I want to give up!



  • jiva57
    jiva57 Posts: 21 Member
    Don't give up!!!
    Losing weight is hard. Staying fat is harder.

    As we get older, our bodies retain fluid to replace the fat YOU ARE BURNING longer (it's called homeostasis). It will let go soon.

    Also, you are gaining muscle.
    Advice: Measure inches immediately so you have more than one way to track progress. You should already notice slightly looser pants. Keep your salt intake under 2500 - critical.

    You'll see a difference this week.
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    Just continue to work hard and stay positive. It has only been two weeks, it takes a long time and a lot of hard work to start seeing results. You kind of have to forget about the time period and just work on being a healthier person overall, the results will follow.
  • tnewcomb4
    tnewcomb4 Posts: 3 Member

    This happens to the best of us. It sounds like you may be trying to make too big of a change at one time.

    It's time to take a step back and re-evaluate. Making the decision and jumping in with both feet is a great thing! Your passion is a good thing!

    Scale things back a bit - perhaps work out just 2 days a week and just concentrate on your nutrition for now, but DO NOT GIVE UP! We all go through this. Keep fighting the fight!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    You can out eat any exercise. Check your diet. And a gain in a new exercise routine is normal.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I'd love to know your statistics. What is your calorie goal. Open your diary so we can see what you are eating. This is doable. Don't quit.
  • jLarson18
    Your diet is they key to all weight loss. You could be eating the MFP amount of calories, but if your not eating healthy you wont see the results. Remember this is a life change, the pounds will come off, sometimes all you can do is persevere, and fight for it. I have been there done that. I used to play professional hockey till I blew my knee out, I then gained 30 pounds. It has taken me a while but im close now. If I can do it so can you!
  • jwatson7
    jwatson7 Posts: 58 Member
    I fell into a habit awhile back of getting on the scale almost every day and began to get frustrated. I decided, for me, it was best if I ditched the scale and started going by how my clothes fit. I had much better result once I gave up the scale and number obsession. I will occasionally step on the scale to see where I am now that I am more or less maintaining but nothing like I was before! Weight loss is not a sprint, its a marathon. Keep at! You'll get there!
  • SocWkrBee
    I worked out at least 50 min. a day for 4 weeks and gained 6lbs. I finally had to add more of a diet in with my exercising. I now eat 1200 calories a day and cut out almost all of my fat intake. I have now lost a total of 10lbs in 3 weeks. Some people just have to go to extra extremes. When you cut your calories this low you also have to find foods that make you feel full and provide energy. This is what worked for me.

    This is what I have been told is my problem. I was told that I was eating too much and needed to make more of a deficit. I have not made the changes yet, but maybe give that a try?
  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    I second the suggestion for taking measurements and not stepping on the scale- especially if you are doing hip hop abs. While it is cardio intensive, it was clearly meant for building and defining muscle in the midsection (and thighs! from my experience :) ). While you are not seeing difference on the scale, I'm assuming that your waist is probably looking narrower and your muscle tone is started to make all your curvy areas look a little more taught and defined- those are things you should be proud of and should relish in, not be disappointed about.

    Also, 14 days is not very long at all- You're going to need a hell of a lot more determination and willpower than that. You're in the adjustment phase of a new LIFESTYLE, not some magic soup diet that sheds weight like snakes shed skin. Have patience with your body and encourage it to do what you expect of it, what you want of it, and soon enough, it will come along. Wanting to quit after two weeks doesn't get you anywhere except feeling defeated and miserable and weak.

    I also have to suggest that you start setting goals for yourself outside of the weight you want to reach. Weight can be useful as a goal and as an indicator of progress, but it is not the be-all end-all of getting in shape. Having other goals to work towards can be a great motivator when you aren't seeing progress on the scale. For example, I haven't seen my weight budge once in two weeks, but where I started out hardly finishing a mile run at the beginning of those two weeks, I can now run 3.5 miles. Thats a hell of a lot of improvement, and it reinforced that I am making AWESOME progress! I'd like for you to know how that feels too.
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    I haven't read the previous entries, so I apologize if I am repeating anything. You are exercising a lot! That is great, but at the same time you need to be more patient with your body. Right now (yes, even 2 weeks later) your body is hoarding everything you put into it because of all the changes. When you add in exercise, especially if you are doing any weight training, chances are it will take a long time before you see results. I would highly suggest you take a body fat measurement and use that from time to time to judge your progress. It's just another tool, but often when the scales aren't moving, this is!
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    Oh, don't give up!

    There are so many factors that go into making weight loss happen. Right off the top of my head:

    Make sure you are weighing and measuring as accurately as possible and using accurate versions of foods in the database...so many are incorrect. A tip when logging plain foods is to use the listing that does NOT have an asterisk beside it. It came from the USDA nutrient data base and will be more accurate than someones personal entry.

    How are you logging exercise...try to get a good HRM that uses your specific info. This will be better than the exercise database as well.

    Make sure your foods are healthy and clean, processed foods just make us hold onto water that we don't need.

