Cut the carbs if you need to cut somewhere.

    That's the problem. She never told me what to cut. Yes, I have a lot of carbs but I tend to keep them in the 'recommended' from this site. However, I don't know what to replace these carbs with, as I mentioned I tend to eat them a lot. Without them I don't think I'd be eating very much at all.

    She's not doing her job very well. I would find another weight loss counselor.
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    one more thing I noticed is you take an probiotic drink every day- these are loaded with sugar and don't have the benefits of dairy, like calcium or vit D. Consider taking tablet form probiotics, and replace the sugary drink with a piece of fruit, etc.

    Also there are alot of processed sweets- doughnuts, candies, energy bars, etc. Try eating something like cheese and crackers, peanut butter and apples, a handful of almonds, (blue diamond makes really ymuuy 100 cal coco roasted packs) for your snacks and see if you feel more satisfied. Save the doughnuts and chocolates for treats- an occasional thing.

    I am not trying to pick apart your eating and be critical- I just want to help you see that you can still eat the same amount of calories, and be allot fuller but eating less processed, high calorie/low nutrition foods. I had the same issues as you when I started, I focused soley on calories and thought I was fine as long as I came withing my target calories. But I was always hungry and didn't have enough energy to exercise- when I cut the processed stuff and started eating wiser, I was full and had energy to walk for half an hour a day.

    Good luck.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    For what it's worth, 1000 calories a day would give you a deficit of about 760 cals/day if you're sedentary and a theoretical loss rate of 1.5 lbs/week. As your BMI is close to 30 perhaps she's aiming for quicker results so you don't get bored with it.

    I can see where you are coming from. However, I know I'm not getting bored because I am eating a hell of a lot more than I used to and I feel so much better with a lot more energy. I can also see my stomach is getting flatter and flatter, which I did not benefit from the last time I dieted (to the extremes).

    @sgarrard01 - Definitely 'B'. I got into the situation of 'A', when I last dieted. Some of the meals do sound yummy when I looked at a food diary of someone with a 1000kcal's a day, but I just don't think it's healthy. However, I'm not sure how I would do with reporting her, because she has been my only motivation in losing weight, healthily and in the correct way.. (minus the exercise!!).

    @TavistockToad + funkyspunky87 - I am definitely considering not going back after my next appointment, but I am not sure without her if I will have as much motivation to do this, and probably mess my weight loss up!

    @deniseblossom - I know the feeling. I used to eat 500kcals a day, and I ate anymore, I would go into hysterics. I've lived through it too. I didn't quite put all my weight back on from it, but I did put a great deal back on. I do think I will ask her opinion as to why she is telling me to eat so little.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Has she even looked at your food diary?

    I've looked at your diary and I can see that your calories are all over the place:

    600 calories for lunch, 100 cals for dinner? Then another day you had a low calorie lunch and a high calorie dinner. Try to be more balanced. Also you eat alot of processed high sodium foods like ready made meats and potatoes. If I were you I would focus on eating better quality foods, and getting exercise, and not so much on how to live off of 1000 cals a day.

    You could live off of 1000 cals a day, and not be as hungry if you incorporated less processed food into your diet, and less calorie dense foods like bagles. For instance those bagles are 293 cals! You could have had half the bagel, and doubled up on the protien AND had an apple, and a green salad with the calories saved from half the bagel.

    The bread I eat is 80 cals a slice. 160 cals worth of bread in my sandwich.

    She looked at my written food diary, which she told me not to write the portion sizes on (but now she is telling me too, which I have no problems with).

    Some days I do have a funny proportioning with my meals, possibly because I am staying up at a friend's house, and I've chose to avoid bad foods and just generally forgot to eat as the day progresses.

    I just need new ideas for lunch. I have no idea what I can do for 'in the office' food as we have very little equipment to make a good lunch.

    I appreciate your concern for the sugary stuff, but I don't eat as much as I used to (with chocolate etc.), however interesting about the probiotic drinks. I really like them, so maybe I might start having one every other day, or every couple of days or such.

    @C4RL05 - I definitely did not mean it like that! I really do like the lady, she is one of the loveliest people I have met and she has always been quick to sort out if I have been ill. However, as she did not tell me her reasons behind the lowering of calories and not eating them back with exercise has confused me to extremes and I will not know until my next appointment and that is why I turned to MFP to try and get some opinions and experiences if there are any.
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    ok, so you have cut your sugar way down, that is great! After you get used to this amount, cut it down again. It took two full weeks of intense cravings, but I did not give in- and they finally went away. I used to be mad for candy, too.

