I want to give up!



  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Well I don't blame you BUT I would scrap the 5 AM work outs and take another look at your calorie intake. You have to be happy and if waking up early everyday is torture then stop it. Also two weeks is not enough time to really see if what you are doing is working. We as women have a whole month of ups and downs in weight naturally. So stick with it. Make some changes that make you happy and just keep swimming.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    If you are working out this hard and eating correctly the weight will come off - changing your diet is the most important piece. Also, keep an eye on your sodium.

    You can do it.
  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    Stick with it. You have been working on this for 14 days...may take another week or two before you start to have noticable changes. Took me 3 1/2 weeks before the scale started moving in the right direction...and even went up about 2 lb. Once I started losing, it stayed pretty steady at 1.5-2lb per week. Now, after 90 days, I have lost 20 lb and 4" from waist. Your body is adjusting to new activity...metabolism is changing...you're probably gaining some muscle...just hang in there and make sure that what you log is accurate (use a food scale to know how many servings of food you are actually eating).
  • Ladymomo9
    Ladymomo9 Posts: 35 Member
    When I read your header I only thought...how many times have I given up? I'd be in perfect shape if I hadn't. I'd be completely happy, satisfied with life and completely successful in all that I do. RIght? Probably not. I mean, honestly, if it's not one thing it's another. Truth be told, the only person you giving up will effect is you. You'll be disappointed, you won't lose weight, you'll be mad and nobody really cares if you can't fit into your clothes. Nobody knows your struggle but you. Stay strong sister...It's the journey that builds your character...just think about those that may be watching you that are inspired by you....
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    If quitting is what you want more than success, you should. :)

    Also- you cant be serious 'this time' as opposed to other times. You are only 'serious' once, and that's the once that you finish instead of quit.

    Good luck either way! (feeling happy where you are and not changing, or proving than you can finish something that was really difficult and being happy with that)
  • KBroWnie85
    KBroWnie85 Posts: 6 Member
    Don't give up! If you need some motivation add some friends from MFP! I wanted to give up as well.. this is so tough! I'm hoping I can make some great motivatiional friends on here! :)
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm sure people on here will rake me over the coals for saying this but...

    1) I think working out at 5am 6 days a week isn't sustainable. Find a routine that doesn't make you miserable. There is NO need to work out that much if you are eating at a deficit. Working out doesn't = Losing weight. Diet will play a MUCH larger part. How about doing M-W-F morning at 5am and later either Sat/Sun? 4 times a week at 45min-hour is PLENTY of working out at first. Get in a routine (with your diet and exercise). I think the biggest mistake people make starting out is going "whole hog" then getting burnt out. Baby steps...

    2) You didn't put on this weight over night and killing yourself isn't going to take it off over night. Give your body time to adjust. It took me a year 1/2 to take off 42 pounds. SLOW and STEADY will always win the race.

    3) Quitters never win. Quitting shouldn't even be an option.

    I totally agree.
  • Just remember muscle weighs more than fat and if you are working out a lot as it sounds as though you are,
    you may not be eating enough. Just be honest and it will come off. :) Keep going!!
  • chmiddleton
    chmiddleton Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I will clarify that I calculate all my exercise calories by using my heart rate monitor. I never use the MFP estimation. Also, I usually eat under my allotted calories for the day. This past week, my summary said that I was 834 calories under my weekly goal. My daily goal was 500 calories (1pound a week loss). So, that should account for something. I usually did eat my exercise calories back. Some days I did not go over my calorie goal, and others I was barely over, or right on it. I have now dropped my calorie goal to 1.5 pound a week, and I'm going to try not to eat all my exercise calories.

    The Hip Hop Abs is more cardio than anything else. In the mornings, I do 30 minutes of cardio (Fat Burning Cardio routine). 5am is the only time I can gaurentee that I can get my workout in. My schedule is too demanding to fit it in later in the day, unless I push it.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    Try to remember two things,
    1) You didn't put on the weight over night, so it wont come off over night
    2) You could be adding muscle, which could have the scale at a stand still. Try taking measurements to see if you've lost inches.

    You might also have to play around with what works for you in your food. Maybe you're not eating enough, or you're eating too much. It takes time to find the right equation of everything.

