whats pi**ed you off today?



  • xxMyWeighxx
    1) my sister pitching a fit when she didn't get a new phone (seriously, she's 17!)
    2) gaining a pound :,(
  • dsmboy1991
    dsmboy1991 Posts: 194 Member
    I woke up and it was freaking Monday. God I hate that.
  • fitforlife34
    fitforlife34 Posts: 331 Member
    i woke up mad, mondays are mad days for me. Just having to work today, and also when your best friend writes about how much she's in love on her facebook, and so does her friedn (who she set up with her bf friend), and you have to realize how much you hate being single...
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    Almost creamed by a pickup who pulled right out in front of my bicycle this morning. He had to hit his brakes and I had to swerve, all because he didn't look before leaving his stop sign.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I'm a bit pis sed that I can't get over this little pity party I'm having.....lol
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    My freaking dog waking me up at 4am barking at NOTHING, Literally NOTHING

    It was just the ghost. It happens sometimes.
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    Okay, this afternoon I had a moment but after reading posts from everyone I can honestly say I no longer have a moment to be pi**ed off about. I do not think I deserve to after what everyone else has going one. Here is to hoping tomorrow is a better day for all of us! :drinker:
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    Jillian Michael's pi** me off today. lol
  • Celestialfairie
    Pretty good mood/day/etc... but as for one minor thing that is ticking me off?

    I'm wearing my glasses because the lights/weather just are killing (they're for reading). Stupid freaking coating on them is getting dirty like crazy and I just can't keep them clean! It almost makes me want to not wear them at all.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I am having a FANTASTIC day. I slept in and got to work late but even that didn't set me off.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    fitted sheet folding is easy breezy lemon-squeezy once you get the hang of it. There are some really informative videos on youtube that show you how. they'll basically look brand new out of the package with just a little practice.

    I haven't had any blood-boiling anger today but my patience with my 2 yr old nephew was a lot shorter this morning because I was so tired. I'm better now, just needed to wake up. Thank you, coffee!
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    My co-worker. But that's EVERY DAY.

    I thank God on a daily basis that I don't have to live with him.:happy:
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    I can beat everyone that's posted so far.

    Found out my sewer line is broken. Badly. My basement is finished. They're going to have to take out part of the bathroom wall to be able to fix it. FML.

    I have been there - sewer line broke between the house and the street, flooded the basement. Between digging up the yard and cleaning the basement, I was out 10k. (Hopefully yours will be cheaper!)

    Don't tell me that. *sob*
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    But seriously, what is the point of folding fitted sheets? It isn't like wrinkles are/should be a problem. And just think how much time is wasted folding them.

    Now I'm pi**ed at the inefficiency...
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Chopping onions and rubbing my eye.... seriously, it gets me EVERY TIME! (havent left the house so only 'I' could p!ss me off lol)

    onions don't make my eyes water but I read in good housekeeping that if you freeze the onion for 15-20 mins before you chop it won't do that. The part that makes you tear up is the slimy part between the layers of the onion. When that slimy part is kinda frozen it doesn't give the same reaction.
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    Been sick today. Got mad thinking about all the stuff I'll miss in classes and I have to drag myself up and go make prints.

    Not sure if I'm physically sick or just mentally, work was terrible this weekend, tired of female coworkers always being dramatic and passive aggressive about things. Hey, if your life is all about work, that's fine. Just because I don't like my job and have hopes for better doesn't mean I'm personally insulting you by existing.

    Also, many attitudes unbecoming of 50+ year old women. You'd think by then people could just say 'I really disagree with you and what you said upsets me because I am passionate about retail and this company.' instead of yelling and sniping.

    Fyi all I did was tell a customer that Copps had an organic produce section more extensive than our store because my boss always pretends to get mad when we joke about other stores. The coworker overheard and became angry.

    And two days later I did a small experiment to see if she was still being passive aggressive about it. She'll tell everyone else bananas need to be topped but very rarely does them herself. She told a male coworker earlier that he could do them. (though they didn't absolutely have to that very moment, since we were very busy filling) He was busy and didn't want to at the moment, and another male coworker was going to be in and he liked doing them. So I told him that.

    Then she mentioned he could do them again when I was in the room and I said that the other coworker would be in in a half hour and would love doing them.

    I figured what would happen is she would get him to the back room, tell him I wasn't his boss and he could decide for himself how to prioritize work, and wheedle him into doing it. And he told me that's exactly what happened when he came back with some bananas a half an hour later!

    She stuck to him like glue all day that day, like he was her new favourite thing and basically bossed him around. I found it hilarious because she always acts like she's the boss of us and she's wheedled me into topping bananas before when the sales floor was half empty, we already had bananas, and I KNEW they could wait until later, and she wasn't prioritizing. But she'd keep at me until I gave in. And if she ever said she'd help, she'd appear at the last moment, do one box, and take away the cardboard which is the best part of doing it because you get to spend a few minutes off of the sales floor. So I wasn't even mad that day, just amused. at how predictable people can be.

    And no matter which upper boss you tell about her 'catching up with old friends' on the sales floor for half her shift, no one does anything about it. But if the three younger associates and I are in back working and talking for five minutes (literally five, I've started keeping times), we get dirty looks and 'Really, guys?' from our immediate boss.

    Tired of double standards and discrimination against younger employees. Sorry for ranting, if I could go to my bosses about things like this, I wouldn't feel the need to...
  • MoveTheMountain
    But seriously, what is the point of folding fitted sheets? It isn't like wrinkles are/should be a problem. And just think how much time is wasted folding them.

    Now I'm pi**ed at the inefficiency...

    I'm proud to say I waste no time on folding fitted sheets. I save my energy for things that are possible, like cold fusion, solving world hunger, global warming...
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    Being at the Court House for 5 1/2 Hours.... :devil:
  • jamface11
    Name one thing that has made your blood boil today? Mine was trying to fold a fitted sheet neatly! Seriously - I nearly lost it!

    I spent a good half an hour watching a Martha Stewart video over and over again until I could do it, now my life is soooo much easier :)
  • KxCoyote
    KxCoyote Posts: 122 Member
    Waking up to 3 hornets in the house (can't kill them, I have to catch them and release them outside) and got stung, right in the elbow after being chased around by the last one. :l Still released it outside.