    To those of you telling her to find a new dietician- its not as simple as that. The NHS tells you who to see, and you can't just ask to be referred to a new dr, nurse, etc because you don't like yours. Also they have a very limited amt of time to spend with patients and often you feel rushed and don't think of your qiestions until later.

    If I were you, OP I would just learn as much as I can on my own about healthy eating, what portion sizes are, etc, and go it alone. You don'tneed her :-) You can DO this.

    As far as lunch ideas, I usually make enough at dinner so that I can have leftovers for both of us at much the next day.

    If you can't do that, then consider what I was saying about finding a lower calorie bread- instead of high calorie bagels, or eat half the bagel as an open faced sandwich, take an apple and a banana, handul of nuts, carrot sticks, grapes, peanut butter, you could even take a cheese and marmite sandwich. Find what works, and stick to it. I eat the same thing for breakfast each day. Its boring but easy.

    Your breakfast looks really good. Can you incorporate some of that into lunches? Boiled eggs are good for lunch. A boiled egg, small can of tuna, some crackers, grapes and a banana is really filling.

    As far as the probiotic drinks, can you change to the light version? I don't normally advocate sweeteners but it would save you some sugar.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    ok, so you have cut your sugar way down, that is great! After you get used to this amount, cut it down again. It took two full weeks of intense cravings, but I did not give in- and they finally went away. I used to be mad for candy, too.

    To those of you telling her to find a new dietician- its not as simple as that. The NHS tells you who to see, and you can't just ask to be referred to a new dr, nurse, etc because you don't like yours. Also they have a very limited amt of time to spend with patients and often you feel rushed and don't think of your qiestions until later.

    If I were you, OP I would just learn as much as I can on my own about healthy eating, what portion sizes are, etc, and go it alone. You don'tneed her :-) You can DO this.

    As far as lunch ideas, I usually make enough at dinner so that I can have leftovers for both of us at much the next day.

    If you can't do that, then consider what I was saying about finding a lower calorie bread- instead of high calorie bagels, or eat half the bagel as an open faced sandwich, take an apple and a banana, handul of nuts, carrot sticks, grapes, peanut butter, you could even take a cheese and marmite sandwich. Find what works, and stick to it. I eat the same thing for breakfast each day. Its boring but easy.

    Your breakfast looks really good. Can you incorporate some of that into lunches? Boiled eggs are good for lunch. A boiled egg, small can of tuna, some crackers, grapes and a banana is really filling.

    As far as the probiotic drinks, can you change to the light version? I don't normally advocate sweeteners but it would save you some sugar.

    I really do hate the cravings I get from sugar, and what makes it worse is that my boyfriend bought me a 'my sweetie box' for my birthday! I have lots of sweets that are staring me right in the face. All I have managed to eat is some foam shrimps, which I was eating like 5 a day every 4 days or something.

    I was thinking of making a barley bread (100kcal per piece) sandwich tomorrow with tuna and seeing how that goes. Failing that, half a bagel with just some olive oil margarine spread, and perhaps a green salad which I do believe I have some at home to make it happen.

    I had a lot of leftovers for the next day and for dinner when I made rice noodle salads (which were very yummy!).

    I'm not sure if there any light versions of the probiotic drinks, I drink what I am given, so next time I go food shopping I will be on the look out because I feel they are a nice addition to my breakfast. I would love to eat my poached egg at breakfast every morning if I had time. :( It's hard to have poached egg for lunch too because of work.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    The quickest way to poach an egg is to put one egg (plus or minus a smidge of butter) in a ramekin, cover with clingfilm, pierce the film with a fork, and microwave on the second-highest setting for 40 seconds (you may need to experiment a little with your microwave). I do this almost every morning, and have my poached egg and a piece of toast, which keeps me going more or less until lunchtime, with a mid-morning piece of fruit or a few nuts.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    The quickest way to poach an egg is to put one egg (plus or minus a smidge of butter) in a ramekin, cover with clingfilm, pierce the film with a fork, and microwave on the second-highest setting for 40 seconds (you may need to experiment a little with your microwave). I do this almost every morning, and have my poached egg and a piece of toast, which keeps me going more or less until lunchtime, with a mid-morning piece of fruit or a few nuts.