    Sometime it just all a math game, so go over your numbers and make sure your getting what you need. Try dropping your carbs lower for a week and your fats higher...or some other self experimentation. Clearly something needs to change, so don't give up something will work for you! :smile:
  • Jmich1229
    NOOOOOO! Don't give up! You are making great progress by just getting the workouts in, and besides maybe feeling a little sore, you should start feeling better physically by working out. Give yourself credit for getting serious and getting up and being dedicated thus far. Give yourself more time to see results, after all it's only been 13 days. I gain 5- 8 lbs every month like clockwork, so I know that I have to ignore the scale and tape measure during that particular week. Someone else may have more knowledge in this area, but I'm thinking you may be gaining a little muscle with the workouts that could be kinda throwing the scales off a bit, but im not sure about that. Sometimes I have a tendency to forget to log something I have eaten which results in calories that dont make the log. Keep up the good work, because you are inspiring me to get with the program and do better. Good luck and hang in there!
  • ladyicye50
    ladyicye50 Posts: 34 Member
    Don't give up. You may need to adjust your food intake up or down. Make sure you drink plenty of water that is important. When I first started out, I would get to my job 15 minutes early and go for a walk, then I would walk 20 minutes on my lunch break (before I ate) and then 15 minutes after work. I broke it down into small components so it wouldn't be too much at once. Just think, this is a 50 minute workout.

    You CAN do it!!!!
  • thoeting
    thoeting Posts: 89 Member
    Lots of things come to mind

    Are you on ANY medication or supplement? Some of those encourage weight gain

    Which, btw, is NOT fat, it IS water.

    Check your water out - make sure it is consistently 64 - 90 ounces a day. IMO, nothing counts but water. plain water

    Also, for me there are only 2 weeks in the month I CAN lose weight. Any other time, I stay the same or gain. it has to do with TOM I think

    Hormones play a big part in this too. The more stressed you are about losing weight, the more likely the weight is to stay on. Sux huh?

    Try your best to add a yoga, or pilates class. If that is not possible, make sure you are stretching about 1/3 of the time you work out. In my case, if I do a 45 minute spin, I stretch for 15. It's not an option for me. It must happen. That stretching will help the body heal, and release some of the cortisol.

    Lastly, you are almost 40. This is life. FWIW, take care of it now, because when you are 50 (as I am) it only gets harder....much MUCH harder

    Good luck ...message me if you want encouragement or if I can help
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    On September 10, I started really getting serious with my weight loss goal. I have gotten up at 5am every week day and have worked out. I work out later in the day on Saturday, and Sunday is my rest day. Some days I work out twice, and also get one or two 15 minute walks in durring the work day. I have logged in on MFP, and stayed pretty close to my calorie goal. I gained 2 pounds in the first week. I dropped those 2 mystery pounds, but now exactly where I started 14 days ago. I have no progress. No pounds down, no inches lost. I am not a morning person at all. It is HUGE that I get up at 5am to do these work outs (Hip Hop Abs). I want to quit! I feel like I'm doing all this hard work for nothing.

    Well you did just start. If your diary was open we could be of more help. From what you have said I think that you are working out too much and not eating enough. But there's no way for me to know. I've been using MFP for over a year and never even hit a plateau.
  • dhanisk
    I think it is your frustration speaking when you say "I give up". What is your alternative once you give up?
    How long did it take you to put the excess weight on? Did you do it in two weeks? If not, it is unrelasitic to expect to lose it in two weeks!

    The mantra is really simple. Keep your net calories (food calories minus exercise calories) at least 1200 per day.

    If you do not like exercising in the morning, why try to do it then? Work out in the evening.

    Also, you do not have to do extensive workout every day. I found that four days of cardio works great for me. I have been able to maintain a pound week since I began on MFP in late July. Try different times and see what works best for you. then, stick with it for a few months.

    Adding pounds is easy. anyone can do it. Losing takes discipline, some work and determination. That is why not everyone can do it. But, I am sure you can.

  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    Also, another note: I am not a morning person, either. I find that taking a nice walk outside at around sunset for about an hour really relieves stress, which is a killer for weight loss. Give it a try. :)
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm sure people on here will rake me over the coals for saying this but...

    1) I think working out at 5am 6 days a week isn't sustainable. Find a routine that doesn't make you miserable. There is NO need to work out that much if you are eating at a deficit. Working out doesn't = Losing weight. Diet will play a MUCH larger part. How about doing M-W-F morning at 5am and later either Sat/Sun? 4 times a week at 45min-hour is PLENTY of working out at first. Get in a routine (with your diet and exercise). I think the biggest mistake people make starting out is going "whole hog" then getting burnt out. Baby steps...

    2) You didn't put on this weight over night and killing yourself isn't going to take it off over night. Give your body time to adjust. It took me a year 1/2 to take off 42 pounds. SLOW and STEADY will always win the race.

    3) Quitters never win. Quitting shouldn't even be an option.
  • holliehhobbie
    holliehhobbie Posts: 17 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Since you are getting up earlier are you going to bed earlier? If your body is not getting enough rest it will mess with your weight.
    But I agree with everyone else, don’t give up. It’s not about weight but being healthy.
    Something I did notice about myself, I could eat the right calories, but if the other nutrients were two high (sugar, carbs, fat) then I just maintained my current weight and clothing size.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Two weeks isn't enough time. One of my friends mentioned she tracked her food for two MONTHS before looking at how to edit it.
    Be gentle with yourself.