  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    When I read your header I only thought...how many times have I given up? I'd be in perfect shape if I hadn't. I'd be completely happy, satisfied with life and completely successful in all that I do. RIght? Probably not. I mean, honestly, if it's not one thing it's another. Truth be told, the only person you giving up will effect is you. You'll be disappointed, you won't lose weight, you'll be mad and nobody really cares if you can't fit into your clothes. Nobody knows your struggle but you. Stay strong sister...It's the journey that builds your character...just think about those that may be watching you that are inspired by you....

    This is a great post and is a wonderful point of view- I know that I'll be reminding myself of it tonight when I don't want to run those last ten minutes!
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    I would like to encourage you! You have come TOO FAR to turn around! CONSISTENCY is KEY! My hubby would tell me, "Honey, the weight didn't come on overnight! It is NOT going to go overnight either!" You know what?? Wasn't that the truth! Also, this life style change is NOT a race, it is a long marathon. Keep your pace and you WILL WIN the goal! Just think how many other SUCCESSFUL people have dropped weight! YOU CAN DO THIS! We are all cheering for you and we believe in you! HUGS!:drinker:
  • Don't give up! Keep up your efforts! Maybe you are already gained 2 pound of muscle and in a short time you'll notice a change in how your clothes fit and feel versus the numbers on the scale. I completely understand not being a morning person! I have to be to work by 5am and find I'm drained by the end of the day with no energy to take care of me. Working moms UNITE! We will win this battle!!! Keep your eyes on your goal :)
  • emeliasmith
    emeliasmith Posts: 4 Member
    A lot of people don't know that if you have been a yo-yo dieter your body will take longer to let go of those pounds because of past inconsistency. Also as a woman you are designed to not lose weight! Just give it time, I am in the same boat only more complicated by breastfeeding. Frustrating.
  • I completely sympathize with you. This weekend I purposely just ate whatever I wanted (definitely went over my calorie goal) but I'm glad I did. Now I am more motivated than ever to make better choices on what I eat and to actually work out on a more consistent basis. I HATE working out and especially going to the gym. Like someone else mentioned you didn't gain the pounds overnight so it's not going to come off overnight. One person I talked to said it could take up to 6 months to a year to get back down to the weight I want to be at. Don't give up and don't be too hard on yourself. You will start to notice the difference but not immediately.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I think you should quit.

    Now wait a sec ...

    Stop for a sec ...

    And ask yourself how long did it take you to grow up? Learn something, achieve something worthwhile?

    If you are ready to quit after two weeks you are looking at this the wrong way.

    So yeah, quit, quit the idea that great things are achieved in short periods, this is going to take time, it will require effort but the results are sooo worth it.

    Quit the quitting and take this for the long, great ride it is going to be.
    There are no 2 minute miracles.
  • kimdsmith76
    kimdsmith76 Posts: 7 Member
    Don't give up! Switch up your routine. I understand how frustrating it can be. I go off and on the wagon, but the main thing is that I keep getting back on. Sometimes, your body just doens't want to cooperate, and you have to keep on going to make your body do what you want. Good Luck!
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Open your diary yo
  • Don't give up! Give yourself time to figure out what works for you. Each person's body is different. You will succeed!
  • kjjonzee
    kjjonzee Posts: 1 Member
    I started my weight loss journey with weight watchers a few years back. One of the first things our leader told us was DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED THE FIRST 14-30 days. Your body is in shock from the change in your habits. At first , you may very well gain a couple pounds. But I bet if you took your measurements when you started and today they would certainly shrink. One of the other things she said to us was, try not to be obsessed with the scale. this part is a bit hard given that fitnesspal is really self-driven and meetings are not an option (nor a desire for me anymore). Use your clothes as a judge for progress. I only weigh myself (or I try to) once a week first thing in the morning. The third thing is it takes your body about a week to catch up with what you have done last week. So for me, I noticed if I really jacked up eating one week, the scale won't show it until the following week. This is why you can get away with giving yourself a cheat day--provided you have the discipline to get back on plan. And last, this whole thing is about consistency. Working out too much might actually cause your body stress overload and injury. I work out 4-5days a week for 45 minutes and give my body time to recover. Once you have your routine down, two to three weeks should show some results.

    I fell off weight watchers and slowly let 18 of the 43 lbs I lost come back. Its been a bit of a battle and I have stopped and started a lot over the last year. But now I am on a roll and I am sure you can be too! Stay up! Stay positive! And envision the new svelt you you are working toward.

    I hope this helps.

    P.S. I used to have a post it on my desk that said: Manage your calories. Eat your veggies like momma told you. And make sure to keep good healthy snacks in between meals. It was helpful