    Thank you! That sounds good. My boyfriend always does his in the microwave, but he just gets a microwave bowl and some water. Not sure how long he leaves it for. I might try it tomorrow morning.
  • OK_Girl
    OK_Girl Posts: 123 Member
    it sounds like you have gotten alot of great advice here, the only thing I can comment on is your plan for a bagel half with spread- that's not what I meant- keep your lunch the same. Keep eating the lunch meant (you need the protien!) But you don't need that ,many calories from that bagel so substitute half of that bagel, with an apple AND a green salad, AND some carrots. Half that bagel is 150 cals! An apple, some carrot sticks, and some salad should be an equal trade out.

    KEEP the protien tho, k? NEVER remove protien from a meal because you feel it has too many colories. Calaries usually come from fats, sugars, and carbs- so if you need to trim so cals from a meal, look to reduce but NOT eliminate one of the carbs, fat etc- it's al about moderation. Eat whatever you want- as long as it is balanced, and don't eleminate entire food groups to meet your calorie goal.

    I second the poached egg! Also you can boil eggs which will last a week in the fridge.
    I use a bit of water in my micriwave poached eggs, and I break the yolk.

    Good job for asking for help, and taking on all the advice. It is allot to process! You CAN do this, and we ARE here to help. Just don't give up, the learning part is the HARDEST, but beleive it or not- it soon becomes second nature- and that is when you have gotten over the hump.

    PS I had to make my hubbie stope buying me huge bags of choccies. Now he brings me flowers instead- or he gets me something like a foot rub, etc.

    Here is one thing I do to tame my sweet tooth- when I just HAVE to have something. Cube a sweet potatoe or yam into one inch pieces. Toss with half a TBS olive oil and a pinch of salt. Roast at 450 for 30 mins on convection if you have it or gas mark 5 if my conversions don't fail me. When tender and started to crisp, pull out and drizzle with one table spoon honey and sprinkle with cinnamon. Heaven.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    it sounds like you have gotten alot of great advice here, the only thing I can comment on is your plan for a bagel half with spread- that's not what I meant- keep your lunch the same. Keep eating the lunch meant (you need the protien!) But you don't need that ,many calories from that bagel so substitute half of that bagel, with an apple AND a green salad, AND some carrots. Half that bagel is 150 cals! An apple, some carrot sticks, and some salad should be an equal trade out.

    KEEP the protien tho, k? NEVER remove protien from a meal because you feel it has too many colories. Calaries usually come from fats, sugars, and carbs- so if you need to trim so cals from a meal, look to reduce but NOT eliminate one of the carbs, fat etc- it's al about moderation. Eat whatever you want- as long as it is balanced, and don't eleminate entire food groups to meet your calorie goal.

    I second the poached egg! Also you can boil eggs which will last a week in the fridge.
    I use a bit of water in my micriwave poached eggs, and I break the yolk.

    Good job for asking for help, and taking on all the advice. It is allot to process! You CAN do this, and we ARE here to help. Just don't give up, the learning part is the HARDEST, but beleive it or not- it soon becomes second nature- and that is when you have gotten over the hump.

    PS I had to make my hubbie stope buying me huge bags of choccies. Now he brings me flowers instead- or he gets me something like a foot rub, etc.

    Here is one thing I do to tame my sweet tooth- when I just HAVE to have something. Cube a sweet potatoe or yam into one inch pieces. Toss with half a TBS olive oil and a pinch of salt. Roast at 450 for 30 mins on convection if you have it or gas mark 5 if my conversions don't fail me. When tender and started to crisp, pull out and drizzle with one table spoon honey and sprinkle with cinnamon. Heaven.

    Thank you! That is very nice. Today I have half a bagel. I have added some spread to it (olive oil marg), but not too much. I have some turkey breast with it, tomato and cucumber. Resources were a little low, so I couldn't make a proper green salad. I only have an apple, no yoghurt today so we shall see how this plans out. :)

    I ate 2 pieces of salmon fillet last night (should have only had one but I've learned!) and some veg, and had no carbs so it was quite nice. However, I had some sweets which killed my day. Today I am going to be back on track and attempting to get back with less carbs!
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm really bad at following professional advice, so it's hard for me to understand this situation. I can see you like your nurse, but surely there are other people that could support you in doing what YOU want to do?

    Here's something to consider:

    There's no reason for you to lose weight faster. In fact, the faster you lose the weight, the more likely you are to regain it all.

    Dieting is NOT just about losing weight as fast as possible, but about learning a new lifestyle. This takes time.

    Slow and steady wins the race, IMHO.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I'm really bad at following professional advice, so it's hard for me to understand this situation. I can see you like your nurse, but surely there are other people that could support you in doing what YOU want to do?

    Here's something to consider:

    There's no reason for you to lose weight faster. In fact, the faster you lose the weight, the more likely you are to regain it all.

    Dieting is NOT just about losing weight as fast as possible, but about learning a new lifestyle. This takes time.

    Slow and steady wins the race, IMHO.

    No one else is very supportive, this is why I have turned to the internet for people with similar problems.

    I know I would regain it a lot faster if I lost it quickly, that is why I don't want to turn to 1,000kcals.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm really bad at following professional advice, so it's hard for me to understand this situation. I can see you like your nurse, but surely there are other people that could support you in doing what YOU want to do?

    Here's something to consider:

    There's no reason for you to lose weight faster. In fact, the faster you lose the weight, the more likely you are to regain it all.

    Dieting is NOT just about losing weight as fast as possible, but about learning a new lifestyle. This takes time.

    Slow and steady wins the race, IMHO.

    No one else is very supportive, this is why I have turned to the internet for people with similar problems.

    I know I would regain it a lot faster if I lost it quickly, that is why I don't want to turn to 1,000kcals.

    See, you already know what you need to do. Please have the confidence to listen to yourself. It won't be the first time a professional is wrong. :(
  • sherric1966
    I would get your meat and protein back in your diet pronto, cut out the carbs/bagels. Protein sustains you, keeps you full, helps your muscle (and prevents hair loss). I have just had wls and all they talk about is protein. If you are having foods high in protein, chances are they are high in nutrition as well. Eat your protein first, the veggies and finally carbs.

    As a wls patient we are told 900-1200 calories/day. I certainly think 1000 is way to low for you, considering you may be close.

    I would get a second opinion.
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    I assume that any medically qualified specialist will only ask you to do something because it is a MEDICAL need. Ask her / him to explain their thinking, and explain to them why you feel confused!
  • levstein
    Try it and see what happens. No use seeing a wm nurse about your weight and not taking her advise. Next time you see her she may change the amount up. Maybe she wants to see if this will bring quicker results. Whatever happens you will not starve on 1000 calories a day....I could easily eat this amount. I am on 1200 a day and have to fill my calorie amount at the end of the day to get up to that amount. My diary is open if you want to check it out and I am never hungry and lose consistantly. I have lost 26lbs in 11 weeks. Hope this helps you make up your mind. Oh and I'm 5ft 2in.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Get a second opinion, preferably from a nutritionist or registered dietician. Maybe your particular physical situation will respond well to it, but personally I'd raise an eyebrow if my doctor gave me that advice.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I have a friend who is doing a 1000cal/day diet with Dr. supervision. But, she doesn't choose what she eats, they give her a menu. That way she has the nutrients she needs. She is also taking supplements. I don't think 'dropping the most calorific thing off each meal' is necessarily the best advice unless you have cupcakes at every meal (wouldn't that be wonderful?) Make sure you are eating nutrient rich foods so that you get everything you need on a 1000cal/day plan.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I'm really bad at following professional advice, so it's hard for me to understand this situation. I can see you like your nurse, but surely there are other people that could support you in doing what YOU want to do?

    Here's something to consider:

    There's no reason for you to lose weight faster. In fact, the faster you lose the weight, the more likely you are to regain it all.

    Dieting is NOT just about losing weight as fast as possible, but about learning a new lifestyle. This takes time.

    Slow and steady wins the race, IMHO.

    No one else is very supportive, this is why I have turned to the internet for people with similar problems.

    I know I would regain it a lot faster if I lost it quickly, that is why I don't want to turn to 1,000kcals.

    See, you already know what you need to do. Please have the confidence to listen to yourself. It won't be the first time a professional is wrong. :(

    I never have the confidence because I know that I will spiral out of control and eat too little and make myself ill, and this has happened before. I feel that I only have professional help to stop me doing this, as well as helping me maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    @levstein - You're right. That fact has really hit me hard. I think I will try it for a short period and see what she says. I know I'm definitely not going to get malnourished on 1000kcals. If it does really make me think I need to eat less, or even spiral out of control - I shall stop.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I have a friend who is doing a 1000cal/day diet with Dr. supervision. But, she doesn't choose what she eats, they give her a menu. That way she has the nutrients she needs. She is also taking supplements. I don't think 'dropping the most calorific thing off each meal' is necessarily the best advice unless you have cupcakes at every meal (wouldn't that be wonderful?) Make sure you are eating nutrient rich foods so that you get everything you need on a 1000cal/day plan.

    I wish I was given a menu! Would make my life so much easier. She just gave me a food diary and told me to cut a calorific item out of each meal!